
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In a world where magic intertwines with reality and ancient spirits cast dark shadows, a young warrior named Amukelo embarks on a journey fueled by love, revenge, and destiny. From the haunting death of his mother to the brutalities of the formidable Valarian, his path is strewn with challenges that test not just his swordsmanship but his very spirit. But every hero needs a companion. Enter Eliss, a gifted mage whose own past is intertwined with Amukelo's. Together, they traverse uncharted lands, confront formidable enemies, and forge an unbreakable bond. Their adventures lead them to face the deadliest of foes, Valarian, whose ambitions threaten to drown the world in darkness. Dive into a world of epic battles, undying legacies, and a love that transcends lifetimes. Experience a tale where legends never fade, and every sword slash tells a story.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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232 Chs

Mana Flow Concept

As the weary group arrived back in the city, their first priority was the immediate care of the wounded. Without hesitation, the injured were swiftly taken to the healthcare facilities where they could receive the necessary medical attention. Exhaustion was etched deeply on the faces of everyone, the weight of the recent events pressing down heavily.

Ida wasted no time in reporting directly to the Shogun, detailing the harrowing events and significant losses they had endured, including the critical loss of the artifact. The Shogun's reaction was a mix of shock and grave concern, the implications of the artifact falling into Valarian's hands clearly terrifying him. Determined to counteract this dire turn of events, he commanded the formation of a small, elite team tasked with stopping Valarian. He specified that the team should consist of at least ten individuals.

However, aside from Yosue, Ida, and Amukelo's team, no one was willing to volunteer. The horrors they had witnessed had sown deep seeds of fear even among the best of the best. Recognizing the reluctance and understanding that unwilling participants could hinder the mission, the Shogun reluctantly agreed to send only those who were prepared to go. He believed that a smaller, more committed group would be more effective than a larger, hesitant one.

With the team decided, the Shogun instructed them to rest well before departing the next day, emphasizing the need for them to be at their best. To bolster their capabilities, he provided Ida and Yosue with necklaces similar to those worn by Amukelo, Eliss, and Erohan.

As night fell over the city, Ida and Yosue retired early, heeding the Shogun's advice to rest. Meanwhile, Amukelo and his friends had one last task before they could rest. They met with Nakatashi on the training ground where they had honed their skills before their ill-fated mission.

Nakatashi, ever the stern and observant mentor, was keen to assess their progress. The training session began with Erohan, who, as a dragon, had a natural capacity to harness substantial amounts of mana. Concentrating deeply, Erohan began gathering energy, his form radiating with power as he meticulously formed a coat of mana around himself. The demonstration was impressive, reflecting his unique strengths, and Nakatashi responded with a simple, approving nod, recognizing the dragon's mastery and potential.

Next was Eliss, whose human capabilities naturally limited the magnitude of mana she could handle compared to Erohan. Nonetheless, her determination and focus were palpable as she too began to gather mana, weaving it around herself in a shimmering veil that spoke of her growing control and understanding of the energy. Her display was both graceful and powerful, marking significant progress in her magical abilities.

Lastly, Amukelo stepped forward. With a deep breath, he began the process of mana accumulation, his concentration intense. As he channeled the energy, it was clear that he was pushing his limits, drawing mana close to the fullest extent of his capabilities. The air around him crackled with the raw power he managed to harness, his coat of mana forming a dense, vibrant shield that pulsed with potential.

Each demonstration was a testament to their hard work and the harsh lessons learned through their recent experiences. As Nakatashi watched Amukelo's display, it was evident that the young warrior's skills had not only improved but promised further growth with time and experience. The session, under the fading light of day, was a powerful reminder of their resilience and commitment to their cause, each member of the team pushing the boundaries of their abilities in preparation for the challenges that lay ahead.

Nakatashi watched each demonstration intently, his experienced eyes analyzing the flow and containment of mana around each practitioner. After the final display by Amukelo, he nodded appreciatively, just as he had done with the others, acknowledging their progress and the efforts they had invested in mastering the complex art of mana manipulation.

"You, dragon," he began, addressing Erohan with a tone of respect mixed with challenge, "have vast reserves of mana, yet you are not even close to tapping into your full potential. There is much more you can harness."

Turning his attention to Eliss, his expression softened slightly. "And you, young mage, naturally possess much lower limits than our dragon friend here, and you are performing admirably. However, there is room to push further, to expand your capacity and control."

Finally, he focused on Amukelo. "You, on the other hand, have quite significant limits as a human, and you are nearing those limits impressively. Overall, you've all made significant improvements. Reaching this stage typically takes about three months of dedicated practice."

Nakatashi then shifted the lesson to the next critical phase of their training. "Now, I will explain how to create a mana flow. After mastering this process the only progressions are, pushing closer to your limits, accumulating mana faster, and controlling your mana flow more effectively."

"To create mana flow you need: First," he continued, "Extend your aura so that you can maneuver mana as if it were part of your body. This will be particularly challenging for you," he said, turning to Eliss. "As a mage, you'll need to project your aura further than others might."

"Next, envision the place you want to direct the mana flow to as though it were your own limb or an extension of your weapon. Build up a connection with that spot so that your blade—or your spell—can travel the distance in an instant."

He paused, ensuring they absorbed every word. "Remember this carefully, as it is the most crucial part of the technique. Do not rush into this stage; premature advancement leads to bad habits that are difficult to unlearn and will complicate using this technique in combat."

"Once you master the initial stages, you can progress further. Aim first to gather mana to at least ninety percent of your limits. Then, strive to sustain this state consistently. This state on its own will help you in combat, as it will increase your speed and maneuverability. Only then should you attempt to create the flow. After that, it will be a matter of refining and polishing the details."

Nakatashi's voice took on a serious tone as he issued a warning. "You must be cautious. As you master this art, you might be tempted to exceed one hundred percent of your mana capacity during difficult combats. Only resort to this in the most dire circumstances, as pushing beyond your limits can have fatal effects on your body. This will create a visible aura that will empower you past your limits."

With his final piece of advice imparted, Nakatashi offered them a solemn nod. "Train well, and remember these lessons," he said, his voice echoing slightly in the open space. He then turned, his figure receding into the shadows of the evening as he made his way toward a nearby building. The silhouette of the master faded from view, marking what would be their last encounter with him. His departure was as enigmatic as his teachings, leaving Amukelo, Eliss, and Erohan with profound insights and the weight of responsibility to continue their growth on their own. The twilight deepened around them as they stood together, the gravity of their path ahead as palpable as the cooling air of the approaching night.