
Realm of Spirituality

A new virtual reality game, that spreads shockwaves worldwide was officially launched. People hurried to join this Realm of spirituality where you can enjoy three times of your lifespan, and even achieve incredible powers in this magical world. Xuan Yuan, a 16 year old high schooner student who had always been bullied by his mates begins an historical adventure, breaks through his limits, proving himself, becoming more powerful and eventually becomes the strongest God ever seen in the Realm of spirituality

SageMuhammed · Games
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156 Chs

Frightening Talismans

And that was not all. Additional reward of a Silver equipment set was even more lucrative. Equipment sets were regarded highly by players as they give bonus attributes when fully equipped than wearing items of different sets.

A silver set equipment can even allow a player to overcome level suppression and fight tens of levels above them. The idea of getting such an equipment left Heaven will players drooling.

As for getting to a Vice commander position, that's the most astonishing part. A Vice commander of a big Guild like Heaven will receive great respect by all and sundry. Their Annual salary is even comparable to the annual salaries of Celebrities in the real world. If an ordinary player were to get such a huge amount, they'd be living the rest of their lives without any worry...

Such a fat reward to be obtained by killing Xuan Yuan drove Heaven will players crazy. Mages quickly began chanting their AOE spells with destructive powers, Melee players unsheathed their weapons, drank scrolls and activated various Berserk skills they had. Even Healers with supporting roles used offensive Magic scrolls just to kill Xuan Yuan.

Devil King smiled in satisfaction when he saw such intense reactions from the players. "Monstrous?? I'll prove to everyone that he just a duckling!" Devil King said to the three bodyguards who nodded behind him. Although they also wanted to fight Xuan Yuan, they wanted to access his abilities first. It'd be a waste of time if he ended up being a weak bastard...

Xuan Yuan gazed coldly at Heaven will players in front of him. "I've no choice then" He muttered. He wanted to avoid clashing with them if that was possible and didn't want to reveal much of his abilities. But since they pushed him to his bottom line, he'd deal with them.

He raised both palms and two Magic talismans appeared on them. They were Magic scrolls he'd drawn on his way there. The one at the left palm emanated purplish red light as it manifested into a gigantic formation that tore a hole in the sky. The other one pulsated with green light that gave one a refreshing feeling as it expanded widely on the ground until it covered the whole Heaven will Guild Headquarters.

Everyone in the headquarter was surprised to see two formations suddenly appear on the ground and the sky. 'What's happening?' They thought.

"Attack!!" Devil King shouted when he saw that the players were getting distracted.

His order worked as the Fat rewards reverberated in their minds and they charged fiercely at Xuan Yuan...

But suddenly purple and red colored lightning began flashing in the sky. A huge vortex appeared above Heaven will Guild Headquarters as crackling sounds erupted constantly in the sky.

Suddenly, a deafening sound was heard as a pillar sized thunder bolt struck towards Heaven will players at the main gate.


An explosion shook the which area as a massive crater replaced a huge chunk of Heaven will players. They were blasted directly into white light!

Green lights flashed from the formation on the ground as the dead players appeared abruptly in the crater with shocked looks on their faces.

Xuan Yuan chuckled evilly at that moment and he said: "Good"

Before everyone present could process the situation, a pillar of lightning struck again as a sea of white light appeared and a hole was blasted in the army of players. But in the next moment, green lights flashed and the fallen players appeared with full HP but they had about 10% of their EXP bar missing.

"Crap!! What's happening??" The players cried. "What kind of Magic scrolls are those?"

They were Great lightning blast formation and the Immortal resurrection formation. The former was one which Xuan Yuan modified from the <Lightning blast> Elementialist skill. The other was one which Xuan Yuan learnt from the resurrection points.

When players die, they resurrect at the resurrection point. That's because of the Immortal resurrection formation present in the place. The resurrection skill of Healers was also originated from the formation. By using both formations simultaneously at the same place created a chain of Death and resurrection of Heaven will players. That'd ensure, Heaven will players resurrect at their Headquarters when they are blasted to death by the Great lightning blast formation. If that continued, they'd lose all their EXP and levels due to dying continuously.

"Holy shit!! I'm not fighting anymore!" The players shouted as they found that out.

"I want to surrender!"

"Grandfather Sword Mage, I'm a big fool! please show mercy!"

Cries of players reverberated throughout Heaven will Guild Headquarters as sea of white lights constantly erupted in the place.

But would Xuan Yuan allow them to surrender?

Come to think of it, if the roles were reversed and they were able to catch Xuan Yuan, would they let him surrender?? Are they allowed to kill Xuan Yuan while he's not allowed to do the same.

Xuan Yuan stood motionlessly as he watched the destruction he'd caused. Lightning bolts kept striking down, killing players and destroying the buildings of the Headquarters. It was like an Apocalypse that none could escape from. Even Devil King himself was undergoing the chain of Death and resurrection. No one had the time to care for another as their predicaments was enough to overwhelm them...

Meanwhile, on the top floor of a 10 storeyed building in the real world, a middle aged man sat in a big office quietly reviewing some files. In his hand was a file that showed information about Xuan Yuan. But one look was enough to tell that this piece of information isn't complete and even had some wrong information. For example, his in game ID was written as Sword Mage...