
Realm Wanderers: Birth of the Abyssal Monarch

"Dreams destroyed my reality!" Dion Kruz had his life all planned out, a future mapped by the predictable rhythm of a 9 to 5 existence after college graduation. But fate had other plans for him, and on his eighteenth birthday, everything changed. As Dion drifted into a peaceful slumber, he was transported to another world, where the boundaries between dreams and reality blurred and shattered like fragments of glass. He later discovered the hard way that he has become a Realm Wanderer. Realm Wanderers… beings who shuttle through the void when they sleep at night to other realms and can return. They could use powers of another realm. But their existence was not without consequence; they disrupted the delicate balance of the realm system, and in every realm, so they were hunted. They were hunted even on Earth, where the facade of regular humans masked a hidden world of supernatural beings on the prowl for the elusive Wanderers. His previous dreams are shattered, replaced by a new reality. One that demanded he embrace his destiny as a Realm Wanderer. — We will be dealing with two worlds here: Earth and Aeon. Aeon is a magical planet/realm that had its mana contaminated after the last war. A bloodline is needed to perform magic. Earth looks normal but supernatural beings lurk in the dark. A storm is brewing.

BlackCape · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Chapter 19 – Dread In Its Majesty

When the gigantic sheep was three meters from him, Dion instantly unleashed his eye intent.

[Eyes of Dread activated!]

[Dread in its majesty!]

Although additional text appeared, Dion remained focused on the beast in front of him. The sheep's leg abruptly spasms, making it crash in front of Dion.

Dion jumped out of the way, causing the beast to skid past his previous position due to the inertia.

With bated breath, he quickly turned to see if Rowan could deliver.

Anticipation held his breath captive.

If not… he is ready to run.

The sliding beast slowed down beneath the tree as it ran out of momentum. Rowan, with his robust body, jumped from the tree. He hammered the blunt side of the knife against the lodged spear.

The force sent three-quarters of the three-meter spear into the sheep's neck and out of the other side.

Rowan didn't stop there. He slashed the knife at the sheep's neck, creating a deep and long cut that spurted blood.

When the sheep finally came to a stop, its lifeless eyes stared back at them.

"Brilliant kill. Perfect execution," Dion mumbled, praising the seamless action.

Rowan fell onto his backside, his breath coming in loud gasps.

"That was… excellent." Rowan gave Dion a thumbs up. But he soon tilted his head in confusion. "But I never knew sanguine bloodline could have that effect. Is it mutated?"

With no knowledge of his bloodline, Dion chose to remain silent as he slowly stood up, his body weary and fatigued. Using eye intent saps a momentous amount of energy from the body.

"Are we leaving now?" Dion asked.

Dion's question jolted Rowan to his senses. "Yes. This fight would have alerted other beasts in the forest we need to leave now. Take the weapons."

Rowan pulled the spear from the sheep's neck and threw both the knife and spear to Dion.

Rowan raised the sheep with difficulty and placed it on his shoulder before sprinting toward the direction they came from.

Dion's jaw dropped at the strength. 'Rune Body is in a different league from Bloodline Awakened.'

But he threw that aside and chased after Rowan. Both of them left the forest behind as they sprinted in silence.

After about thirty minutes of full-speed running and passing fallen leaves and trunks, and under the canopies of gigantic trees, they emerged from the forest. There was no house close to the boundary of the forest.

Rowan continued running like something was chasing after him. Dion was used to the silence, so he never questioned Rowan's anxiousness. Rowan only stopped ten minutes later and dropped the large sheep on the floor.

Rowan explained, "Phew! I was anxious because a beast with this strength would have comrades. Their parents might even be around. If we get surrounded, we are done."

Dion nodded in understanding.

"Let's go home, remove some parts for food, and sell the remaining." Rowan carried the huge sheep and reached the house.

With Dion's help, Rowan cleaned it. Although it was new and stressful to Dion, now Valka wasn't around, he had to learn it. He might leave soon. Also, he loves going solo, so he wouldn't hunt with Rowan for long.

After they sent the part for food to Arwen, Rowan took Dion to where he sells his games. Dion, like a sponge, absorbs all the knowledge.

He saw Zeni haggling with a woman for the price. In Aeon, Boon coins are used for transactions with two classes: silver boon and gold boon. A hundred silver boons equate to one gold boon.

Rowan sold the beast part for ten silver boons. Then he told Dion to wait.

Five minutes later, he returned with two red crystals in his hand.

"You take one red crystal, I take the other," Rowan said.

Dion didn't act hypocritically polite and collected it. He needed it.

'I need to ask Liana for my remaining red crystals. That box shattered. It's meant to be around. With her eyes, she wouldn't miss them,' Dion thought.

Zeni was still arguing with the man when Dion and Rowan left, not without Rowan first appreciating her for giving them the location of the beast.

"How much are the red crystals?" Dion suddenly asked Rowan as they were going home.

"I bought it with my savings. A red crystal is one hundred silver boons." Rowan smiled brightly at him.

Dion turned silent and thought, 'Now I owe him a favor.'

Dion couldn't help but ask, "But your mother is a dark sorcerer, so why do you have to do this to get red crystals?"

"Mother said that it would build my mentality to get things done by myself and not depend on her. She only provided the crystals for awakening," Rowan answered.

"Can I ask you a question?" Rowan chipped in.

Dion turned to him but his silence was an approval.

Rowan quickly asked with gleaming eyes, "How can you allow your emotions to resonate with your eye intent? You know, my bloodline mutated. It was supposed to be a wolf but it mutated to something I don't know. It granted me strength above wolves but my eye intent changed too. I can issue commands with my eye intent but because I can't resonate it with my emotions, it's kind of useless."

Rowan suddenly thought of something. "Do you know what resonating emotions with eye intent is right?"

But Dion just kept looking at him without any change in his expression.

"You don't know." Rowan nodded like it was expected. "When you awaken your bloodline and use your eye intent, you merely touch a quarter of its potential. Using it on a whim is merely using a quarter of its power that can only affect those weaker than you. But when your emotions resonate with your eye intent, you finally use half of its potential.

That's what you did when you stood in front of that bull. I also did that when I commanded it because I was anxious. I can't do it naturally except in extreme conditions. Also–"

Dion couldn't help but speak up to stop Rowan's speech, "I know about the '25-percent eye intent progression' — the first 25% is the 'activation of eye intent', while the next 25% is the 'majesty of eye intent'. I just don't know how to explain how I did mine to you, as we have different bloodlines."

"And you let me waste my breath," Rowan said before sighing in resignation.

Of course, Dion knew how he did it but that's not something that can be explained with his mouth. What if Rowan ends up dead trying to perform the same stunt? Previously, he fought against dread. Because his eye intent is called eyes of dread, Dion suppressed his fear and performed that stunt against the beast, as he did against Luke.

However, being a naturally cautious and untrusting individual, Dion couldn't help but feel the nagging presence of doubt lingering at the back of his mind as he prepared to perform the reckless stunt. Despite his determination, his legs remained poised, ready to propel him away from danger should his daring plan fail.

The only foreseeable risk that lay before him was the possibility of sustaining grave injuries. No wise man tested the depth of the sea with both legs.

Rowan began rambling about the village and the place where it is practically death wish to hunt. Dion listened quietly.

When Dion reached the house, Rowan brought food and both of them ate. Dion went to look for Liana.

When he reached the back, Dion saw Liana and Karen reading books. He walked up to Liana. "My red crystals, you saw them?"

"What red crystals?" Liana blurted.

"Stop pretending. With your eyes, how could you miss them like they were rocks? The only time you can miss them is if you're rich and you consider them rocks. But you don't look rich," Dion stared at her with narrowed eyes.

Liana was quiet for a moment before she argued, "But I saved you. That should be considered compensation."

"And I risk my life to hold that serpent off," Dion retorted.

Liana became quiet before extracting a red crystal from the vine bag from her waist. Her face flushed red in embarrassment. "I used one."

"The other one?" Dion arched an eyebrow.

"Lorraine used it. But you can collect this one."

Dion collected and threw Karen a glare. He couldn't help but ask, "Why didn't Mrs. Arwen tell you guys to work for your food?"

"Because we are special," Karen, who had been watching, finally spoke up calmly. But the cold tone made Dion's face scrunch up.

Dion, feeling the weight of exhaustion settle upon his weary shoulders, turned and made his way towards his room. The sun, now in the midst of its slow descent, painted the evening sky with a vibrant hue of crimson, casting long, fiery rays that stretched across the horizon. When he reached his room, he picked up one red crystal.

With a thought, Dion began absorbing his second red crystal. The feeling of ecstasy came upon him again. He became drunk in ecstasy. Although he felt a slight itchy feeling on the back of his left palm, the pleasure made it difficult for him to wake up.

When Dion's eyes opened, it was already night. His eyes fell on the back of his palm. A strange dim, red symbol — rune — that looked like he was born with it etched on the back of his palm.

Dion folded his hands and felt the increased strength. He walked around the room to get used to it, his foot nearly destroying the floor if not for the durability.

Dion, like a child, kept walking awkwardly until he was a little bit comfortable. Finally, he locked his door before climbing his bed to sleep.

Dion braced himself for the travel as his eyes gave in to the darkness.


When Dion opened his eyes, he was confused at first before realizing he was on the other side.

He shook off the dizziness and sat down. But his eyes fell on his body.

"F**K!" He yelped in shock.

He remembered sleeping with his clothes on, but now, he's only in his underwear. Dion suddenly heard the creaking sound of the door opening.