
Realm of Spirituality

A new virtual reality game, that spreads shockwaves worldwide was officially launched. People hurried to join this Realm of spirituality where you can enjoy three times of your lifespan, and even achieve incredible powers in this magical world. Xuan Yuan, a 16 year old high schooner student who had always been bullied by his mates begins an historical adventure, breaks through his limits, proving himself, becoming more powerful and eventually becomes the strongest God ever seen in the Realm of spirituality

SageMuhammed · Games
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156 Chs

Inner force

Mark launched a blow aimed at Xuanyuan's forehead with his left hand when he reached melee range. The other arm was already ready to strike where Xuanyuan would dodge at. Xuanyuan was able to deduce at a glance that Mark was a Body refinement realm expert that had taken half a step into the Flowing water realm.

Just when the blow was about to reach him, Xuanyuan calmly took a step back and Mark's punch only stopped an inch before his face. Mark, who seemed to have expected this, moved a bit forward and struck towards him with his right arm. Xuanyuan calmly dodged further to the right and casually struck a blow at Mark's arm.

Mark knew the attack was going to hit him but he was prepared to endure.

"He's not an Inner force master so his punch won't be a problem" Mark thought.

But just as Xuanyuan's fragile fist landed, a pained expression appeared abruptly on his face that rendered all the spectators surprised. They were all of the same opinion that Xuanyuan's seemingly light punch won't harm Mark who had faced more punches in the least but the reverse was the case.

Xuanyuan had directly struck a muscle on his arm which triggered a painful expression on his face and briefly rendered his whole arm paralyzed.

Xuanyuan took advantage of the momentary paralysis to give Mark a powerful kick that sent the latter flying out of the ring thus declaring Xuanyuan the winner.

"I failed you, young lady Wang" Mark lamented once he recovered himself. By then Xuanyuan had arrived in front of Wang Xinyi.

"Don't take that to heart" Xuanyuan said. "The outcome was decided from the onset"

"You!" Mark bellowed furiously. "Let's duel again!"

"No problem" Xuanyuan retorted. "But this time the stake won't be merely five bottles of Nutrient fluids"

"It's okay Mark. You've lost!" Wang Xinyi said before Mark could reply.

"The fluids?" Xuanyuan asked.

"It will be delivered before an hour's out" Wang Xinyi replied. She didn't have the same wilful expression she had before. Now she addressed Xuanyuan like a top expert. Defeating Mark was not an easy Mark and only a handful of people ever did and they were all famous masters in the Martial arts circle. She only wondered how such an expert like Xuanyuan was not known.

"Good" Xuanyuan muttered.

"About the Gold rank equipment set" Wang Xinyi began. "Do you really have it?" She asked.

"Yes" Xuanyuan replied. In reality he didn't have one, but as the City lord of Jade spear Holy city he could easily get one if he wishes.

"How much are you willing to trade it for?"

"No idea" He replied. He actually didn't know how valuable the equipment set actually is. Because to him, all items below Epic rank are not worth much.

"How about 10 bottles of Grade B nutrient Fluids?" She asked.

"I'd consider it if you add 25 bottles of Grade C" He replied. "Deal?"


"My name's Wang Xinyi. In game ID is Fiery Queen?" She introduced.

"Xuanyuan" He replied not sharing his gaming ID but the former didn't mind. Experts do not like sharing their ID with others.

"Meet me in front of the City Lord's Manor in Jade spear Holy city to collect the item" Xuanyuan said.

Few minutes later, the nutrient fluids were delivered and Xuanyuan left the training arena with 10 bottles of Grade B and 30 bottles of Grade C Nutrient fluids...

His Mother still hadn't returned by the time he arrived back home. He went straight to his room and carefully stored the Nutrient fluids he'd acquired in a big box under his bed. Thank God the fluids didn't need to be refrigerated to preserve them and they could last for years without losing their energy content.

He took a bottle of Grade C Nutrient fluid and sat calmly on his bed. With a gulp he emptied the bottle of whatever was contained in it.

He grunted softly as a warm but pleasant sensation flooded his intestines with huge amounts of energy. His weak cells instantly came alive repairing his internal injuries and further strengthening his bones, tissues, muscles and all that could be strengthen. In less than a minute, Xuanyuan's weak body constitution had underwent a qualitative transformation and the improvement was still ongoing.

After about five minutes, Xuanyuan cracked his knuckles which made crisp sounds that resembled that of metals clanging. His body was brimming with energy that he felt as if he could bend metals if he wanted.

He felt tempted to take another bottle but he knew he'd be biting off more than he can chew. Drinking one was enough to fill his body with energy. If he drank more he won't be able to properly refine and that'd be a waste of precious energy...

Once he's absorbed the energy, he sat down back on his bed, crossed his legs and closed his eyes.

Among the training methods in the Martial arts cycle was training the Inner force.

When the human body digests food and produces energy, the energy is converted to Force to carry out various life processes like lifting or breaking things, running and walking etc. The Force that can be exerted by different parts of the body like the hands and legs are limited and the leftover Force is usually retained in the body.

The practice of controlling this Inner force works in a way to gather the Force in a specific part of the body and use it for whatever it wants to be used for. By doing that the body parts like the hands are able to exert a force beyond what they were to exert. This force will be so great that one can even break metals with the free hand...