
Realm of Spirituality

A new virtual reality game, that spreads shockwaves worldwide was officially launched. People hurried to join this Realm of spirituality where you can enjoy three times of your lifespan, and even achieve incredible powers in this magical world. Xuan Yuan, a 16 year old high schooner student who had always been bullied by his mates begins an historical adventure, breaks through his limits, proving himself, becoming more powerful and eventually becomes the strongest God ever seen in the Realm of spirituality

SageMuhammed · Games
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156 Chs

Killing their Guild members

"Ranged players, attack!" The leader beckoned to the Magicians and archers who were already prepared. At the same time, the Healers cast an Invincibility skill on the Tanks in case Xuan Yuan decide to attack them.

Once again, Xuan Yuan did the impossible as he used <Mana Shield> to block the attacks of over 500 Tier 1 player.

"Damn!! Is this guy even killable??" One of the Guardians shouted. Seeing a swordman defend against so many attacks made them think that they've been wasting their time as a Guardian.

"I really don't want to kill you guys. Please leave now" Xuan Yuan warned.

"Fuck!! Is the guy belittling us? Let's show him our might!!" The players shouted as they prepared to launch another wave of attacks.

Xuan Yuan on the other hand was in deep thought. Currently his Mana control was at the Tier 4 Peak standard and he was even prepared to improve his Mana control to the Standard but somehow, all his efforts to improve his standard were all futile as he'd no information about Tier 5 Mana control standard. There was no information about it in the libraries either. So Tier 5 control standard was still a mystery to him.

Now facing these players from Heaven will. He suddenly had the idea of restricting their usage of Mana to prevent their skills execution. Without Mana, players were nothing more than fangless Tigers. They won't pose any threat whatsoever.

He expanded his Mana domain and began emptying out all the Mana in the surrounding and gathering them towards himself. In an instant, the space around turned into an empty void as all traces of Mana were extinguished completely.

The players who were about to activate their skills were dumbfounded when their skills abruptly canceled and their MP went down to zero.

"What's happening??" The players shouted as a commotion spread across the whole army. "I was just about to launch my skill when the skill got canceled!"

"My MP was just full just now and now it's Zero!"

The players were dumbstruck as they noticed that none of them was able to activate their skill. A look of horror appeared on their faces as they gazed towards Xuan Yuan.

"What's he doing?"

"Fuck! Let's escape!" No one knew who said that, but they all scampered towards the entrance of the Hall which was about the size of a Football field.

Xuan Yuan in front of them raised his Silver sword and gathered all the Mana he previously emptied as he prepared to execute <Overwhelming Sword>

He promptly swung his sword as he sent a beam of light at the escaping players.

BOOM!! was what sounded out as a large chunk of the players was blasted into white light as the sword light struck the defenseless players which made the whole Hall tremble.

The Players outside the Hall was dumbfounded as they felt the trembling Hall as the survivors fled out of the Hall without looking back for once.

Before the surrounding players could react, the fleeing players broke the encirclement as they activated scrolls one after another as they used their Guild Teleportation scroll and disappeared in a flash.

At the same time, a message popped up on the Guild chat. "FLEE!!"

"What's happening?" The players surrounding the Teleportation center asked they read the message unable to wrap their heads around the message at all.

As the entrance cleared, they peered into the Hall. They sucked in a breath of air as they saw the pile of equipments littered on the floor.

"Crap!! whose equipments are those?" They asked. "They can't belong to our Guild members right?"

As they realized that, they promptly took out their scrolls and teleported back to their Guild. In an instant, the place was cleared immediately as the players who had been camping at the Teleportation center since disappeared immediately.

"So stubborn!" Xuan Yuan muttered as he pierced his sword into the space behind him. If anyone was present, they'd think Xuan Yuan was crazy for stabbing into empty air but a figure appeared abruptly around the sword with astonished eyes.

He was a Level 41 assassin who had stayed back to ambush Xuan Yuan when his guard is down. Little did he expect Xuan Yuan to see through his stealth skill and kill him...

At the resurrection point, Heaven will players who had been notified of Xuan Yuan's arrival were prepared to kill him again once he appears in the resurrection point. Just when they were criticizing their Guild members for not having killed Xuan Yuan since, they saw the resurrection point shine with light as a group of players appeared at the resurrection point. They were the unlucly Heaven will players who died to Xuan Yuan's overwhelming Sword.

Before they could gather themselves, they felt their vision blackened as they were once again blasted into white light by the clueless Heaven will players who attacked immediately they saw someone appear at the resurrection point mistaking their Teammates for Xuan Yuan.

White light flashed again as the killed players appeared at the resurrection point again only to be blasted into white light by their Guild members.

"Wait!!" The commander of the Army at the resurrection point shouted as the army was about to launch another wave of attacks at the resurrection point for the sixth time. But unfortunately, they couldn't stop in time as they killed their Guild members again for the sixth time.

"Why are we stopping, commander?" One of the players questioned.

"We've been killing our players instead!" The commanded replied in frustration.

The players, "...."