
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In a world where magic intertwines with reality and ancient spirits cast dark shadows, a young warrior named Amukelo embarks on a journey fueled by love, revenge, and destiny. From the haunting death of his mother to the brutalities of the formidable Valarian, his path is strewn with challenges that test not just his swordsmanship but his very spirit. But every hero needs a companion. Enter Eliss, a gifted mage whose own past is intertwined with Amukelo's. Together, they traverse uncharted lands, confront formidable enemies, and forge an unbreakable bond. Their adventures lead them to face the deadliest of foes, Valarian, whose ambitions threaten to drown the world in darkness. Dive into a world of epic battles, undying legacies, and a love that transcends lifetimes. Experience a tale where legends never fade, and every sword slash tells a story.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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232 Chs

Investigation Begins

The sun was barely up when Amukelo began his investigation. He decided to first visit the families of the missing children, hoping to gather as much information as possible. His journey led him from one part of Thandor to another, through narrow alleys and sprawling mansions, showcasing the town's stark contrasts.

As Amukelo approached the modest home, he noted the once vibrant garden now overtaken by weeds and the melancholy that seemed to hang in the air. He knocked softly on the door, and after a moment, it was answered by a middle-aged woman, her eyes red and swollen, her face etched with worry.

"Good day, ma'am," Amukelo began gently, "I've been tasked by Lord Theren and Lady Mirena to investigate the disappearances of the children. I've heard your child is among those missing?"

The woman nodded, her voice barely audible, "Yes, my sweet Liora. She's only seven. She was playing outside with her friends, just by the edge of the woods, and then... she was gone." Tears streamed down her face as she tried to maintain her composure.

Amukelo, doing his best to offer comfort, said, "I promise I'll do everything in my power to find Liora and the other children. Can you tell me if there was anything unusual about that day, or if Liora mentioned seeing something or someone strange recently?"

The woman thought for a moment, wiping away her tears, "Now that you mention it, a few days before she vanished, Liora told me about a 'big shiny spider' she and her friends had seen near the woods. I thought it was just her imagination running wild. Children, you know, they come up with such tales." Her voice trembled, filled with regret.

Amukelo's gaze sharpened. This was the second mention of something unusual related to spiders. "Did she say anything else about this spider or draw it maybe?"

The mother led him inside, retrieving a crude drawing from a table. The artwork depicted a large spider with shimmering legs and a peculiar mark on its back. It eerily resembled the insignia Amukelo had seen in the thicket.

"I kept it because she was so proud of it," the mother murmured, her voice thick with emotion. "I never thought..."

Amukelo, gently placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder, said, "I understand this is difficult for you. But every piece of information helps. I'll make sure to return this to you, and more importantly, I'll do my best to bring Liora back."

She nodded, managing a weak smile.

"Thank you. I pray you succeed."

Continuing his investigation, Amukelo found himself at the edge of town, where the homes were older, and the shadows of the looming forest seemed to stretch out unnaturally towards them. One particular house caught his attention – its windows were boarded up, and the garden was overgrown with thorny vines that seemed to twist and move of their own volition.

Approaching the door hesitantly, he was about to knock when it creaked open on its own, revealing a dimly lit interior. From the shadows, an elderly man with wispy white hair and piercing blue eyes emerged. The age lines on his face looked like they were etched in by time itself.

"You're here about the children, aren't you?" The old man's voice was a raspy whisper, sending a shiver down Amukelo's spine.

"Yes," Amukelo responded, trying to hide the unease in his voice, "I'm trying to find out what happened to them."

The elderly man chuckled, a sound that was more a gurgle than actual laughter. "They play where they shouldn't. The forest isn't just trees and animals, young man. Old magic stirs in its depths."

Amukelo, curiosity piqued despite his unease, inquired, "Do you know something about the disappearances?"

The old man leaned closer, and for a moment, Amukelo felt trapped by the intensity of his gaze. "I've seen it. A creature of darkness and gleam. It doesn't belong in our world. But it's hungry... always hungry. The children, they're drawn to it, like moths to a flame."

Gulping, Amukelo tried to maintain his composure. "Where can I find this creature?"

The elderly man pointed a shaky finger towards the forest's depths, where the trees were so thick they seemed to merge into one dark mass. "Deep within. But be wary, for not all who venture in come out the same... or come out at all."

Amukelo nodded, offering a word of thanks, and left the eerie residence. As he walked away, he couldn't shake off the feeling that many eyes were watching him from the shadows.

Amukelo made his way to the outskirts of Thandor, where the children had reportedly disappeared. The area was eerily quiet, the only sounds being the rustle of leaves and the occasional chirping of a bird. He observed the ground, noticing a clear footpath leading into the forest.

As he walked, he spotted a curious sight: a small, shimmering thread glistening under the sunlight. On closer inspection, it resembled the thread of a spider's web, but much stronger and sturdier. Following the thread, he found more, tangled around bushes, trees, and even the ground.

It didn't take long for him to deduce that these weren't ordinary spider webs. They were larger, more intricate, and seemed to pulse with a strange energy. As he ventured further, the threads became denser, forming a network that seemed to guide him deeper into the forest.

His heart raced as he stumbled upon a larger clearing. In the center stood a massive tree with roots that sprawled outward. And there, encasing the base of the tree, was an enormous web. What caught his attention, however, were the items ensnared within the web. Personal belongings: a child's doll, a small leather shoe, a hand-carved wooden toy... all appearing as if they had been left behind in haste.

His warrior instincts kicking in, Amukelo surveyed the area. He noticed a peculiar pattern on the ground leading to the web. A trail of small footprints, as if children had walked directly into the spider's trap.

But what truly unsettled him were the larger, irregular impressions beside the footprints. They resembled the marks of massive spider legs, the size of which indicated a creature far bigger than anything he had ever encountered.

It was clear now that he wasn't just dealing with a simple case of missing children. He was facing a creature of legend, a giant spider that was kidnapping children of Thandor.

His thoughts raced back to the elderly man's words, "Old magic stirs in its depths." The forest held more secrets than he'd imagined, and he was about to delve deep into its mysteries.