
Realms of the beyond

José is transported to the Realms of the Beyond, a vast and dangerous universe filled with magic and legendary creatures, after his death on Earth. In the new world, he encounters his psychopathic father, transformed into a monster, who tortures him and causes him to lose a life. José is reborn in the center of the island and must join forces with other newcomers to learn how to survive and grow stronger. He embarks on an epic journey facing magicians, warriors, and beast tamers while preparing for a final confrontation with his father. "Realms of the Beyond" is an adventure that blends fantasy, magic, and suspense as José struggles to find his place in this unknown universe and discover his own destiny.

Jose_8330 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: Doubts

Chapter 7: Doubts

After the griffin's departure, the group remained silent for a few moments, still under the impact of the creature's grandeur.

The tension in the air was palpable, and everyone tried to process the experience they had just gone through.

José was astonished by the mythical strength of the griffin and felt a mix of admiration and apprehension.

He knew that the group had received a severe warning and that it was crucial to respect the rules established by the creature to ensure their safety during the journey.

José's companions were also apprehensive, sharing a silent look of understanding about the importance of following the griffin's orders.

William seemed thoughtful, understanding the need to act more cautiously while exploring the island.

Ana, on the other hand, was fascinated by the experience, seeing the griffin's presence as a reminder that they were in a world full of mystical wonders.

She looked at José with an intriguing expression, realizing the journey was about to become much more challenging.

"We need to be careful from now on," William said, breaking the silence. "The griffin made it clear that we must respect its rules or face devastating consequences."

José nodded, agreeing with William. "Yes, let's move forward with caution. We cannot risk provoking the griffin's wrath. It made clear that it's watching us."

The group continued to walk, but the experience left a lasting mark on them all. They were aware that the journey would be even more complex and dangerous than they had imagined.

The presence of the griffin was a constant reminder that they were no more than insignificant ants in this dangerous world.

"So, that's what kept the monsters around here so quiet. The presence of a mythical being nearby," Ana said, casting a thoughtful glance at William, who responded with a subtle nod full of meaning.

The exchanged glances between Ana and William revealed a tacit understanding of something deeper that the encounter with the griffin had unveiled. Although the others had not caught the subtext, the exchange suggested a hidden layer of meaning, a shared understanding between the two about the broader implications of the griffin's presence and how it could influence their objective.

José noticed something peculiar in the exchanged glances between Ana and William, a subtle communication that seemed to imply a shared knowledge between the two. The perception made him suspicious, leading him to question his companions' intentions.

"Why would these three be searching for treasure if they are weak by the standards of this world?" José wondered, reflecting on his journey companions' choice. Their presence on the quest seemed out of place, given the level of danger they would face.

Doubt began to settle in his mind. José knew the importance of teamwork and the need to trust his companions, but now he was starting to question whether there was something more behind Ana, William, and Marcos' actions.

The hidden meanings of the encounter with the griffin seemed to have awakened a new perspective in José, who now needed to understand his companions' true intentions better. The quest for the legendary treasure might be more complex and mysterious than he initially imagined.

For the rest of the day, the walk continued, and the group explored other parts of the island cautiously, avoiding new creatures or traps. They discovered more streams and impressive rock formations, each with its own beauty and unique challenges.