
Realms In The Firmament

Ye Xiao was a superior cultivator in his previous life. The three factions of the Qing-Yun Realm killed millions of people every time they attempt to seize cultivation resources. Wealthy towns turn to wastelands in just a single night. They covered up their crime with assertion that the towns were suffering from pestilence and disasters. They forcibly held all the resources for cultivation, monopolized all valuable practice materials, and kept outsiders from cultivating so that only their three factions could cultivate in the realm. Ye Xiao declared war against the three factions in retaliation of their actions. He fought alone and ended up dying in vain. However, he is reborn into the mortal body of a 16 year-old boy. He will use the powers he cultivated in his last life and slaughter his way back into the Qing-Yun Realm. The story begins! ------ Release Rate: 14 Chapters/Week; 1 chapter from Monday to Saturday, and 8 chapters every Sunday.

Feng Ling Tian Xia · Eastern
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1995 Chs

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Translator: DaoistLUbAbJ

Xiong er laughed sinisterly, "Bai Chen, your scheming has gone to waste. You only said that I gave up half of my power to help you create 2,000 high-level eternal realm cultivators. Don't you know that this demon has already planted the essence of the demon essence into the sea of consciousness of those 2,000 cultivators? That's right, the power that this demon can control is no longer 20% of its peak, and can no longer shake this barrier. However, those 2,000 people are still under my control. Do you think that if those 2,000 people suddenly attack, can they shake the barrier from the outside?"? "!"

Bai Chen's expression immediately changed, he said in a deep voice, "The supreme barrier has already been established, it's equivalent to a world of its own. Do you think you can still communicate with the outside world? As long as we destroy you first, we will have a way to remove the demonic source prohibition on those 2,000 cultivators!"