
Realm Wanderers: Birth of the Abyssal Monarch

"Dreams destroyed my reality!" Dion Kruz had his life all planned out, a future mapped by the predictable rhythm of a 9 to 5 existence after college graduation. But fate had other plans for him, and on his eighteenth birthday, everything changed. As Dion drifted into a peaceful slumber, he was transported to another world, where the boundaries between dreams and reality blurred and shattered like fragments of glass. He later discovered the hard way that he has become a Realm Wanderer. Realm Wanderers… beings who shuttle through the void when they sleep at night to other realms and can return. They could use powers of another realm. But their existence was not without consequence; they disrupted the delicate balance of the realm system, and in every realm, so they were hunted. They were hunted even on Earth, where the facade of regular humans masked a hidden world of supernatural beings on the prowl for the elusive Wanderers. His previous dreams are shattered, replaced by a new reality. One that demanded he embrace his destiny as a Realm Wanderer. — We will be dealing with two worlds here: Earth and Aeon. Aeon is a magical planet/realm that had its mana contaminated after the last war. A bloodline is needed to perform magic. Earth looks normal but supernatural beings lurk in the dark. A storm is brewing.

BlackCape · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Chapter 22 – Reason Of Living?

"Past, present, future… I don't like thinking about these complicated things. Some people describe it philosophically and poetically, which destroys my brain cells merely thinking about the meaning." A momentary smile glossed Dion's lips as he spoke, "I simply leave the past behind, walk in the present, and let fate shape the destination of the future."

"Smile more. It brings out the teenage spirit in you. As for your concept of the past, present, and future, you are wrong somewhere. The past is never forgotten as long as it leaves a deep impression on you." Arwen stared at Dion in the eyes. Then her eyes narrowed, her tone becoming serious. "As for letting fate decide your destination, I don't think that's the spirit and mentality of somebody who wants to achieve something great. Yes, the past shapes the present. But also remember, the present shapes the future. If you leave everything to fate — chance in my words — you're driving towards an unintended and sudden future. Remember, we create our future. We mold it how we want it."

Dion met Arwen's intense gaze head-on, refusing to look away.

"Okay, the food is ready," she said, breaking the tense atmosphere as she stood up to leave.

Dion just stared at her back for a moment before his eyes turned unfocused. His horrific past came flooding in like it was yesterday. Dion shivered.

Life in the orphanage with mother Rui.

Surviving in the street.

Breaking out of the dreadful lifestyle…

'I guess she's right about the past,' thought Dion.

Rowan returned, and together, they set off on their hunting expedition. Today's hunting went smoothly as they hunted a normal creature. As night fell, Dion absorbed another red crystal, causing a new rune to emerge on the back of his right palm. He didn't go to see Liana or Karen.


Dion woke up on the other side. It was Saturday. He decided to have a good sleep as his head felt like it was being hammered. A sleep without void shuttling. A sleep to reset his worn-out spirit and ignite the drive in him. His eyes shut and slipped into the darkness.


Dion opened his eyes and slowly sat up. He felt refreshed. The mental fatigue that plagued him disappeared. He quenched his thirst with a refreshing gulp of water, relishing its coolness, before stepping into a quick, invigorating shower. When he checked the time, it was already afternoon, some minutes past twelve.

As usual, he swiftly donned his white hoodie before meeting Maya for his part-time job, which went pretty well. But what made him curse was the way he ate food. Food felt like a bag of oxygen that he could consume ceaselessly. It was just 3 PM — two hours and some minutes since he woke up — but he had finished the thirty dollars for all his work for the day.

He was now trekking towards the gym to meet Ivy.

'It's the right call to join Karen's robbery team.'

When Dion arrived at the gym, Ivy was already dressed in military camouflage trousers and a black vest that hugged her frame.

When he remembered Arwen's words, his lips crept up in a faint smile. Apart from his tough mental resilience, she is another person who helps eliminate suicidal thoughts. Every Sunday, she forcefully takes him to cool and lively places.

Ivy turned towards him, her voice filled with authority as she roared, "You're two minutes late. Now, a hundred push-ups!"

Dion came to an abrupt stop, glancing over his shoulder to ensure no one was lurking behind him. He also wanted to confirm whether Ivy's command was directed at someone else.

"I'm talking to you. Now, get started," she shouted fiercely like a military commander.

Dion raised his hands slowly, seeking permission to speak.

"Yes, what is it?" Ivy furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"I think you're teaching the wrong person the wrong course," he blurted, his face strained from holding his urge to laugh.

"I want to give you standard military training as you wanted." Ivy placed her hand on her hips.

"Forget about the military part I spoke about. Just teach me how to fight… that's if you can," Dion quickly corrected himself. His time was greatly limited.

Ivy's eyes shone with mischievous glint with a sweet but eerie smile playing on her lips. "Are you doubting my martial prowess?"

"No ma'am!" Dion replied like a dedicated cadet.

"Alright, quickly change into your training attire and prepare yourself. Keep in mind that my knowledge of martial arts is limited to the basics."

Dion nodded and walked into the dressing room.

He emerged from the dressing room, now clad in a pristine white karate uniform, the fabric crisp against his skin.

"Alright, let's rehearse what you've learned…"

Ivy began teaching him, but rather than relying solely on verbal instruction, she opted for a more immersive approach, putting him through rigorous physical training… literally beating him.

With each punch, Ivy revealed the vulnerabilities hidden within the human form, like a master sculptor chiseling away at a flawed masterpiece.

Furthermore, she shared her knowledge of the optimal stances for different actions, enabling him to maximize the impact of each attack.

Dion eagerly sparred with her, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he put his newly acquired skills to the test. But he regulated his strength which was hell of a work. It was like he was breathing in half the amount of air he usually inhaled.

When it was about an hour and a half, Dion feigned tiredness. It would be shocking to her if he still possesses excessive energy after the strenuous activity. His endurance wasn't high in the first place.

He lay on the floor, breathing hard with sweat soaking his attire.

"Time for muscle build. You have to carry…"

'So that's how I would have died if I was truly tired,' Dion thought with chills as he saw the weight she was listing and pointing.

When he was done, it was already 6:15 PM. Dion took a quick shower in the gym and got changed. Ivy did the same before driving both of them home.

She called out, "What happened? You seem lost lately."

"Well…" Dion contemplated for a moment and decided to say his piece. "Someone told me I've been waiting to die instead of living a life. But when I thought of it, what's actually living a life? Everybody is living to die. Everybody must die. She's just criticizing how I live my life," Dion ranted, making Ivy's eyes widen as he never does that.

"Do you believe her?" Ivy suddenly asked while her eyes fixed on him.


"That's where you are wrong; you think she's telling the truth. I know you. I've been with you. When you are right, you throw people's opinions into the trash. It bothers you because a part of yourself believed her." She took a deep breath and her eyes focused on the windscreen. "Living a life has multiple meanings. Most people take living a life as living in happiness. Others take it as completing challenges. Some take it as getting married and having children. So, Why do you live? You've to find yours. Something that gives your life meaning."

Dion became lost in thought but found no reason to live.

Ivy's voice jolted him, "If you don't have any, then maybe finding yours is the correct path. If you still can't find any, remember… real dude chooses the way they die." She locked eyes with Dion.

Dion became silent for a moment before he blurted, "Most deaths are caused by accident and unintentional actions as most people are scared of death. Choosing the way to die is intentionally dying. I thought you were trying to stop me from dying. Why does it sound like you are urging me to die?"

Ivy's mouth opened and closed many times but no word came out. She could only sigh in defeat.

"Forget it. You will understand it someday. Don't just die a senseless and foolish death."

Ivy alighted from the car and continued in her tracks. Both of them took the elevator to their floor.

"Good night."


Dion returned to his room and slept on to void shuttle.

That's how his life became: Sleep, work part-time with Maya, learn to hunt with Rowan, train with Ivy, and avoid the popular girls in his school —Karen and Ella. Ella still pesters him even with his stern face.

Ten days later, he had already begun hunting alone in Aeon and spent most of his time in the wild. He managed to buy one more red crystal to raise his body runes to three. His strength abruptly multiplied after he reached the third rune. He could now put a deep dent into a concrete pillar with his bare fist.

But it also came with a deadly repercussion that is driving him crazy — insatiable hunger.

Dion ate like crazy, exhausting his money. He had to start cooking or he might devour all the food in the restaurant. One day, he had to swallow his pride and borrow money from Ivy just to afford a meal. Eating to his fill is almost an impossibility with his budget. He only ate till his satisfaction in Aeon. In Aeon, the food provided a greater influx of energy compared to Earth, as the living organisms absorbed minimal amounts of mana into their systems. But Earth operates under different rules.

Dion couldn't wait for the deal day to steal three million dollars. His head ranted, 'Food! Food!! Food!!!' like a mantra.

The days ran by and soon it was the deal day.

When Dion's eyes opened, he eagerly jumped out of the bed.

"Rocky Peters… hehehe!" He chuckled wickedly and his stomach grumbled like it couldn't wait.