
Realm Sovereign

{slay or be enslaved} A squad of goblins has spotted you. You only have one option, either slay them or be enslaved. REWARDS:100 Silver Coins : Stone Chest : Village Creation Token A smile formed on Zuchy's face before he fell unconscious,due to exhaustion and blood loss. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TERRITORY PANEL> Name: Zuchy Lord: Zuchy Level:1(0/300)EXP Size:5Km² Stone:500units Wood:500units ×3 Civilians:0 Military:0 Subsidiary Territories:None Political:5% Economic:0% Military:0% Culture:0% Religion:0% Science:0% Education:0% Entertainment:0% Chief's Hut 25% plant growth rate. 20% high grade refugee attraction rate. Zuchy died as he was on a fire fighting mission only to be reincarnated in another world with a gaming system.

Fer_Desz · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Slay or be enslaved.....


<System Alert: Quest:Slay or be enslaved {Completed}>

A squad of goblins has spotted you. You only have one option, either slay them or be enslaved.

REWARDS:100 Silver Coins

: Stone Chest

: Village Creation Token

A smile formed on Zuchy's face before he fell unconscious,due to exhaustion and blood loss.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3 Hours Ago

When the fire alarm went off,the station fell into organized chaos as all the firefighters quickly ran to their specific racks to equip themselves.

The alarm was a code red, meaning all available hands were required to assemble. Zuchy a newby at the station stopped his assigned task and quickly joined the rest.

Despite being a newby he had undergone numerous drills,on the outside,he appeared calm and composed but on the inside,he was filled with excitement. Since he became a firefighter, he had always wanted to go out on a mission but being a newby,the captain tasked him with miscellaneous jobs.

He couldn't remember how many boots he had cleaned or how many hours he had spent inspecting hoses and refilling the oxygen tanks.

His blood heated up as he quickly jumped on the back of one of the firetrucks, already clad in full gear. His eyes sparkled as the truck left the station,the sound of sirens was music to his ears. He wanted to remove his helmet as to fill the wind beat across his face as the truck speed down town,but knowing it was against the code book,he restrained his urge.

By the time it took them to arrive at the scene,half of the building was already engulfed in flames.

It was a five storey building with white washed walls and huge windows.

The flames leaked from the windows threatening to burn anyone and anything that tried to approach. Zuchy, could fill the heat from where he stood. The captain quickly gave orders and everyone hurried to carry them out.

The police had done a good job of cordoning the area, preventing the onlookers from interfering with the firefighters work.

Flashes blinked now and then as the freelancer's and pressmen took pictures of the scene.

The hoses shot out carbonated water toward the building. They mostly targeted the windows.Zuchy had his oxygen mask on and a pickaxe at hand. He also had a first aid kit and a fire blanket kit strapped on his waist. He also carried a mini carbon(iv)oxide extinguisher on his back. He had been placed on the civilian rescue squad.

The moment the fire subsided, Zuchy's squad leader led them into the building. There were five apartments on each floor. The squad was further divided into teams of two,Zuchy was partnered with the squad leader as he had to access him and file a report on how he handled himself under immense pressure and his reaction to all encounters.

Zuchy was prepared for this and swore to give it all his best. The first and second floor were all clear all the tenants had escaped on time.

On the third floor, Zuchy discovered the first casualty,it was an old man, Zuchy approximated his age to have been in his early seventies. Apart from his face that was partially burnt, the rest of his body was burned beyond recognition. The smell of burnt flesh and the gory scene made Zuchy sick but he held back his puke as he could feel the Squad Leader's gaze on his back.

He composed himself and turned towards the middle aged squad leader.

"One casualty..."

He reported as he pulled out a body bag from his kit. It took him and the squad leader three minutes to transfer the man's remains into the body bag. Hoisting the body bag on his shoulder, Zuchy left the room,he had a difficult time navigating through the burning furniture and fallen beams.

The smoke and the weight of the dead old man didn't make it easier for him. He had managed to reach the stairs when the floor beneath his feet suddenly caved in. Zuchy felt the pull of gravity and he quickly let go of the body bag and grabbed his pickaxe. He swung outwards hoping that the pickaxe would connect with a solid object stopping his descend,but luck wasn't on his side.

Zuchy knew that this fall would either cripple him or kill him. Of the two outcomes,he hoped for the first since he didn't want to die. To him, even though being crippled would limit him in the future,he still gets to live.

Zuchy let out a loud cry as a sharp pain engulfed his body,he lifted his head and looked at the steel rod protruding from his chest and a thought drifted in his mind.

"So it was the second..."

His head fell as darkness engulfed him.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


<System Alert: Quest:Slay or be enslaved >

A squad of goblins has spotted you. You only have one option, either slay them or be enslaved.

REWARDS:100 Silver Coins

: Stone Chest

: Village Creation Token

The ringing sound woke Zuchy from his unconsciousness. Before he could take in his surroundings,a group of eleven short ugly green humanoid beings attacked him.

Zuchy quickly retreated as he read the transparent screen that appeared before him.As a single question drifted in his mind.

"Why am I in a game....?"

He could still remembered the pain he felt as the steel rod penetrated his back, piercing his back muscles and heart before protruding from his chest.

A sharp pain on his shin brought him out of his thoughts, looking at his shin,he found a simple wooden arrow protruding from his leg. One of the ugly monster's had shot at him.

Zuchy reread the screen and knowing there was no other way out of his predicament,he surveyed the area as he ran.

He was in a forest with huge trees. He could hear sounds of different forest inhabitants. He knew that hiding from his pursuers was out of the question.

As the quest said,he had to slay or be enslaved. Zuchy loved his freedom and since he had been given a second chance to live,he wasn't going to spend it as a slave.