
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In a world where magic intertwines with reality and ancient spirits cast dark shadows, a young warrior named Amukelo embarks on a journey fueled by love, revenge, and destiny. From the haunting death of his mother to the brutalities of the formidable Valarian, his path is strewn with challenges that test not just his swordsmanship but his very spirit. But every hero needs a companion. Enter Eliss, a gifted mage whose own past is intertwined with Amukelo's. Together, they traverse uncharted lands, confront formidable enemies, and forge an unbreakable bond. Their adventures lead them to face the deadliest of foes, Valarian, whose ambitions threaten to drown the world in darkness. Dive into a world of epic battles, undying legacies, and a love that transcends lifetimes. Experience a tale where legends never fade, and every sword slash tells a story.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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232 Chs

Humans Victory

Through the thick foliage of the forest, Kael and Ksara fled, their breaths synchronized with every rapid footstep. A shimmering aura enveloped Ksara as she activated her speed boost spell. The effects were immediate. Trees and shrubs became mere blurs as they navigated their way, trying to maintain distance from their pursuers.

Gara, noticing the increased pace of his targets, murmured an incantation. A similar glow surrounded the orc warriors, intensifying their speed. The forest echoed with the heavy thuds of orcish boots, closing the gap. However, the mages Mara and Gara struggled to keep up, lagging further behind.

Seized by the opportunity, Amukelo, Eliss, and Lyon emerged from their hiding spots, converging on the vulnerable orc mages. Their surprise assault was impeccably timed; Mara barely had the chance to turn around before a protective shield thrown up by Eliss blocked any retaliation. Gara, trying to summon a defensive barrier, was a fraction of a second too slow. Lyon, with his spear's tip glowing in anticipation, managed to land a debilitating blow on him.

The mages, outmatched and overwhelmed, were quickly subdued. But the humans didn't have the luxury of celebrating their tactical victory. With a mutual nod, the trio began a rapid dash, eager to regroup and assist Kael and Ksara against the enhanced orc warriors.

Breaking through the treeline and onto the expansive plains, Amukelo, Eliss, and Lyon's eyes quickly scanned the battleground. Their hearts sank momentarily; Kael and Ksara lay on the ground, their forms still, clearly indicating the ferocity of the battle that had taken place.

However, the orcs weren't faring much better. Even with their superior physical strength, the chase had taken a toll on them. Their wounds from the initial skirmish were evident, and without the backup of their mages, they found themselves at a disadvantage.

Rukh, though clearly fatigued, was the first to lock eyes with Amukelo. A grunt and a nod, a warrior's unspoken agreement, it was clear what would transpire next.

Eliss, with her staff held ready, began chanting, preparing spells that would tip the scales in their favour. Lyon, meanwhile, twirled his spear, assessing the best approach angle for the assault. Amukelo clenched his sword, taking a deep breath to calm his racing heart. The orcs, weapon-wielding warriors of incredible might, would not be an easy challenge, but he believed in his team's capabilities.

The sun cast long, stretching shadows on the plains as Rukh stepped forward, his imposing figure emanating authority and power. The scars across his muscular frame and the confidence in his stride spoke volumes about his experience and skill. Zara and Gurk, though not as large as Rukh, were formidable in their own right, their weapons glinting menacingly under the sun's rays.

Without hesitation, Zara and Gurk launched themselves at Amukelo and Lyon, coordinating their strikes in an attempt to overpower the two. Their blows were heavy and their movements precise, but Lyon's mastery over the spear was evident. Every swing and thrust was expertly parried or dodged, as he kept them both at bay.

Rukh's sights, however, were set on Eliss.

Recognizing the potential threat posed by a mage, he charged towards her, eyes filled with a burning intent to take her out quickly. But Eliss was prepared. Muttering a quick incantation, she called forth her celestial summons. In a blaze of light, two ethereal figures appeared, intercepting Rukh and giving Eliss the time she needed to regroup.

Lyon, witnessing Eliss's summons take on Rukh, seized this opportunity. With a forceful push of his spear, he managed to create some distance between himself and Gurk. This allowed him to quickly shift his focus to Zara, teaming up with the summoned beings to keep the orcs occupied.

Meanwhile, Amukelo and Rukh began their dance of blades. Sparks flew as steel met steel, each combatant sizing up the other. Rukh, with his raw power and aggressive style, pushed Amukelo on the defensive. However, the young warrior's nimbleness and tactical thinking allowed him to dodge the heavy strikes, waiting for an opportune moment to counter.

Zara and Gurk, despite their strength and battle-hardened experience, were struggling against the combined might of Lyon, Eliss's summons, and her spells. The phoenix swooped down, its fiery tail leaving streaks of flames in its path, forcing Zara and Gurk to constantly dodge and reposition. The elemental avatars, on the other hand, unleashed a barrage of elemental strikes. From blazing fireballs to razor-sharp icicles, they provided relentless offensive support. The dark figure moved like a shadow, darting in and out, creating openings for Lyon to exploit.

Lyon, taking advantage of the openings provided, thrust and parried with finesse. Every time Gurk tried to approach him, an icicle would shoot from the side, or a flaming projectile would force him back. Zara, attempting to outmaneuver the phoenix, found herself constantly repelled by its searing flames and blinding speed.

On the other side, the duel between Amukelo and Rukh was nothing short of intense. Rukh's every strike was like a thunderclap, the ground trembling under its force. But Amukelo's agility was unmatched. With a fluidity resembling water, he'd dodge, parry, and immediately counter. Each time Rukh attempted to bring his weapon down in a crushing blow, Amukelo would glide out of its path, leaving a slash on Rukh's arm or a kick to his side.

Amukelo's strategy was clear - wear Rukh down, let his large size and powerful attacks become his downfall. And as the duel wore on, Rukh's heavy breaths became more audible, his attacks slightly more sluggish.

Gurk, with his imposing stature, roared defiantly, attempting to hold his ground against the combined might of Lyon and Eliss. As the elemental avatars summoned by Eliss danced around Gurk, distracting and constraining him, Lyon, with sheer determination, found an opening and moved in for a decisive blow.

For that split second, as Eliss and Lyon's attention was wholly on Gurk, Zara seized his opportunity. Swiftly bypassing the elemental guardians, his eyes zeroed in on the momentarily vulnerable Eliss. The deadly glint of his blade matched the lethal intent in his eyes, and he lunged forward, aiming for a devastating blow that would cripple the humans' advantage.

Just as the edge of Zara's weapon was inches away from its mark, a black shadow intercepted the blow, standing defiantly between Zara and Eliss. It was Amukelo, who, sensing the imminent danger to his comrade, had temporarily disengaged from his duel with Rukh. Using his Earthquake stomp, he had thrown Rukh off balance just long enough to save Eliss. Without missing a beat, he transitioned into his Skyward Lunge, propelling himself above the unsuspecting Zara, and with a fierce determination, executed the Eagle's Descent, knocking Zara off his feet and away from Eliss.

Regaining his footing and composure, Rukh now faced a united front. Amukelo, Lyon, and Eliss moved as one, each attack in harmony with the other. Despite his immense strength and battle prowess, Rukh was overwhelmed. The synchronized and relentless assault from the trio proved too much, and he too was brought down.

The battleground, once a cacophony of shouts, clanging weapons, and elemental roars, fell silent. This silence was broken by the deafening cheers from the audience. "Humans! Humans!" The chant echoed throughout the coliseum, filling the air with jubilation and pride. Against all odds, the human team emerged victorious in the Royal Tournament.

Their victory wasn't just a testament to their prowess but also to their unity, camaraderie, and the unwavering spirit to defend one another against all odds.