
Realm Of The Gods

A Saiyan wished into the DBS reality by Zamasu. Will he be a villain or a hero?

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Tournament Of Power

~Dive's POV~

'These guys are too weak for me to even bother with.' I think to myself watching the chaos that was the ToP. I notice Kakarot fighting Jiren.

~End POV~

"Everyone lend me your power!" Goku yelled raising his arms above his head. Everyone except Dive and Vegeta gave him energy for his spirit bomb. Goku threw it at Jiren and instantly began to struggle. Dive watched as it exploded and Goku was nowhere to be seen.

'That idiot. He's gone and killed himself.' Dive thought to himself as a blinding light shot up from where Goku was last seen.

"Something is different about Kakarot." Dive said to himself as he stood by and watched. Dive tilted his head to the left as a red ki blast flew past him from behind.

"Hey old man fight me!" Caulifla yelled out. A vein popped up on Dive's forehead when he heard that. He slowly turned around to look at the girl who was challenging him.

"You know I'm only 30." Dive stated a little venom in his words.

"I don't care how old you are old man I said fight me!" Caulifla yelled. Dive sighed and hopped down from the debris he was standing on.

"Wasn't there 2 of you?" Dive asked looking around the area.

"Doesn't matter I'm the one you're fighting." She said with a smig grin on her face. She instantly powered up to Super Saiyan and charged him. He dodged every attack she threw at him with relative ease.

"What are you too scared to fight back?" She asked just as smugly. Dive instantly powered up to Super Saiyan.

'His power is almost suffocating.' She thought to herself even more excited than before. Kale was standing back and watching her adoptive sister fight the other Saiyan. Suddenly she was snatched by her hair by a pink sumo looking alien.

"What's a weakling like you doing here?" He asked laughing as a crustacean alien walked up and started punching her in the gut.

'What the?' Dive thought to himself as he sensed a weak power being attacked by 2 higher ones. Dive charged past Caulifla and headed towards the power levels he sensed. To say this shocked her would be an understatement.

"Please... Stop..." Kale sobbed out. The aliens just laughed as they continued their assault.

'Please somebody help me...' She thought to herself as she slowly started to close her eyes. Suddenly the barrage of attacks stopped. She opened her eyes to see Dive holding the crustacean by it's arm.

"Pick on someone your own size you disgusting creep." Dive said as he threw the crustacean into the pink alien knocking them both down.

"Stay behind me." Dive ordered Kale as he stepped between her and the enemy. She just nodded surprised at the kindness of the man who was supposed to be her enemy. The 2 aliens began an assault on Dive. He quickly went on the offensive and beat the hell out of the 2 aliens.

"Kamehameha!" Dive roared out as he sent the 2 over the edge eliminating them. Dive turned around and looked at Kale as Caulifla ran towards them.

"What do you thinking you're doing?!" Caulifla yelled at a shocked Dive. She punched him in the face and he slid backwards.

"Sis he didn't do anything to me!" Kale yelled grabbing Caulifla's arm. "If it weren't for him I've would have been eliminated!"

"Looks like I overreacted." Caulifla said as she turned back to Dive.

"Whatever let's continue where we left off." Dive said rubbing his jaw.

"Kale let's use the potaras." Caulifla said smiling at her adoptive sister. Kale nodded her head and Caulifla handed her one.

"What the?!" Dive yelled out covering his eyes from the light and strong wind.

"Haha how do you like this? You can call me Kefla!" She laughed out looking at Dive.

"Damn this is gonna be harder than I thought." Dive told himself as he powered up to Blue.