
Reasons To Hate Heath Collins

"Yeah..." he trailed off resting his back, holding his forearms up to keep him in place, "but it's still boring, who wants to be a goodie two shoes for the rest of their life, live a little, angel," I rolled my eyes at that, I don't even know why he's talking to me or even why he's talking about this, the guy is rich, he can get into millions of trouble, he's future is still safe and secure. "It's okay to break few rules but for me, it ruins the perfect future you have planned out," I said. "Perfect is fucking boring."

Africanbeauty13 · Teen
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2 Chs


Have I ever mentioned how much I loved Chemistry?

No? Okay then...

Call me a nerd or whatever, which in my defense, I am, but the learning of chemicals and blowing things up were so fascinating to me.

Yeah, definitely a nerd.

Everyone knew me as the school nerd, they didn't bully me or insult me if that's what you're thinking, people aren't that cliché.

Mrs. Turnips or whatever kept talking about something that had to do with multiplication, I just had to keep up, I wouldn't ruin my reputation of being a nerd by sleeping in class just because I decided to binge-watch Full House.

Blaming this on you, uncle Jesse.

Suddenly, the door swung open, I didn't look up from my notepad till a familiar stench of both cigarettes and vanilla hit my nostrils, how could someone smoke so much but yet smell so good? And if you're wondering who that 'someone' is, it's Heath.

The cause of attention.

Another reason to hate Heath Collins.

I decided to look up because I was slightly confused on why he was at school, call me cliché or whatever but he never attended his classes, well, sometimes he did but it would be at least 30 minutes to the class ending.

I sometimes wonder how that boy still gets his good grades...

Oh! Zuri, his parents are freaking loaded, he could buy his way out of everything.

Another reason to hate Heath Collins; he never once realizes the privileges he has.

Yeah, those were dumb reasons to hate on him but trust me when I say this, I have every right to hate him.

But wait a minute! Since when was he in my chemistry class?

I mean we once were, I use to do gym because...well, because, but I dropped out, he still does gym but I didn't want to stay in the same class with him, I hated being in the same room with him.

The only classes we were at together were just English lit and that was about it.

His hair was messy, his lips were red, probably ran a marathon of you know what I mean, not judging him there, those are boys for you and of course, he was wearing his famous black leather jacket.

He was okay, honestly, I don't see what girls see in him, like really.

Yes, he was athletic which may seem hot for girls...he knew how to dress, had the looks but that was it! Nothing else about him.

"Why are you in my class, Mr. Collins?" Mrs.Turn-the teacher asked Heath fully stopping her lesson to give him all his attention.

Heath was probably aware of the looks he was getting cause of the stupid smug look on his face acting as if he owned the place, of course, he can, HE IS RICH! So instead, he does I'm sure is highly inappropriate, he said, "Mrs. Vegetables, I just joined your class,"



This is a sick joke, some cruel joke.

Just like when people say there wasn't any space for Rose to move for Jack, THAT'S A JOKE, THERE WAS ENOUGH SPACE FOR HIM!!

He can't come to my class, he can't, I dropped out of PE, I can't drop out of English Lit, having one class with him is bad enough, how the hell could I handle two? I can't drop out of a class again because the second time, you have to pay and my mum is sort of out of cash so...

Damn it! Why couldn't you disappear from my life, Heath Collins? Just why???

The Teacher looked confused about what was coming out of Heath's mouth then went to her desktop to re-check the people in her class, her eyes roamed up and down till I noticed it budging then her eyes went wide, I knew she herself didn't like that he was here but since it's her job, she couldn't say anything, what she could do was to say...

"Have a seat, Mr. Collins,"

He smirked, probably out of victory, cheeky bastard.

I sighed rubbing my arms looking down at my notepad, it's not going be that bad, Zuri, it's not like he's going to be your partner, well, if he seats next to me, we were going to be partners but if he sat next to Tiffany, one of those girls at our school, then he would be her partner.

Yeah, he's going to seat next to her, I just know.

He walked forward probably looking for empty seats and his eyes scan to the left side of the class where Tiffany was sitting all on her own with an empty seat, I looked back down because I was expecting him to go there, not expecting. He will go there, I know guys like him all too well.

Suddenly, I felt a shuffle next to me, I was subconscious about this, who was moving seats? Then I heard the sound of the metal scrapping to the floor, I immediately look up only to see the face of Heath Collins.

Ugh! Why?!?

I didn't look at him for too long because knowing his cocky self, he would probably say something like "take a picture, it will last longer" then he'll probably add something like "babe" ugh! People like him were sometimes so predictable.

No, they're not, you thought he was going to sit next to Tiffany but look where we are?

Shut up.

"Hello Partner," I stiffened at his words.

I wanted to bash my head to the chair until I couldn't see any more until I couldn't see the sight of Heath Collins. I hated his presence as I said before but I'm a nerd, I can't say this to his face. I just have to be nice. I guess, something I really don't like doing but it's whatever.

So, I decided to put on a fake smile, bringing out my hand, "Hi," I said sheepishly.

He took my hand for a handshake and I almost grimaced at the contact, like I had said before, I don't want him anywhere near me, which includes contact.

I quickly removed my hand from his hold bringing my hand back to my side. He seemed taken back by that but soon after, he gets over it but instead, he sighed, resting on the table with both his forearms before turning to me, "so what do you guys do over here?"

In response, I shifted my notebook to him, not making any eye to eye contact with him and once, I was sure it was at his side, I said, "read,"

He took my book then I heard him flipping through pages rather so roughly and I was kind of scared that he was going to rip a page so I turned to him in panic but then he was looking at me and he was freaking grinning, "That was easy,"

I sighed and I mentally wanted to cuss him out and release all my anger at him, it disgusted me to see how he was acting as if nothing happened, acting as if I was supposed to comfortable with him, I can't and I most certainly will never be comfortable with him.

"What do you want? You said you didn't know what we were doing here, I gave you my notes, what else do you want?"

Okay, that wasn't so rude, I was being professional because unless, mister privilege decides to leave the class, he will be my partner for a whole semester, which meant my grades might be waving goodbye to me.

"I just wanted you to talk to me."

I slightly paused at this, how he said it, I couldn't tell if he was being sincere or if he was just being his usual cocky self.

Oh my god! I'm just being naïve all over again, he's just doing this to get in your pants, Zuri! Don't fall for it!

I had to fight back the urge to roll my eyes as I said, "We're talking now,"

He sighed nodding his head before taking my notes flipping through it more gently than before, I didn't say anything else other than that, I just looked to the other side not once facing him but I still felt holes at my back, I still felt someone watching me.

I really, really, want to drop out of Chemistry.

Finally, the class was over and I didn't waste any time getting my things and notebook from Heath, I packed my bags in a hurry, I didn't want to stay there anymore, plus, it was lunch and I was freaking starving.

I heard footsteps coming from behind me as I walked to my locker but I paid it no mind, we were in a room filled with students rushing out of their classes to go get fed, it's not that important.

Bringing my hand up to my locker, I began to unlock it, once it was opened. I removed my bag from my shoulder, making it sling through my right arm as I held it up with my right leg. I brought out the books from the subjects I've already done, placing them in my locker then taking out books from subjects I am about to do from my locker. I slammed shut my locker about to move the other way till I met a hard chest and the immediate smell of cigarettes and vanilla hit my nose.


I looked up to lock eyes with a pair of hazel ones but just as fast as I looked at him, I looked away, well, looked down to the ground, "Leave me alone,"

He sighed but didn't make a move to leave, I didn't like him here. He was popular and that also meant, attention and I knew people would come over here to see this scene and I HATE ATTENTION, "We are lab partners but how could we be partners if you don't talk to me?"

Okay, what the hell is going on with him about me not talking to him? If I didn't want to talk to him then I don't want to talk to him, it's that simple.

"If you worry so much, why don't you drop out of Chemistry?" I asked looking at him like he had two heads, "and I do talk to you,"

For someone unknown reason, he scoffed at that, "I and you both know that's not what I meant," I didn't say anything. I just shrugged at that as I held my books tighter to me, "for god's sake, you can't even look at me,"

I just sighed at this, "Look, I don't have time for this, okay? next time when we have a class we can talk because we have an actual reason to talk to each other but we're not in class anymore, so leave me alone,"

I thought that would set him back or something but it did nothing, in fact, his once serious look on his face turned smug. He had a sly smirk forming, "You know, you look hot when you're all fierce and angry,"

I scoffed aloud at that, I wasn't holding it back this time, "Okay, Collins, nice try and attempt,"

"Wanna hang?" he asked me as I turned on my heel about going to the cafeteria, I said nothing but walk away.

He comes in here acting as if nothing happened then expects me to be comfortable with him? I'll be more comfortable with the damn devil than him!


"Wait, wait, so you're telling me he's your partner?"

"Lab Partner," I corrected Nia.

"Same thing," I rolled my eyes at that, "so, what are you going to do?"

I just shrugged as I took a bit of my sandwich that I made myself, "I don't know honestly, I can't do anything because the only thing I could do is switch partners but Mrs. Turnip doesn't believe in that and I can't leave Chemistry, you know I have to pay and I can't do that to my mum,"

At first, Nia said nothing not once touching her food. I didn't say anything to just waiting for her to say something. She was probably trying to work that light bulb brain of hers, "Can't think of anything...I guess you just have to live with it,"

I sighed nodding my head, it's not like I had the power to do anything anyways.

"But what I don't understand...is...why is even there in the first place?" she asked in confusion then elaborated more, "he said-"

"Nia! I don't want to talk about it! Okay?" I ended it simply right there, I didn't want to think about that right now.

Nia nodded sadly then her eyes drifted back to her food, "sorry."

"Nah, it's okay, you probably forgot," I knew she didn't mean it and she obviously didn't mean to hurt or scare me but...I just-I can't even talk about it anymore.

We continued eating and my eyes drifted back towards my brother at the popular table, yes, I have a brother, his name was Dexter, he was older than me by just a few years.

He has the same green eyes like our mother and tan skin from our mother but his once big frizzy hair like mine was shaved off, he said he wanted it shaved into some buzz cut or something, I didn't care because he wasn't going to use my money to do it and definitely not dad's.

My brother was on the school's football team, he was the running back boy. He was the second-star player, everyone liked him and this guy was a total teacher's pet but inside. He was a devil.

Strangely enough, he was friends with Heath, the quarterback of our school. Heath comes over to the house but I'm always locked up in my room or I climb over to Nia's house since we were neighbors and her room was so close to mine that I could climb through my room window to get to her.

I don't know, it's probably my mind going AWOL and moving to other directions because Heath is in my class. I just have to suck it up and do what I need to do and get my A+ and I will be out of here.

"Nia!" We turned our heads to someone calling out for Nia's name. I looked to see Stephanie Chang. She was another nerd of the school; she had wired braces, big cartoon glasses, and dresses up like an eight-year-old but she was a smart kid, I guess, "We need your pictures from the business enterprise day,"

Oh yeah! Nia was part of the article committee. They make articles for the school and also do yearbooks too, it was a two business deal. Nia was part of the people that take pictures. The very few of them; she always carried a camera around all the time and liked to take pictures because she believes and I quote "we're pretty much history for the next generation" honestly, I have no idea.

"Oh yeah!" she groaned then turned over to me, "sorry, Zuri but I gotta go," before I could say anything. She lifted up her camera, and then I felt a flash. Ugh!




"NO, NOT THERE, DON'T GO-" We both stopped yelled once the dumb idiot went to the door and got killed instantly.

"Ugh! Why do they always go to somewhere that screams danger? Just why?!?" I groaned as the movie credits started showing up.

My mum laughed as she removed the blankets away from me standing up from the couch, she was about to go upstairs till a familiar scent hit her nostrils, "OH NO THE CUPCAKES."

I hit my forehead as I ran towards the kitchen following her, "WHY DO YOU KEEP COOKING?!?" I yelled leaving the kitchen and heading towards the entrance to get a fire extinguisher.

For what took minutes, it finally stopped smoking and I couldn't help but laugh. My mother was a terrible cook but she would still try but fail all the time, I still don't understand why she keeps doing this.

Oh! Last year's Thanksgiving was the WORSE. My mum's parents were coming over and they had no idea that my mum could NOT cook. What she tried making were chicken and rice but the chicken got burnt and the rice got overcooked, it looked like mud but Dexter always seemed to see it coming so he ordered food before my mum even turned on the stove.


Suddenly, the doorbell rang and I heard shuffling downstairs and I saw Dexter running to the door and guess who I saw? Yeah, the pizza delivery guy, "Happy Monday, Hunter, burnt cupcake?" My mum grinned bringing up her burnt cupcake disaster.

"I'm good, Sasha,"


It's even more depressing when you have dominos' number on speed dial...

Dexter paid him and he handed the pizza to me and I grinned once it reached my hands because I was freaking starving. My mum came out of nowhere and took it out of my hands, "MUM" I groaned.

"I'm your mama. I make the rules,"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that as I brought my hand down to take a slice of pizza, actually two then I went up to my room.

You're probably wondering where my dad is...okay. I'll put this out here simple...he's a deadbeat, that's all you need to know and from what I've heard and seen, he's not worth being in my life or my brother's.

"What do you got there?" I yelped in surprise but then groaned because the pizza was hot and I was about to eat it!!! UGH!

Nia took that as an opportunity to take a picture of me looking all stressed and I probably look like pennywise right now, "ooh pizza," she grinned and took a pizza out of my plate and I playfully glared at her.

I should lock my window.

Yeah, that's not gonna stop my crazy best friend from coming inside my house.

"I'm sick of you," I said playfully.

She winked.

"I'm sorry but my parents keep on fighting. I wanted to get out," she said sadly and I immediately felt bad for her.

Nia's parents were not together out of love. They got married because it was arranged and her mum was the one that took her frustrations out on Nia and Nia's dad would always defend his daughter. Her family was small but they were crazy, I've slept over once or twice and...

"Sorry, you can sleep over here if you want." I offered her, knowing my mum was cool with having Nia over here with me.

She grinned at that and the whole sad depressive look on her face changed. She went down to my bed to get something. I didn't pay attention, I was actually devouring my pizza very slowly, you know that moment when you have just one teensy thing left and you try to savor the moment? Well, that's me.

She came back up with a book, I knew all too well, I chuckled and outstretched my hand to grab the book then I read the title that I wrote myself "WHY I HATE HEATH COLLINS" it was written in capital letters and I couldn't help but chuckle at it. I remember the day I had this book and I actually started to write things that actually mattered.

"Open reason number 15, it's the funniest," she laughed and urged me on.

I rolled my eyes and looked away as I said this, "Heath Collins tries to be funny but he truly isn't, he's no Niall Horan," I paused to laugh at it, actually, laugh at myself, "I can't believe you let me write this..."

Nia only scoffed at that, "oh come on! You had to let out your frustrations on the sex god, which is Heath Collins," I grimaced at that, holding up my nose in disgust. Nia rolled her eyes standing up, "don't lie, this used to be you..." she cleared her throat and started acting out like me, "oh, Heath Collins is the best creation of God. I'm going to be Zuri Collins, I will bear Heath Collins' baby, Heath Collins this, Heath Collins that..."

I groaned covering my face in embarrassment, "trust me, I have outgrown my crush on him and he's not even that hot,"

Nia rolled her eyes once again, okay, cool it with the eye-rolling, "Lie again."

I didn't say anything, I just went to drop my book down again under my bed, "I'm not going to spend the rest of my night talking about Heath Collins. I'm tired,"

With that being said, I laid down on my bed. I heard Nia also yawn till I felt a dip on the bed, "Me too,"

I didn't fight her about the surprise sleepover and I'm sure my mum won't have any problems with it. She's known Nia since she was a little baby and her and Nia's mum are also friends, well, they used to be friends after she found out how she was treating Nia with her own eyes, she felt disgusted to see how Simran was treating her own child so she decided to cut off their friendship.

Plus, Nia was a friend I could trust. I knew she could never betray me. Call me a psychic or a weirdo but I feel like our friendship will take us together for years...

CHAPTER TWO IS OUT NOW, honestly y'all it took me a long time to finish this chapter, It originally had 1200 words but I wanted to add more, the rest might not make sense...


Do you have any favorites? I like Nia and Dexter.

What's the whole story of Zuri and Heath? honestly, I've given you guys small clues, it might look obvious but trust me, whatever your thinking of why they hate each other, that's not the reason.

Do you like Zuri? Do you think she's taken her hatred for Heath too far? You know, if I was a reader like you guys, I would've said I disliked her or she was taking it too far but I'm an author and I can only agree to disagree, I like her though.

Do you like Heath? You know, for now, I'll just keep quiet on this one.

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