
Special corner: The Hidden Side Character

It was lunch hour. Miss Ivy was doing her usual routine, delivering lunch to the boys.

From afar, she could see Prince Leon lying on the ground, looking tired and frustrated.

"Urgh.... damn it! I lost again!"

"hahaha hahaha! Tough luck, kid! You did almost have me there, but you let your guard down. I guess I may have to fight a little more seriously from now on. I think it may take you another nine years to beat me. Hahahahahaha"


Prince Leon sat quietly as he sulked in agony.

"But you were quite amazing, Leon. Even if you haven't beat master, but you probably could be the 2nd best swordsman in the kingdom."

Sir Gregory tried to cheer Prince Leon, but his efforts probably made it worst when he said 2nd Best.

"Father, you shouldn't tease them so much even if you are number 1."

Miss Ivy meant well, but her remarks on number 1 hurt Prince Leon's pride even more.

"Come on, your highness, let's stop sulking and have lunch together. I've asked the kitchen to make your favourite fried chicken sandwich."

"I wasn't sulking; I was only reflecting on my mistakes on how I could beat master next time."

"Ok, ok, but don't overwork yourself too much. Being number 1 is not that important, you know. The most important thing is that you've tried your best."

"No, I have to be number 1."


Prince Leon then began to blush and cover his head with his hood so that Ivy couldn't see his face, and then he went over to eat his lunch without a word of reply.

While Ivy remained puzzled, she couldn't understand why the Prince was so fixated to become number 1.

<maybe it's just a protagonist thing. The male lead always has to be the winner. I guess pretty tough way of life for characters, after all. Thank goodness that I'm side character>

Ivy just smiled, not knowing that the cause of the Prince's grief was because of her.

While the boys were happily eating their lunch, Ivy graciously hosted them with some drinks and a hidden agenda.

"By the way, your excellencies, about our trip to the hunting ground this season. I want to ask both of you for a very tiny favour."


Both of them flinch

Then Prince Leon immediately rejected Ivy.


"But I haven't even said anything yet!"

"You want to use our pictures as models for your new merchandise again."

" Uhm .... hohoho", She laughs casually, "how did your highness know..."

"What do you mean? How do I know? You do this every hunting season!"

"Hohohoho..... but your highness, you haven't heard what I'm willing to trade for it."

"Whatever you are offering, I'm not interested. The last time you did it, all the girls came running after me with my picture as if I were the prey, and they were the hunters! So NO! I'm definitely Not Doing It!"

"Hohoho, I'm glad to see the young ones so energetic during the day."

Suddenly a familiar voice made Ivy turn around, and a small old man stood by the courtyard gates.


She ran over to greet him along with the Duke.

"Father in law, why are you here? Are you not suppose to be resting at home?"

It was the duchess father, Mr Micha Omer, the guild master of the Raven wolves. Mr Omer's background has always been a little mysterious. Miss ivy learns that her grandfather was a merchant, and he had a vast network with many royals. He used to be an underground mastermind where he searched and traded classified information for the royals. Mr Omer always had a cunning way of resolving difficult situations, and he absolutely adores his granddaughter.

"Grandpapa, is your back feeling better?"

"Oh, my sweet, sweet granddaughter. I'm feeling so much better now. Thanks to the peppermint oil cream that you made for me. You really are such a bright young child."

"I didn't really do much, Grandpapa. I just so happen to read that peppermint cream can help relieve pain. I'm glad that it helps you a little."

" oh my, it helps me a lot, especially when my granddaughter makes it with love. My back feels ten times stronger already."

"Father in law, I'm happy to see that you are better now. What brings you here today?"

"Hmph! I'm just here to see my daughter and my precious granddaughter. Do I need even your permission for that?"

"No father in law, you may come and go freely as you please."

Even though Father is a duke and a war hero, he becomes even smaller in size than grandfather when it comes to grandfather.

"You look like you were having an argument. Is there anything I can help, my dear?"


I then explained to Grandfather that I was trying to convince the Prince and the prime minister son to be our models for the upcoming merchandise during the hunting season, but the Prince firmly rejected me.

"Ah, I see, don't worry, my dear let me handle this."

"What are you going to do?"

"Hmmm, would you mind, my dear, call for your mother and prepare some refreshments for us? It's been a while since I had tea time with both of you."

"Huh, yes, of course, grandpapa."

"Great, I'll come in and join you later. I shall greet his royal highness first."

"Then, father-in-law, I shall also take my leave. Please do stay as long as you like."

"Of course, I will! I will spend as much time as I want with my darling daughter and my precious granddaughter to my heart's content! You can just leave! Hmph!"

After the Duke and his daughter left the scene

The old man slowly walks over to greet the two young men.

"Greetings, your royal highnesses, my apologies for not greeting you first when I arrive. Please forgive the rudeness of this foolish old man. My name is Micah Omer. I'm Ivy's grandfather, and the guild master of the Raven wolfs."

"Pleased to meet your acquaintance, Mr Omer. My name is Prince Leon Lambert, crown prince of his royal majesty."

"My name is Gregory Lewis, first son of Prime Minister Lewis. It is a pleasure to meet you too, Mr Omar."

"My granddaughter has mentioned many great things about both of you. Both of you have taken great care of my granddaughter, and I thank you for that. I can see that you are both as charming and as handsome as the rumour says. No wonder my granddaughter likes you so much."

"Huh? Really? Did she actually say that?"

Prince Leon immediately showed a stunned expression while the old man naturally turned his back away from them and grinned cunningly.

Mr Omar was a natural actor, and he was experienced at playing with a person's heart.

As an ex underground mastermind, he could easily manipulate people to act the way he wanted, but after meeting his granddaughter, he has sworn not to use his powers again.

However, this time for his granddaughter's sake, making his granddaughter happy is much more important than his oath.

So he started playing with the Prince.

"Yes.. of course. Does Your highness doubt this frail old man's words?"

" oh no, it is just that it's a little bit hard to believe, that is all. I never knew Miss Ivy felt that way."

"My granddaughter is like any other fair maiden, and she is just shy to express her feelings. But I understand that your highness engagement with my granddaughter is just an arrangement by his royal majesty. If you ever feel troubled by it and would like to annul the engagement, please do tell this old man, and I'll be happy to... "


Prince Leon shouted, suddenly looking nervous, then he tried to stay composed.

"no, I mean... It wouldn't be right to trouble you with anything, and I do not dislike Miss Ivy either....."

the Prince answered and blush

Gregory was standing beside the Prince and was deeply enjoying this conversation.

"I see.... forgive this old man for jumping to conclusions. I just thought that since your highness showed great displeasure earlier with my granddaughter, so I assume as so."

"No, that was just ..... Miss Ivy was asking for a difficult favour..."

"I see... I apologize on behalf of my granddaughter to think she has cause trouble to your highness. I will severely lecture her later."

"No, no! It is not her fault. I was the one who should have been more understanding of her. I shouldn't have rejected her. I could do it if it were for her sake."

"But wouldn't it trouble your highness?"

"Not at all. I can endure anything for her."

"I see. I shall notify your highness decision to my granddaughter then. I'm sure she will be pleased."

"Thank you greatly for your help, Mr Omer."

"No, no, your highness, the pleasure is mine, and to show you my thanks for taking great care of my granddaughter, here is a special gift for your highness. It is from my special collection. I'm sure you will keep it as your secret treasure."

The old man slowly hands out a piece of paper and place it on prince Leon's hand.

It is a candid shot picture of Ivy smiling brightly.

From that day, Prince Leon never rejected Miss ivy's model request ever again. )^o^(


~~When a Grandfather first Met his Granddaughter ~~

When Miss Ivy first met Mr Omer, she was but only eight years old. Mr Omer had never met his grandchild before because he hated the father, Duke Augustine, for taking away his daughter from him. Mr Omer loves his daughter very much and hopes that she can find someone who will take over the family business and stay by his side. However, Mr Omer was afraid that if he saw his grandchild, he might end up hating her as well since she may remind him of the Duke that took away his daughter.

When the duchess wrote a letter to Mr Omer stating his granddaughter would like to visit him, the letter surprised him. He never thought that his grandchild would come looking for a grandfather that she had never met. When they finally meet, Mr Omer is surprised at how much his granddaughter resembles the duchess when she was younger. He regretted not meeting his grandchild earlier. Ever since then, Mr Omer decided to make an effort to stay close with his family and keep his granddaughter safe and happy.

The more Mr Omer spends time with Ivy, the more he notices that Ivy is a very peculiar child.

Instead of asking for candies or gifts like any other grandchild does, she gave Mr Omer ideas and business proposals.

"Grandpapa, I have an idea that can make us even richer! Hehe"

Mr Omer loved his granddaughter very much. He felt that she resembled him in many ways. Not only that, she is bright, but she also has a knack for doing business as if she had years of experience in marketing and business management.

<As expected of my granddaughter, she has the blood merchant after all>

But most of all, what he loves about her is her thoughtfulness for others and her vision of the wider picture.

There was a time when Mr Omer remembered that they bumped into a homeless child while shopping with his granddaughter.

The homeless child begged them for money, but instead of giving the child a penny, Miss ivy asked the child.

" If I give you money, I will be just like any other stranger that passes by. They see you not as a person but as rubbish by the street. Are you a person, or are you rubbish?"

"A person..." the small girl softly replied

"If you are a person, I'm actually looking to hire some people to help out at my new store. Not only do we give out three meals a day plus accommodation, but you will also get a yearly bonus too if the shop performs well. Would you like to accept this offer instead?"

"Yes, yes yes!" the small girl shouted excitedly.

"Ok, but we will put you on a temporary contract first. You must show me your worth that you, as a person, can be helpful in my business. If not, we will dismiss you immediately."

"No, miss! I can do it, I swear !"

"You can call me Ivy. May I know what's your name ?"

"I'm Elaine."

"Nice to meet you, Elaine. I look forward to working with you."

Mr Omer was astounded by Ivy's conversation with the child. To think that her granddaughter would have the ability to handle a situation like that at such a young age.

Mr Omer could imagine that his precious granddaughter will do great things one day, and whatever she wants to achieve, he will do his best to support her.

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