
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In a world where magic intertwines with reality and ancient spirits cast dark shadows, a young warrior named Amukelo embarks on a journey fueled by love, revenge, and destiny. From the haunting death of his mother to the brutalities of the formidable Valarian, his path is strewn with challenges that test not just his swordsmanship but his very spirit. But every hero needs a companion. Enter Eliss, a gifted mage whose own past is intertwined with Amukelo's. Together, they traverse uncharted lands, confront formidable enemies, and forge an unbreakable bond. Their adventures lead them to face the deadliest of foes, Valarian, whose ambitions threaten to drown the world in darkness. Dive into a world of epic battles, undying legacies, and a love that transcends lifetimes. Experience a tale where legends never fade, and every sword slash tells a story.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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232 Chs

The Main Route

As the quiet hours of vigilant watch passed, Amukelo remained alert while Eliss rested peacefully beside him. The dungeon's usual cacophony of distant growls and eerie sounds subsided, granting them a much-needed respite from further monster encounters. When Eliss finally stirred from her slumber, she awoke feeling more rested than usual, the steady rhythm of her breathing indicating a deeper, more restorative sleep. This prolonged rest allowed her magical energies to replenish sufficiently to use her healing spell once again.

Upon waking, Eliss immediately assessed their situation and her own physical state. Recognizing the urgency of their predicament, she proposed using her healing spell that came off cooldown to aid Amukelo. However, he insisted otherwise. "You should use it on yourself, Eliss," Amukelo advised earnestly. "With the support of something stiff, you might be able to limp by yourself. This would help us way more than me slightly increasing my speed by healing my leg."

This time, Eliss didn't argue. She felt a glimmer of hope that with some ingenuity, she might regain enough mobility to make a significant difference in their escape efforts. Together, they fashioned a makeshift splint from a thin yet strong stone pillar that Eliss formed using her earth magic. After securely tying it to her leg, she cast her healing spell, focusing on the areas around the splint to ensure it held and to minimize her pain.

With Amukelo's assistance, Eliss carefully stood up, testing her weight on the leg. She moved it tentatively in various angles, wincing at the sharp stabs of pain but finding them bearable. Taking a few experimental steps, she found that she could indeed manage to limp, albeit with big discomfort. This small improvement in her mobility, coupled with their extended rest, slightly increased their overall moving speed and lifted their spirits.

Reinvigorated but still cautious, the duo continued their journey through the dungeon. After navigating through a series of narrow, oppressive tunnels, they finally arrived at what appeared to be the main route. The sight that greeted them was daunting: the entrance to a higher level was visible, but it was heavily guarded by dozens of monsters milling about. The variety and number of creatures were overwhelming, with many species they hadn't encountered before. Even with a strategic plan, facing ten monsters might be hardly manageable; dozens were out of the question given their current state.

Amukelo and Eliss surveyed the area, searching desperately for an alternative. That's when they spotted it—a smaller, less conspicuous route that branched off from the main path. This side route was separated by some distance and populated by only a few monsters. It appeared as a narrow, winding path that skirted the edge of a steep drop, offering a risky but potentially viable option.

"The main route is too heavily guarded," Amukelo whispered, his voice low to avoid drawing attention. "That side route might be our only chance."

Eliss nodded, her eyes measuring the distance and assessing the few monsters that roamed there. "If we move fast we might be able to slip before most of the monsters arrive," she agreed, her voice tinged with both determination and apprehension.

As they prepared for the sprint across the precarious side route, Amukelo and Eliss activated their mana coat state outside of combat, a strategic move to maximize their speed and strength despite the pain and fatigue that gnawed at their bodies. With their abilities enhanced by the mana surrounding their bodies, they charged toward the few monsters that stood between them and potential safety.

Amukelo led the way, his sword trailing a brilliant, space-tearing slash—a technique that harnessed the disruptive power of mana to rend the very air. With a swift, arcing motion, he unleashed this devastating attack, instantly obliterating two of the monsters that loomed ahead. Their forms disintegrated under the force of the slash, scattering into the ether.

Eliss, not far behind, summoned her magical creatures, small but fierce entities that sprang into action with surprising agility. As her summons engaged the remaining monsters, drawing their attention and ire, Eliss herself wielded her potent water spells. She channeled the surrounding humidity, a meager but sufficient source, into dense, forceful blasts of water. With precise, controlled movements, she directed these spells at the monsters, the powerful knockback effect sending several of them careening off the platform into the main part of their route.

Together, Amukelo and Eliss pushed forward, their path cleared momentarily by their combined assault. However, their aggressive advance didn't go unnoticed. Other monsters from the main route caught sight of them and began to converge on their position, scaling the walls with eerie agility and closing the distance rapidly.

Their hearts pounded against their ribs as they glimpsed a shadow streaking past them—a fleeting, dark figure that darted through the chaos. For a moment, dread filled their minds as they anticipated the worst; the return of Leviathan seemed imminent. But as the figure came into clear view, their fear gave way to a different kind of alarm.

Before they stood one of the Shadowmourn Coven, these ghastly figures, tall and thin, exuded an aura of ominous power. Cloaked in tattered, dark robes that seemed to drink in the scant light of the dungeon, they floated inches above the ground, their movements silent but for the chilling whispers that accompanied their presence. Under the shadowy cowls, the gleam of a skull adorned with a crown of twisted, blackened thorns was barely visible. The most striking feature, however, was their eyes—a deep, unsettling crimson that glowed with malevolence.

Amukelo and Eliss halted, the immediate path blocked by this spectral entity. The whispers of the damned filled the air around them, a soft, haunting sound that seemed to echo the despair of lost souls. This new adversary represented a significant threat, its mere presence a chilling reminder of the powerful dark forces that inhabited the deeper levels of the dungeon. Faced with this new challenge, they readied themselves for another confrontation, knowing that each encounter might be their last.