
Realm of the Transcendants

"Where should I go now?", he sighed. Naoki Ozawa had always considered himself "lost" and devoid of a "reason to live" after the death of his mother. Ironically, it was that lack of purpose and desire that had made him cross the realm of a universe that needed those two in order to survive and become stronger. Out of all the worlds in that universe, he was transported to the world of Zenia, a world dominated by women, where the supreme deity despises men and had not blessed them with much world energy and great aptitude. In this realm, where the soul is the foundation of strength, feeding on other souls in order to be powerful is commonplace. A place where might makes right and the weak are left behind with little to no opportunities. He soon finds out that he's not strong and is pathetically weak, unable to even beat the weakest monster. However, he later saw that he possessed a strange talent—the ability to comprehend souls. In a world of medieval fantasy x cultivation, we follow the story of Naoki as he finds his way into a universe unbeknownst to his own. 》 ART: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1D8kp2S5pwOxTgE-vR2bkH7DTlDLlBBJ_?usp=sharing 》For mobile Webnovel users: bit.ly/RoT_Art ✥ Author's Words: 【After, multiple considerations, I will be writing 1000 words instead of 3000 words per chapter from volume 2 onwards :3. Naturally the length of each volume will remain the same. (15k+ words). This will mean faster releases and less laziness on my part. Thanks for reading!】 「ALL OF MY ART IS AI GENERATED, BUT I'D APPRECIATE IT IF YOU CREDIT MY NOVEL AND INFORM ME IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO USE THEM.」 》While this is technically Harem, this is not some dumpster fire-level trash that only seeks to fulfill male fantasy—if you are here for it, then better try elsewhere. 》This is similar to Japanese Light Novels—so expect that the novel will be like so. 》I sincerely believe in Dialogue > Narration because I like seeing characters develop rather than some all-knowing narrator spoon-feeding every piece of information. It's also more interesting to read characters speak than reading plain text in my opinion. Although, there are instances, especially when a character is alone, that I mostly fill with narration.

Lacyan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

『Dorothy Cliffheart』

"What are we buying?"

"Hmm... let's see..."

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" The girl exclaimed.

Amidst the shopping district, one person could be seen flaunting a weapon at a guy—though that might be the case, he particularly did not mind.

"What do you want this time... Dorothy?"

"Ahh... so this was the one who kept bugging you every time," Naoki said, recalling Astria's memories.

"Yeah, she can be really a handful."

"Hmph! Don't get cocky just because you got married—we're still rivals you know!" She addressed Astria.

This was Dorothy Cliffheart, the adoptive daughter of the leader of the Verdant Zephyrs, Alicia Cliffheart. Apparently, in Zenia, the last name of the mother is inherited—rather than the father.

"Let's go. If you keep talking to her, she'll never stay quiet."

"Mhm, so I was planning-" They both walked away.

"Wai-! Wait—I say! You're going to the Royal Academy, right? I'll be going with you."

"Eh...?" They both looked at her in confusion.

"Hehe, I talked to capta—I mean, my mother about it!" She flaunted her recommendation letter proudly.

Academies worked differently compared to schools back in Naoki's world. In Zenia, academies divide their students by rank instead of years. One can go up the ranks by participating in the quarterly practical assessment, essentially reassigning classes—which meant that anyone can enroll during those times.

"Then why not just go separately? There's still a month before the next quarter." Naoki said.

"Shut up, peasant!"


"Well, in any case, we're not bringing you with us."

"-! But we still haven't settled our score yet!"

Ever since Astria was young, Dorothy had always challenged her to a duel—Astria didn't know why she had always wanted to duel her, but she reluctantly agreed every time. Currently, their score is tied to 27-27, and countless draws.

"I've heard you've already healed—this time, you'll be my proper opponent," Dorothy said proudly.

"I refuse."

"Urgh! But..."

"Wanna fight me instead?" Naoki interjected.

"No one asked for you to speak peasant!"

The two continued walking, getting constantly pestered by Dorothy. Once they have wrapped up shopping, the two headed to the arena as dusk approached—the tournament was starting soon.

"Tonight, it is already guaranteed that my mother and Aunt Alexandra will be at the finals."

"Is that so...?" Naoki commented.

"That's right!"

"...how long are you going to stick with us?" Astria sighed.

As they took their seats—Naoki, Astria, and Dorothy were conversing, it seems that she followed the two the whole day. Astria can't help but sigh—though she was used to her being this pushy.

The arena was quite full, and the crowds were already filling the place. Various people have come—including people outside of Avery and from neighboring cities.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to the peak of the Crystallite Soul Reunion! We are all gathered here tonight to witness the final tournament of the festival! First off-" The caster announced.

She went on to express formalities, the rules of the tournament, and the introduction of the participants. While that was happening, Naoki exited the VIP viewing deck to go to the restroom—he couldn't hold it in anymore.


"Naoki Ozawa, right?" A woman with azure hair and garments approached him

"Ah... that's right. What might you need of me?" Naoki said formally.

"No need to be so stiff, I might be the leader of the Azure Moon—but I'm speaking as a fellow cultivator as of the moment." Candice softly smiled.

Naoki had already recognized this person, she was one of the leaders who came to watch yesterday, after all.

"This might come out as sudden—but do you have no interest in staying in Avery and marrying me?" She flat-out said.

"...? Pardon!?" Naoki quickly jumped back.

The suddenness of the situation had made Naoki speak in a weirder tone than usual—in a state of complete shock.

"Recently, there haven't been any strong prospected suitors in Lizea—at this rate, I'm worried that I won't be able to bear strong children that will inherit my Raelei Family. To be blunt, It's rare to find a man of potential like you."

"Ah... so this is what this is about."

While what she had said was absurd, she had maintained her elegant grace throughout. It seems that in Zenia—it's common to get married to men who at least had "a little" capability. For some, it was even inconsequential whether they loved the person since having multiple spouses was not illegal.

"But—I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't do anything that will hurt Carol."

"My, a man of integrity—well, I won't force you. In truth, I came to see you for another thing-"

Candice Raelei, who appeared to be in her mid-20s, had given Naoki a Soul Scroll of ice—so that he could learn to wield it. It seems that she had originally wanted to recruit him if it was not for Alexandra. Although that might be the case—she had still planned to patronize Naoki.

"I was informed that your soul is quite unique—with that in mind, I hope that you consider my offer if you manage to reach the top someday."

"I'll think about it by then. Though either way, in my opinion, I feel like I do not deserve you, Candice-san—you deserve someone far more outstanding."

Naoki knew that there were a scarce number of male cultivators—but he couldn't just suddenly leave the norms of his old world. He still believed that no one should get married out of necessity—which is why he had promised himself that Astria wouldn't regret getting married to him.

"Hmm... I changed my mind—I want you, after all. Let's form a Soul Contract right away." She said teasingly.

"Didn't you listen to me!?" Naoki lost his composure, his formal tone obliterated.

"My—you're quite funny, Naoki."

"This is not a laughing matter!"

While Candice had said that, the details of the parchment that she handed to Naoki were quite different. It seems that it was just about how, if Naoki was to enter the Soul Chart one day, he was highly encouraged to visit her again. After being urged to do so, Naoki reluctantly agreed—since the contract wasn't forcing him.

Apparently, Candice Raelei was 87th on the Soul Chart.



"Hmm... what's wrong, Naoki? Wai-! Really!?"

"Right... Honestly, I don't know what to make of that."

It seems that Astria had read Naoki's mind. While it was not an uncommon situation for her, she was still surprised nonetheless.


"What happened to this peasant?" Dorothy asked.

"[Ten Thousand Fiery Meteors]!"

"Ohh!? That's the signature move of the city lord!"

"She's magnificent as always!"

The arena somehow had changed scenery, the ground at the stage was dyed crimson—similar to a lava-themed land.

"This is a Soul World being projected huh...?" Naoki said, still couldn't muster his usual energy.

"Ahaha, I'm sorry. Aunt Candice can be quite bold, she wouldn't be satisfied with just any frail man—so it can be taken as a compliment that she took an interest in you."

"Aunt Candice did... with this peasant!?" Dorothy exclaimed.

"Well, I'm not that bothered that she was interested—in fact, I'm glad that she thinks of me that way but..."

"I still think that no one should get married to someone just because they are strong or that it's necessary." He continued.

While he understood why—Naoki had always valued genuineness and authenticity. He had grown up witnessing the opposite, after all.

"Heh, peasant, I don't know what village on the mountain you came from—but it's not rare for that to happen."

"In any case, my sister is about to finish up." Astria returned to watching the fight.

"She's scary—and I acted so haughtily earlier thinking I can beat her if I worked hard enough..." Naoki grimaced.


The night went on as the fierce battles continued to rage on—worthy of its reputation as the peak of the Crystallite Soul Reunion Festival. Although, one person could be seen staring annoyingly—It seems like her presence was almost non-existent.

"Listen to me!!!"

Hello everyone! Meet Dorothy Cliffheart! She will be a relevant character from now on.

To be perfectly honest, if I were in Naoki's shoes—I probably would not be able to resist Candice's offer. (⌒_⌒;)


To clarify, she's part of the same clan as Astria (Which will be explained along with her mother's passing.)

Don't you find it weird how their score is seemingly equal even though Astria's Soul had weak aptitude? Hmm, suspicious.

Look forward to the next chapters because I'm going to write more about them and how the three get closer (This sounds so simplified—but I promise I will do them justice). (⌒ω⌒)ノ

Lacyancreators' thoughts