
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In a world where magic intertwines with reality and ancient spirits cast dark shadows, a young warrior named Amukelo embarks on a journey fueled by love, revenge, and destiny. From the haunting death of his mother to the brutalities of the formidable Valarian, his path is strewn with challenges that test not just his swordsmanship but his very spirit. But every hero needs a companion. Enter Eliss, a gifted mage whose own past is intertwined with Amukelo's. Together, they traverse uncharted lands, confront formidable enemies, and forge an unbreakable bond. Their adventures lead them to face the deadliest of foes, Valarian, whose ambitions threaten to drown the world in darkness. Dive into a world of epic battles, undying legacies, and a love that transcends lifetimes. Experience a tale where legends never fade, and every sword slash tells a story.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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232 Chs

Battles, Blessings, and Teamwork

The arena was packed to capacity, the spectators' anticipation palpable. Whispers filled the air as two battles were about to take place, which would determine the final members of the Elandrian team for the Royal Tournament.

Eliss faced off against Thalara, a third-year mage known for her control over stone and earth. But Eliss, wasn't very stressed, probably because no one's life was in danger. As Thalara began to manipulate the rocky terrain, trying to trap Eliss, the latter retaliated by summoning her Elemental Avatars. Thalara was distracted for just a moment, but that was enough. Using her Temporal Pause spell, Eliss froze time momentarily, placing her opponent in an Iceberg Spike. As time resumed, she unleashed her Flame Serpent combined with the Elemental Avatars' detonation. A blinding explosion followed. When the dust settled, Thalara was on her knees, not able to continue.

Kael's opponent was Jorvan, a second-year swordsman with a reputation for his aggressive and swift attacks. But Kael had a trump card. Jorvan lunged forward, he was so fast that Kael barely parried his attack, but as Jorvan jumped back to reset his assault Kael activated his new skill, Energy Pull.

Jorvan, caught completely off guard, was pulled directly into the trajectory of Kael's sword. A direct hit. Although it wasn't a severe injury, it was enough to declare Kael the victor.

With both Eliss and Kael securing their spots, the Elandrian team for the Royal Tournament was complete.

Shortly after their victories, Eliss send a letter to her parents with a request. Given the importance of the tournament and the potential boon to Elandria, she asked for funds to purchase more scrolls to bolster their chances. Understanding the gravity of the situation, her parents agreed without hesitation.

With their newfound resources, the trio expanded their arsenal.

. . .

Eliss spent hours in the library, her eyes scanning through scrolls, her mind working tirelessly to understand the nuances of each spell. She practiced in the training grounds till late at night, perfecting her Astral Echo until her illusions were almost indistinguishable from herself. Her Tidal Surge was a thing of beauty, waves summoned with such force and control that they could either act as a formidable shield or an advancing army of water.

Amukelo committed to a grueling regimen, rising before the sun. He practiced his Blade Dance in the cool, early morning air until his movements became a mesmerizing, lethal dance. The Harmonic Resonance of his blades became his favorite, his swords singing their intimidating tune as they vibrated fiercely. The academy's dueling dummies were in near-constant need of repair as Amukelo practiced his Twin Fang Strike and Viper's Parry until they were second nature.

Kael threw himself into understanding his new skills. The Tempest Twirl was especially challenging; maintaining balance while creating a cyclone-like effect with his weapon required an extraordinary sense of spatial awareness. His Piercing Gaze became a secret weapon, enabling him to anticipate an opponent's moves by reading their body language, and his Thunderclap Strike was honed to a devastating perfection.

As days passed, the team spent increasing amounts of time together, beyond just practice. They had meals together, studied together, and even began to understand each other's non-verbal cues. Lyon, with his experience, took on a somewhat leadership role, coordinating their training sessions and offering sage advice. Ksara, a brilliant strategist, often surprised everyone with her innovative plans.

They worked on intricate formations, where Amukelo and Kael served as the agile front-liners, with Eliss and Ksara providing ranged magical support, and Lyon acting as the versatile core that could adapt as needed. They drilled these formations until they could transition smoothly under Lyon's subtle signals.

Eliss and Amukelo developed a stunning combo where her Flame Serpent weaved around his swift strikes, creating a fiery and bladed whirlwind. Kael and Ksara crafted a tactic that used his Energy Pull to group enemies for her powerful area-of-effect spells.

They practiced defending against a variety of attack patterns. For instance, when they sensed a powerful attack coming, they learned to form a protective circle, with Amukelo and Kael guarding the front, Lyon protecting the middle, and Eliss and Ksara fortifying the back with barriers of water and arcane energy.