
REALMHOOD (old Story not posting anymore)

Jonathan a man always struggling with what is right and wrong is suddenly given a gift by a god?? Claiming a war is on the horizon and that It's to help us? Fighting For control over the multiverse???? Follow him on his journey of growth.

WordedCrib · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


With the powers that God had granted

it was not like a system in any form it was more so that of a sense, in the same way, you can see.

Jonathan was a man who had always prided himself in his work so with the realisation that with receiving a sense of growth as to how to get stronger in a sense he could finally decide what is moral and immoral he had the power.



He wondered now that God had given growth to the human race how he could grow. Suddenly the word came to him "Switch"

confused He blurted out loud "Switch what is that? all I've got is a lousy word to work off of but that word was all he needed to say for it to happen.

Suddenly he was teleported into an open field that did not resemble that of the earth but that of a war-torn battlefield.

Before he could think a greenish bald humanoid creature ran towards him."sya bu tejishk ktip bu satnet sya ungg bu ad syig pu tea!!!!" it shouted running towards Jonathan. before he had the chance to react he received a knife to the stomach. lying there he had the thought of saying the word switch again.

"Switch," he said and as he did that he teleported back to his homeworld

As he was one of the first in the middle of a crowd to figure out how to do this the realization of what was happening set in.

"This was real"

Jonathan passed out.

People panicked as just a moment ago he had been fine and then he disappeared and reappeared the immediately after saying the word "switch".


Jonathan had almost been trampled by the crowd running away from him terrified of the truth of what was happening.

However, services still functioned in some form as he awoke in a hospital covered in bandages and being fed a drip.

"Where am I?" he asked

he looked around appearing to be in a hospital but it was all destroyed. Someone had saved him.

He sighed knowing of the long journey to come and the problems he would face.