
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In a world where magic intertwines with reality and ancient spirits cast dark shadows, a young warrior named Amukelo embarks on a journey fueled by love, revenge, and destiny. From the haunting death of his mother to the brutalities of the formidable Valarian, his path is strewn with challenges that test not just his swordsmanship but his very spirit. But every hero needs a companion. Enter Eliss, a gifted mage whose own past is intertwined with Amukelo's. Together, they traverse uncharted lands, confront formidable enemies, and forge an unbreakable bond. Their adventures lead them to face the deadliest of foes, Valarian, whose ambitions threaten to drown the world in darkness. Dive into a world of epic battles, undying legacies, and a love that transcends lifetimes. Experience a tale where legends never fade, and every sword slash tells a story.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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232 Chs

Equipment From the Ghost

The ghost, said after his fight, "Pheew! That was close, I almost thought you were gonna lose, but I guess you are better than I expected", his playful remark lightened the mood momentarily, even as the gravity of Amukelo's recent ordeal weighed on everyone's minds. Eliss, with a mixture of awe and pride in her voice, acknowledged Amukelo's newfound strength, her words an affirmation of his position as the de facto leader and the strongest among them. However, the celebration was cut short as Amukelo, overwhelmed by his exertions, suddenly lost consciousness.

A wave of concern swept over the group, but the ghost, ever the keeper of arcane knowledge, reassured them swiftly. He explained that with the aid of his special potion and the time-altering capabilities of their training environment, Amukelo would recover swiftly and fully by the morrow. Trusting in the ghost's wisdom, Eliss gently administered the potion to Amukelo. The elixir worked wonders, rapidly knitting together his broken ribs and mending the physical damages he had suffered. However, it could do nothing for his sheer exhaustion, which the rigors of battle had deeply ingrained in his body.

Eliss stayed by Amukelo's side in the slowed-time dimension, a silent sentinel as days passed within hours outside. Five days later, within the dimension, Amukelo finally stirred, his eyes opening to the familiar yet ever-so-distant ceiling of their training ground. He felt rejuvenated, the potion's magic had done its work, though a lingering tiredness reminded him of the ordeal he had undergone.

Once he was steady on his feet, Amukelo and Eliss rejoined their companions in the real world. The ghost greeted them with a mixture of satisfaction and caution, he then began his monologue before they left, "You all spent two years within the dimension, equating to about two months in the outside world." The ghost's tone was serious as he addressed the group, highlighting the progress they had each made.

"You've all come far," the ghost continued, his ethereal voice echoing slightly in the vast chamber of their training ground. "Amukelo, to see you defeat ten statues, which previously would have overwhelmed you effortlessly, speaks volumes of your dedication and potential. Erohan, battling seven as a dragon sets high expectations, yet you meet them robustly. Eliss and Ida, managing five each is no small feat—Eliss, your prowess as a mage to handle physical confrontations is nothing short of remarkable; and Ida, your strength is an indispensable asset to this team."

The ghost then turned his gaze to Yosue, his voice softening a bit, "And Yosue, four is a testament to your growing skills and understanding of combat. Remember, the journey of a warrior is measured not by comparison to others but by the obstacles one overcomes."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing, "However, let us not delude ourselves with pride or satisfaction just yet. Working together, as a team, you might stand a chance against the weakest of the devils, Belphegor, If you were to fight any other devil you would be crushed."

The ghost finally moved to the items he intended to give them. "First," the ghost began, his voice echoing slightly in the cavernous space, "are these healing potions." He carefully picked up a small vial filled with a luminescent liquid that shimmered with a spectrum of colors when caught in the light. "These are not ordinary concoctions. As you have witnessed, they possess the remarkable ability to mend severe physical injuries within moments. Unfortunately, due to their complexity and the rarity of their ingredients, I can only provide each of you with one. Use them wisely, for while I can attempt to make more, the quality may not match these originals."

He placed the vials back on the table and moved to the next item, unrolling a detailed map filled with intricate markings and symbols. "This," he continued, holding up the parchment for all to see, "is a map that pinpoints the exact locations of the remaining artifacts, including the stones necessary to access them. This is the only copy that exists with such precision. Losing this map would complicate your quest significantly, though I could try to recreate it, the accuracy would undoubtedly suffer."

Next, the ghost revealed a small, ornate device, its surface etched with runes and glyphs. "This portal creator is a one-time use gateway that can transport you back to this sanctuary from almost anywhere in the world, barring areas shielded against teleportation magic. It's a safeguard, a way to return here should you face insurmountable danger. Use it judiciously, as its re-creation is not without its challenges, though possible if necessary."

Finally, he presented a scroll, ancient and fragile, yet pulsating with a palpable power. "And this," he said with a gravity that drew their complete attention, "is an ancient scroll of immense power, akin to the one Eldrian Shadowbane utilized in his climactic battle with Satan. The energies contained within this scroll are cataclysmic and should only be employed as a last resort. It is potentially the only artifact capable of contending with Satan, should he be freed, given that the sealing dagger is lost to us."

Eliss securely stored all items, because of her skill that could store items in a separate dimension. The ghost looked at each of them with a mix of pride and concern. "I have equipped you with tools and knowledge, but the path ahead will demand more than what can be provided by magic alone. It will require courage, wisdom, and the strength of your bonds to one another."

He paused, his form flickering slightly as if the effort of maintaining his presence was taxing him. "Go now, with my blessings and the hope that you will succeed where many others may falter. Remember, the fate of this world may very well rest upon your actions."

With those final words, the ghost faded into the ethereal mists of the sanctuary, leaving them standing in the quiet, each member of the group feeling the weight of their mission more profoundly than ever. As they stepped outside, the fresh air of the world beyond felt both alien and invigorating. They had spent what years within the confines of the training dimension, and now, as they set foot into the wider world, a mixture of determination and uncertainty filled their hearts. They were ready, as ready as they could ever be, to face the challenges that awaited them in their quest to safeguard their world.