
Realm Wanderers: Birth of the Abyssal Monarch

"Dreams destroyed my reality!" Dion Kruz had his life all planned out, a future mapped by the predictable rhythm of a 9 to 5 existence after college graduation. But fate had other plans for him, and on his eighteenth birthday, everything changed. As Dion drifted into a peaceful slumber, he was transported to another world, where the boundaries between dreams and reality blurred and shattered like fragments of glass. He later discovered the hard way that he has become a Realm Wanderer. Realm Wanderers… beings who shuttle through the void when they sleep at night to other realms and can return. They could use powers of another realm. But their existence was not without consequence; they disrupted the delicate balance of the realm system, and in every realm, so they were hunted. They were hunted even on Earth, where the facade of regular humans masked a hidden world of supernatural beings on the prowl for the elusive Wanderers. His previous dreams are shattered, replaced by a new reality. One that demanded he embrace his destiny as a Realm Wanderer. — We will be dealing with two worlds here: Earth and Aeon. Aeon is a magical planet/realm that had its mana contaminated after the last war. A bloodline is needed to perform magic. Earth looks normal but supernatural beings lurk in the dark. A storm is brewing.

BlackCape · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Chapter 31 – Disagreement And Clashing Lifestyles




All these emotions tried to drown Dion, gnawing and ripping his mind. But it brought back bad memories. Bad memories he never wants to remember.

Dion's eyelids trembled as he stared at the pair of grey iris.

'Fear! Fear! Fear! I've been battling it since I was a kid. But I'm no longer powerless!' He roared in his head and unleashed his eye intent.

[Eyes of Dread activated!]

[Dread in its majesty!]

His eyes flared with an eerie red glow, going against the grey eyes. He finally escaped the entrapment of suffocation even though he was still feeling the pressure. Without hesitation, he stretched his hand to his side, grabbed anything his hand touched, and smashed it at the figure in front of him.

With quick steps, the figure moved back.

The sound of shattering glass reverberated through the room, its echoes mingling with the liquid splashing onto Dion's clothes. It took a moment for him to realize that he had accidentally grabbed a bottle of wine, but his attention was swiftly drawn to the figure before him.

"Enough!" Karen's voice reverberated, cutting through the tension.

Dion took a moment to study his surroundings, his gaze sweeping across the room. Vera and Karen sat on a long couch, their expressions calm. Across from them, a boy with average height but an athletic build, with striking, short white hair, watched Dion with playful black eyes. Standing a mere five meters away, his attacker's grey irises had returned to their normal state. Ella stood a few meters from Dion, her eyes wide with shock.

"Dion, retract your eye intent!" Karen's voice pierced the air, her tone icy.

Dion merely threw her a sidelong glance before his gaze returned to his attacker, both pairs of eyes narrowing dangerously, like crouching vipers.

Quietly, he studied the person before him. He had a crew cut, dark brown hair that framed his long and sharp face, and his brown eyes locked onto Dion's. Tall and athletic, unlike the robust Rowan.

The room was charged with tense silence as everyone watched the standoff unfold before them.

His mind began to analyze the situation, each thought walking through his brain with precision. 'He should be A1 from his tone and attitude; alpha attitude and control. The other boy with white hair should be A2, judging by the playful atmosphere around him. Fighting here is foolish. I can't take on A1 and A2 alone, and the girls would most likely side with A1 since they have known each other for a long time. Besides, I'm not sure I can even beat A1 in a 1v1.'

Taking a deep breath, Dion retracted his eye intent and straightened his rumpled clothes. Without a word, he turned towards the door, intending to leave the room.

Karen's eyebrow arched in surprise at his sudden decision.

But just as Dion was about to exit through the door, a familiar scent caught his attention. He paused, sniffing the air, his eyes narrowing in recognition.

Pivoting on his heel, Dion made his way towards Karen, all eyes still fixed on him.

"My share of the money," he demanded calmly, his voice carrying an air of determination.

Karen nodded in agreement, disappearing into the room momentarily. She returned with a new soft leather bag, handing it over to Dion.

Dion accepted the bag and inquired, "How much is in it?"

"One million dollars," Karen replied, her voice steady.

Dion arched an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "I thought it was nine million dollars. So why am I receiving only a million when I did ninety percent of the job? The only person who actually worked was this white-haired dude with the Nixara bloodline. He took the money and earbuds before the officer arrived. And you, Karen, when you shot that bullet."

"Hey," the white-haired dude interjected, rising from his seat. He approached Dion, intending to place his arm over his shoulder, but a sharp glare from Dion made him reconsider. "We are a team, so we all receive a million dollars each. Even if someone else had done the same work as you, everyone would still receive an equal amount. That accounts for six million dollars. The remaining three million are allocated for settling bills, such as the information broker, customized phone, and other expenses."

Dion nodded, though he harbored doubts about some of the dude's words. Nevertheless, he confirmed from the voice that the person was indeed A2.

He swung the bag over his shoulder and veered around to leave.

"Dion, aren't you staying?" Ella called out but Dion feigned deafness and continued leaving without looking back.

His paranoia wouldn't let him stay in a house where he is a hundred percent at a disadvantage if things become sour. Void shuttling was out of the question.

Dion left Karen's compound, walking alone on the deserted road, devoid of cars. The chilling wind caressed his skin and tousled his hair, while the streetlights illuminated his path, although his vision was sharp even without their aid.

When the rumbling engine of a car reached his ears from a distance, Dion glanced back. To his surprise, he recognized Ella's pink car as it approached. The window rolled down, revealing Vera seated inside. Her wavy, raven-black hair was tied in a ponytail, and her hazel eyes shimmered, reflecting the glow of the streetlights. She adorned a pink gown that complemented the car's hue.

"What?" Dion questioned calmly.

"Get in. I'm giving you a lift home." Vera gestured with her head.

Dion thought for a moment before walking to the passenger's seat. He opened the car and settled in it.

Vera drove the car in silence, the cool and soothing music filling the vehicle with its melodic presence. Dion wasn't surprised that she knew the way to his house. It seemed all of them had conducted a background check on him when he discovered their secret.

Coming to a stop in front of his house, Vera turned off the engine. Dion attempted to open the door, only to find it locked. Without a hint of anxiety, he turned to face Vera.

"You're never coming back to Karen's house, right?" Vera asked, a smile playing on her lips.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he replied casually.

Vera raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by his attempt at denial. "Stop lying. This type of event—a person picking a fight with you—has happened to you twice before, and you never returned to them. The first time, it was because of a guy who believed the girl he loved had feelings for you. The second was due to some foolish misunderstanding. You left in silence and never looked back. I suppose that's what you're planning to do now." Vera smirked at him, her eyes sharp with scrutiny, but Dion merely regarded her with lazy indifference.

"You're correct," Dion acknowledged, his voice devoid of denial. "When situations like that arise, I see it as a clash of incompatible lifestyles." He chose not to reveal the true reason behind his departure.

Vera's eyes narrowed with sharpness as she retorted, "That's where you're mistaken. True friendship withstands the tests of fire, thorns, and disagreements, emerging stronger than ever."

Dion snapped, "Who wants to go through fire and thorns?" Then his voice became calm again. "I'm too lazy to go through fire with anybody, trying to force things. It's not worth it. Now, please, open the door."

Her chuckle filled the air as she unlocked the door. "You're a peculiar one. Most people would be angered to discover that their friends had conducted a background check on them and pried into their privacy without consent. But here you are, looking bored."

Dion could only sigh, a hint of resignation in his voice. "I was already aware that you all had done that, but getting angry is useless. Except for my unfortunate encounters with the police, my life is relatively clean."

'...and you're not my friends!' he screamed in his head but refrained from saying it out loud.

He opened the door and stepped out of the car.

Vera watched him as he took the elevator. "Interesting. I can't believe he survived fighting Brian, who is one step from becoming a Grade-Two shifter with his little experience."


Dion opened the door to his house, locked it, and went into his room. He dumped the bag of money on the bed and opened it.

His lips curled into a smirk as he saw the cash arranged in the bag. "One million dollars. One f*****g million dollars! Hahahahaha."

He laughed carefreely. It has been a long time since something made him happy. His brain had already forgotten about the group of realm wanderers that dampened his mood.

He began rapping anything that entered his head while picking up a bundle from the bag

"Broke in my bank,

cash loaded in my hand.

Dollars in the air,

Scent of money rocking the atmosphere!"

He nodded to his imaginary beat in happiness before going to take a shower in the bathroom. It was already midnight. Dion pushed the money off his bed to the floor and slept off.


Dion opened his eyes, greeted by the rough walls of the cave where he had slept in Aeon. Rubbing the back of his head, he ventured out into the scorching sun, its glaring rays bearing down upon him.

He mused, 'Aeon has a longer day than Earth of about 72 hours, but afternoon here is night the other way. Both realms behave like they have equal daily hours but opposite times like different continents. Let's not bother myself with this geographical-blah blah blah stuff.'

His eyes scanned the expanse of the forest, eventually settling on a distant mountain. It was the abode of the Rune Mortal beast — an awakened creature capable of battling the Aura Flare human.

Dion's lips curved into a subtle grin, and his pupils constricted with determination. "Zeni mentioned that it contains red crystals, huh? Hunting wild beasts and selling them is too slow to get red crystals. I need more power. Just an eye intent from that dude caused me to cough up blood. A common Grade-One Shifter nearly killed me. That means if I meet a Silver Martial Knight, who is equivalent to a Grade-One Shifter in rank but with greater attacking prowess, I'm dead. No, I cannot afford to wait. Danger always catches its target unprepared. I must acquire red crystals, and raiding the Rune Mortal beast's cave is the swiftest route. But first, I need a plan."