
Realm Wanderers: Birth of the Abyssal Monarch

"Dreams destroyed my reality!" Dion Kruz had his life all planned out, a future mapped by the predictable rhythm of a 9 to 5 existence after college graduation. But fate had other plans for him, and on his eighteenth birthday, everything changed. As Dion drifted into a peaceful slumber, he was transported to another world, where the boundaries between dreams and reality blurred and shattered like fragments of glass. He later discovered the hard way that he has become a Realm Wanderer. Realm Wanderers… beings who shuttle through the void when they sleep at night to other realms and can return. They could use powers of another realm. But their existence was not without consequence; they disrupted the delicate balance of the realm system, and in every realm, so they were hunted. They were hunted even on Earth, where the facade of regular humans masked a hidden world of supernatural beings on the prowl for the elusive Wanderers. His previous dreams are shattered, replaced by a new reality. One that demanded he embrace his destiny as a Realm Wanderer. — We will be dealing with two worlds here: Earth and Aeon. Aeon is a magical planet/realm that had its mana contaminated after the last war. A bloodline is needed to perform magic. Earth looks normal but supernatural beings lurk in the dark. A storm is brewing.

BlackCape · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Chapter 24 – Mysterious Rabi

Dion stood before a bustling nightclub, its doors opening and closing as people streamed in. The rhythmic beats of loud music spilled out into the night, creating an electric atmosphere. Expensive cars lined the street, their engines purring as they pulled over one after another. Each person who emerged from those vehicles wore a unique mask, with animal masks being the most prevalent choice.

Above the entrance of the nightclub, a signboard proudly displayed the name 'One Time Club' in bold letters. Neon lights danced and twinkled within the sign, adding a touch of vibrant allure to the scene.

"I hate this place," Dion mumbled as he stood alone. Karen chooses to be a sniper and watch what goes on outside with a sniper rifle. It was a perfect job for her because her elf eyes could see through the distance.

As for Ella, she is a good hacker, so she was the person controlling the communication with the customized earbud nestled snugly in Dion's ears.

"You shouldn't hate this place. It's cool and lively. The remaining two people who will join the operation will talk to you soon. Now, go in. I got my eyes inside," Ella's voice sounded from the earbud.

Dion donned a black leather jacket over a crisp white shirt, paired with comfortable yet stylish blue pants that hugged his legs just right. Ella had carefully selected a pair of white and lightweight sneakers to complete his ensemble. His face was concealed by a deep blue wolf mask, revealing only his mouth and strong jawline.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Dion stepped into the pulsating club. The sight that greeted him was a swirling mass of bodies, grinding and moving in sync with the infectious music. Colorful lights flickered and danced, casting an enchanting glow over the space. His sensitive nose quickly picked up the mingling scents of sweat, alcohol, and cigarettes that permeated the air.

The thunderous music pounded against his eardrums, trying to immerse him in its rhythmic energy.

The club boasted a spacious and open dance floor at its center, with elevated decks encircling it, providing a vantage point for those who wished to relax and observe from above. A few individuals occupied the upper decks, lounging in chairs and sipping on drinks.

Dion's gaze was drawn to the elevated area, where a sense of tranquility seemed to reign.

'That seems like a better place,' he thought to himself, deciding to ascend the stairs and venture to the upper deck.

Reaching the upper floor, Dion made his way to the edge of the deck, standing before the guardrail. Ignoring the bustling crowd around him, he focused his attention solely on the energetic party floor below.

"I heard we have a new member. Newbie, I'm A1 and the coordinator of this operation. Listen to me, you and A2 will act as backup for me. What's your name?" A deep voice abruptly called out from the earbud.

Dion kept silent as he didn't know who the authoritative voice was.

"Dion, he is the next person I was talking about," Karen spoke up because Dion refused to say anything. "A2 is the last person."

"What's up, y'all? Newbie, what's your name?" A male, teenage voice chimed in.

"I'm A3," Dion replied calmly.

"I need your real name or you can leave this operation," A1's deep voice commanded.

Dion's eyes narrowed and went silent again. His eyes were still on the dancing crowd.

'I don't know you but you want to know the name behind my mask? I'm surprised Karen and Ella didn't tell him,' Dion smirked with his eyes focused on the crazy crowd.

"I'm Zavy Molokov," Dion answered calmly.

Ella burst into laughter but quickly covered her mouth. He could hear Karen trying to restrain her laughter.

"Are you sure that's your name?" A2's teenage voice asked with uncertainty.

"Is that your real name?" A1 pressured in a commanding tone.

"Do you want to tell me my name?" Dion replied unhurriedly, unfazed by their pressuring tone. The earbud turned silent but the tension was palpable.

"Let's concentrate on the operation," a voice abruptly interrupted the tense atmosphere.

'Vera?' Dion arched an eyebrow in surprise. 'We have Karen, Ella, and Vera. A2's voice sounded immature while A1 sounded like an experienced dude.'

"Everybody should watch out for any irregularities," A1 spoke after Vera spoke up.

Dion continued watching in silence like nothing happened. His stomach grumbled, so he turned and took a cup of wine from a waiter passing by.

He sipped it casually with a hand in his pocket and eyes watching everybody's movement like a hawk.

Footsteps from his back made him turn. A girl in a white rabbit mask, and blue, short, sleeveless gown approached him.

"Hi." She smiled at him but Dion silently stared at her.

"I'm Rabi. I saw you lonely up here. You don't mind my presence, right?" She spoke with the brightly painted red lips still curled in a sweet smile.

"I mind," Dion enunciated, turned to back her, and returned to watching the crowd. He wasn't interested in talking to her.

"But I don't mind," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of playfulness. She joined Dion at the guardrail, directing her gaze towards the vibrant party floor.

Dion's annoyance deepened beneath his mask, and his face contorted in displeasure.

"You haven't told me your name," she urged.

Dion responded with silence.

"It's rude to keep silent when your partner is talking to you," she chided, her eyes searching for what had captivated Dion's attention below.

Dion shot back, his voice cutting through the blaring music. "Rabbit, when did you become my partner?"

"Just now."

Dion gave her a long stare before his eyes returned to the party.

"You look different at this party," Rabi exclaimed over the blaring music, his finger pointing at the pulsating crowd below. "Like a solitary island amidst a sea of vibrant life. Just look at them—teenagers and adults alike, reveling in the moment. The masks they wear shield their identities, allowing them to lose themselves in ecstasy without the burden of future consequences or the fear of judgment."

Dion's voice pierced through the loud music, "That's because I think differently. I see things differently. Maybe my IQ is too high. From my perspective, you're all infected with a disease that repulses me. The clownish behavior, the mindless conformity... I can't tolerate them. Clowns left, right, and center. So, I just recline in my space and watch in silence. Rabbit, you can't make me a clown just because I am different."

Dion and Rabi stared at each other in silence.

"What a new perspective," Vera's voice resonated from the earbud.

Dion tore his gaze from the blue eyes of the girl in front of him.

After a moment of silence, Rabi asked casually, "Do you know what's going on tonight? The club looks full. There are about six hundred people here tonight. That's odd because only 300 to 350 people usually turn up. Six hundred people? That's crazy. The club even expanded the dance floor and bought more items like they knew the multitude coming without announcing any extraordinary activity. Isn't it puzzling? Why don't you tell me what's going on."

Dion's eyes squinted behind his mask.

"Why did you think I would know?" Dion asked without looking at her.

"You don't know?" Rabi blurted before sighing in resignation. "I thought you had inside information."

"And what makes you think that?" Dion still had his squinted eyes on the dancing crowd.

Rabi took a moment to answer. "Your disposition, I guess."

"Dion, she's suspicious. Be careful. She might be… anything," Karen stated through the earbud.

"... And if you betray your teammates, you're dead," A1 declared.

Dion maintained his posture without adjusting his composure.

"I think you're the one who knows something exclusive. Why don't you tell me?" Dion turned and smirked at Rabi. He was tempted to use his eyes of dread but held the urge.

"I know nothing exclusive." She smiled at Dion.

Both of them smiled at each other but a storm was brewing underneath the friendly smile.

Dion calculated how to escape without revealing his identity.

As for Rabi, her goal for approaching Dion is still vague.

Just as Rabi was about to speak, the blaring sound of multiple gunshots shattered the already chaotic atmosphere of the club. Dion and Rabi flinched, their bodies instinctively shrinking away from the piercing noise.

Pandemonium erupted on the dance floor as people frantically tried to escape the jam-packed club. Dion's eyes darted around, trying to make sense of the sudden mayhem as he couldn't see the shooter. The gunshots had ignited a chain reaction, causing a reckless frenzy among the crowd. People trampled over each other in their desperate struggle to flee, toppling tables and filling the air with screams of terror.

Gunshots continued to echo relentlessly, creating an atmosphere of unrelenting danger. Rabi slipped into the rowdy crowd, disappearing from Dion's sight, but his focus remained fixated on his survival, too anxious to concern himself with her well-being. He could not tank bullets yet.

"Zavy, are you there?" Ella called out through the earbud

"I'm here and I can hear you. What the f**k is going on?!" Dion roared as he crouched behind a table.

Ella quieted before saying, "The game has begun."