
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In a world where magic intertwines with reality and ancient spirits cast dark shadows, a young warrior named Amukelo embarks on a journey fueled by love, revenge, and destiny. From the haunting death of his mother to the brutalities of the formidable Valarian, his path is strewn with challenges that test not just his swordsmanship but his very spirit. But every hero needs a companion. Enter Eliss, a gifted mage whose own past is intertwined with Amukelo's. Together, they traverse uncharted lands, confront formidable enemies, and forge an unbreakable bond. Their adventures lead them to face the deadliest of foes, Valarian, whose ambitions threaten to drown the world in darkness. Dive into a world of epic battles, undying legacies, and a love that transcends lifetimes. Experience a tale where legends never fade, and every sword slash tells a story.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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232 Chs

A Mountain Guardian

Eliss couldn't stand it anymore. Sitting here and doing nothing. The wind outside howled with increased ferocity, its voice was a relentless reminder of the perilous environment they had dared to challenge. The darkness of the night had already descended, a thick blanket obscured the world outside the small radius illuminated by the fire. But Eliss decided to leave the cave anyway and search for Amukelo. 

As Amukelo was coming back with his prey he was losing more and more blood. He didn't have enough strength to come back. He was losing consciousness, he knew that if he allowed that this would mean a certain death for him, as the snow for a short time would make it impossible to find him, not even mentioning that he would freeze very quickly. 

Then he saw a dim light in the snowstorm. With the last sparks of his strength, he tried to scream, "Eliss..." but it turned out to be more a whisper than a scream, and then he lost consciousness. He was left only to Eliss's luck in finding him. Eliss in this snowstorm, could barely hear her own thoughts, so there was no chance that she could hear him. But somehow, her senses or her connection with Amukelo signaled to her that he was close.

She started searching for him more chaotically. And then she found him, it was only a few short minutes after Amukelo lost consciousness, but over half of his body was covered in snow. She dragged him to the cave and prepared a hot meal for him.

When he awoke, it was to Eliss's comforting smile. She had prepared a hot meal, the steam rising invitingly in the cold air of the cave. Beside her lay a pair of clothes fashioned from the hog's skin—rugged and warm. She was already wearing her set, looking more prepared for the mountain's challenges.

"What happened? I thought it was over." Amukelo asked, his voice still weak.

Eliss with an annoyed tone. "I told you I should go with you!" replied. She would be distraught if she lost Amukelo while enjoying a warm cave. 

Amukelo rose slowly, feeling the residual effects of his recent battle and healing. He donned the new clothes, the thick hide fitting snugly and providing an immediate barrier against the cold. The meal Eliss had prepared was nourishing, a simple yet hearty fare that reignited the warmth in his body.

"It's warm," he commented with a small smile, feeling the comforting embrace of the clothes. "For the first time since we reached these peaks, I feel truly warm. Thank you Eliss, I don't know what I would do without you..."

There was a moment of shared silence between them, a recognition of the ordeal they had just endured and the challenges that still lay ahead. The weight of their journey, with its constant battle against the elements and the wildlife, had been a relentless companion. Yet, in that small cave, with the warmth of the fire and the security of their new garments, they found a brief respite.

The meal and rest had rejuvenated them, and with renewed motivation, they prepared to resume their journey. The path ahead was still fraught with unknown dangers and harsh conditions, but they were better equipped now, both physically and mentally.

With their packs readied and their spirits bolstered, Amukelo and Eliss stepped out of the cave. The mountain greeted them with its customary chill, the wind whispering secrets of the peaks. But they moved forward with a renewed sense of purpose, their steps more confident, their resolve unbreakable.

As they continued they trekked through a valley that stretched wide and tall, the enormity of their surroundings was a constant reminder of their smallness in the face of nature's grandeur. The valley was a corridor of ice and stone, its walls rising like frozen giants, standing sentinel over the secrets of the mountains.

Their new clothes, fashioned from the hide of the mountain hog, provided much-needed warmth, allowing them a degree of comfort they hadn't felt since the ascent began. They had started to adapt to the cold, their bodies and minds becoming attuned to the harsh environment.

As they made their way through the valley, their conversation flowed, a mix of observations, plans, and quiet reflections.

"Look at how the ice forms patterns on the rocks," Eliss pointed out, her breath forming clouds in the frosty air. "It's like nature's own artistry."

Amukelo nodded, his eyes taking in the sight. "It's beautiful, in a stark, unforgiving way. Makes you respect the power of nature."

Their discussion turned to strategy. "We need to be mindful of our surroundings," Amukelo said. "The cold isn't the only danger here. Creatures of ice and snow could be lurking anywhere."

Eliss agreed, her gaze scanning the horizon. It was during this time that they first noticed the colossal figure in the distance. A massive ice golem lay dormant, its body a fusion of snow and ice, blending seamlessly with the surrounding landscape. Its size was awe-inspiring, dwarfing the largest creatures they had encountered so far.

Amukelo's grip on his swords tightened. "We should try to move past it without waking it. A creature that size would be a formidable opponent."

Eliss nodded, her eyes fixed on the golem. "Let's keep to the shadows and move quietly. If it wakes, it could spell disaster."

They began to navigate carefully around the sleeping giant, their movements slow and deliberate to avoid any sound that might disturb its slumber. The golem, a sculpture of ice, seemed almost peaceful in its rest, a deceptive tranquility that belied its potential for destruction.

As they drew closer, the tension between them grew. Every step was measured, every breath controlled. The silence was a heavy cloak around them, broken only by the occasional distant crack of ice.

It was then that the unexpected happened. A loud sound, like the groan of the mountain itself, echoed through the valley. The golem stirred, its movements slow but gaining momentum. Amukelo and Eliss froze, their hearts pounding in their chests.

The ice golem rose to its full height, a tower of frost and power. It turned its head, searching the surroundings with hollow eyes that gleamed with an inner light. The moment it spotted Amukelo and Eliss, its demeanor shifted from curious to hostile.

With a swift motion, the golem unleashed a beam of ice mana, a torrent of frozen energy that crackled through the air. Amukelo and Eliss reacted instantly, diving to either side. The beam missed them by mere inches, its passage leaving a trail of frost on the ground.

They regained their footing, ready for conflict. Amukelo's drawn his swords. Eliss prepared her spells, her fingers weaving intricate patterns in the air.

The golem towered over them, an adversary as formidable as the mountain itself. Amukelo and Eliss, though dwarfed by its size, stood ready to face it. Their adaptation to the cold, their new clothes, and their unyielding spirit had brought them this far. They were prepared to fight, to survive, and to continue their journey through the peaks of Urmak, no matter what lay ahead.