
Seed of Corruption

In the steam and clatter of an old locomotive, a young, frail man sat alone on a worn seat.

He pulled open a bag filled with simple food, eating with slow appreciation, his eyes lost in the scene beyond the window.

"At least I can enjoy a decent last meal..."

As the train shuddered to a stop, he got off and was greeted by a dense fog that swallowed the station whole.

Everyone looked at him weirdly as if they had seen something disgusting. It was only natural, with just one glance, they could tell that Zeris was from a rather unfortunate place.

This didn't bother him though.

He'd already gotten used to this type of look and comments about him.

Tossing the bag of trash away, he walked through the gray haze until the fog parted, revealing a colossal gate that radiated an ethereal glow in the far distance.

Off to one side, a glorious clock tower loomed over the fog. Zeris checked the time and sighed.

"I'm late."

The guards halted their chatter upon spotting Zeris, their eyes lingering on his ragged clothes.

One of them, clad in heavy metallic armor, moved in front of him, annoyance etched on his face.

"Kid, are you lost? This isn't a playground."

Zeris replied without missing a beat, "I've recently turned sixteen, by the laws, It's mandatory for me to enter the gate. Please move aside, I'm already late."

Even with this atrocious attitude, Zeris knew that there was nothing they could do. If they were to beat him up, no one would care, but this time it was different.

This world has changed, at first, it was just like any other, its rhythm uninterrupted, its peace undisturbed. But then, something unexpected happened.

A few thousand years ago, a peculiar disease surfaced. Its true nature remained shrouded in mystery, but one symptom was unmistakable: an overwhelming mental fatigue.

The people thought it was just a run-of-the-mill illness, likely brought in from a neighboring kingdom.

But the emperor of the time saw things differently.

He enacted a law, one that necessitated every citizen to venture into an uncharted world once they turned sixteen. His rationale was unusual:

"This disease isn't a mere curse but a blessing in disguise. We can leverage it to bolster our strength, to ensure we don't fall behind our rivals.

"The seed within you can unlock powers beyond the human realm, enabling us to transcend our natural limitations. Isn't that thrilling?"

These stirring words from the emperor's speech served as both motivation and control, ensuring the seed carriers were closely monitored.

Given that this condition manifested predominantly in sixteen-year-olds, a compulsory decree was established. From that day forward, every citizen, irrespective of their rank or status, had to obey the edict.

Remembering this chain of events, Zeris couldn't help but smirk at the guard's evident annoyance.

"F-fine! But since you're late, I'll have to notify my higher-ups, wait here and run around."

He wouldn't normally behave this way, but today was different; he was in a particularly foul mood.

The unknown world he was about to enter was dominated by individuals who, unlike him, had been groomed since childhood for survival there.

Rich families had long equipped their offspring with the necessary skills to navigate its complexities, putting those like Zeris at a considerable disadvantage in terms of experience and capabilities.

However, their greatest advantage over him wasn't the skills they possessed, but the knowledge they had at their disposal. The knowledge that he lacks.

All the information he had managed to gather was gleaned from scraps of details disseminated by the royal family.

Before long, the guard returned, accompanied by an elderly man with silver hair.

"You are here to cross the gate, correct?"

Zeris simply nodded.

"Excellent! Walk with me, and I'll provide further guidance."

The old man placed a comforting hand on Zeris's shoulder and proceeded to walk ahead.

"Fear not, the journey beyond this gate will grant you all sorts of abilities for you to survive. Who knows, upon your return, you might emerge as an influential figure in our empire."

He smiled and added:

"Also, try to find familiar faces and work with them. You'll encounter diverse individuals in there, including those from far-flung places."

Zeris nearly chuckled at this.

Friendship was a luxury he'd never known.

He harbored nearly zero expectations for this expedition.

After all, burdening oneself with expectations would be very exhausting. A life that isn't bound to any chains was the one he yearned for.

"Old man, I have a question," Zeris halted, casting a serious gaze at his guide, "What exactly is this 'seed'? And why do we have to journey into that world to awaken it?"

The elder remained silent, simply pointing towards the majestic gate.

"Son, the answers you seek lie beyond the gate. It is futile asking me. I'm not at liberty to disclose classified information."

Zeris had anticipated this response, so the lack of an answer didn't disappoint him.

"Then can you at least share what happens to those who have ventured into that world? As far as I know, only a small percentage make it back alive each time."

The old man offered the same reply, Zeris knew it was futile and thus stopped questioning him any further.

They soon arrived at the colossal gate.

It was far more massive than Zeris had imagined.

Taking a deep breath, he steeled his nerves and advanced towards the gate. But something felt amiss.

With every step he took up the staircase, an oppressive, ominous aura seemed to grow stronger.

Glancing back, he noticed the old man's formerly warm smile had transformed into a chilling grin.

Something was wrong. Taking a closer look at the gate, its previously glorious appearance had morphed into something sinister and dreadful.

He could feel a multitude of stares coming from the murky void beyond the gate.

Suddenly, countless tiny hands stretched out from the abyss, latching onto his body.

Gradually, Zeris was drawn into the unfamiliar world.

[You have obtained the Seed of Corruption!]

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