
Realm of Shadows: The Enchanted Dungeon

In a peaceful corner of the kingdom's border, lives Sebastian, a dedicated botanist whose passion for plants is only matched by his lack of adventure skills. However, he has always found solace in crafting poisons to protect himself while collecting samples in the dangerous surroundings of the enchanted forest. His tranquil life takes an unexpected turn when a group of daring adventurers arrives with a strange request: they need a doctor to accompany them on a perilous expedition, as they lack a priest capable of healing their wounds. Despite his doubts and limitations, Sebastian accepts the proposition and ventures into the forest alongside the group of adventurers. After two days of arduous trekking, they discover a recently formed dungeon. Blinded by greed, they decide to explore it, and Sebastian is compelled to follow suit. Upon reaching the depths of the dungeon, they find a mysterious red orb radiating a hypnotic glow. Beside it, a malnourished and terrified little girl watches them, trembling in fear. Convinced that the girl is the dungeon's master, they mercilessly resolve to end her life. However, Sebastian staunchly opposes such cruelty. Disregarding his objections, the adventurers press on with their plan, unleashing a critical battle. In a desperate act, Sebastian employs his deadliest poison to confront his companions. After a bitter struggle, he emerges victorious and chooses to protect the girl as if she were his own daughter. Little does Sebastian know that his noble action will unleash a series of events that will lead to the emergence in the future of the "Empress of the Eternal Night." As the secrets of the girl and her connection to the dungeon unravel, Sebastian delves into a world of magic, power, and darkness, defying his own peaceful nature as he fights to protect those he loves and confronts the terrible challenges that lie ahead. Can Sebastian face his own intertwined destiny with the girl and the hidden power that resides deep within the dungeon? Discover the secrets of the "Empress of the Eternal Night" in this thrilling and captivating story of adventure, love, and sacrifice. Embark on this thrilling tale of romance and action, where Sebastian's world is forever changed. Though I am new to writing, I assure you that it will be an engaging journey. I have always admired strong female characters in stories, so there won't be any kind of betrayal or romantic relationships between women. This story will be a long one, so don't expect the protagonist to conquer worlds and move mountains in the first 100 chapters. I prefer a slower pace, but rest assured, there will be intense battles. This is a safe haven where the heroines are strong enough to fend for themselves, eliminating the need for kidnappings.

ShuraZero · Fantasy
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34 Chs


Aurora and Sebastián, soaked in blood and exhausted after the fierce battle with the tribe of goblins, decided to take a brief rest on the battlefield. They searched for a secluded spot where they could sit and catch their breath. Aurora dropped to the ground, leaning against a nearby tree, while Sebastián began preparing the meat he had hunted on their journey there.

Sebastián lit an improvised fire and placed the meat on a grill. As he waited for it to cook, he looked at Aurora with a tired yet comforting smile. "Are you alright, Aurora? That was a brutal battle" he asked with concern.

Aurora nodded, her gaze tired but satisfied. "Yes, Sebastián, I'm fine. Thank you for taking care of me during the fight. I don't know what I would have done without you" she sincerely replied.

Sebastián gave her an affectionate look. "The important thing is that we made it out of there alive. You're stronger than you think, Aurora. I've always been confident that we could face any challenge together" he said as he adjusted the meat on the grill.

As the meat slowly cooked, Aurora took the opportunity to reflect on everything they had been through together. The life of adventure and danger hadn't been easy, but Sebastián had always been by her side, teaching her, protecting her, and providing unwavering support. It was a relationship that transcended mere friendship, something akin to a father-daughter bond.

Aurora let out a sigh, gazing pensively at the horizon. "Sometimes I wonder, Sebastián, what would have become of me if I hadn't found you in that dark forest? I wouldn't have been able to face all these dangers without your guidance and protection" she admitted with gratitude in her voice.

Sebastián moved closer to her, sitting by her side. He placed a comforting hand on Aurora's shoulder and smiled gently at her. "You know, Aurora, when I found you in that dark Dungeon, I saw a brave and determined spirit in you. I've only been here to remind you of that and help you unleash your potential. You're a formidable warrior" he said with admiration.

Aurora nodded, feeling reassured by Sebastián's words. She knew he was right. Although she had gone through difficult times and faced indescribable dangers, each experience had strengthened her determination and abilities.

Meanwhile, the meat finished cooking, and Sebastián removed it from the grill. The smoky aroma filled the air, awakening their hungry stomachs. Sebastián divided portions of meat onto two improvised plates and placed them in front of them.

"Here you go, Aurora. A well-deserved reward after our victory" Sebastián said, offering her the plate with a smile.

Aurora accepted the plate with gratitude and began to eat, savoring the delicious meat. As they enjoyed their meal, they continued their conversation filled with jokes and anecdotes. Their laughter filled the air, alleviating the tension accumulated during the battle.

After finishing their meal, Aurora noticed that dirt and blood had accumulated on her body. She looked at herself and furrowed her brow. "I need a good bath to wash off all this grime" she commented with an ironic smile.

Sebastián stood up and extended his hand to Aurora. "Come, I'll take you to the nearby river. I'll make sure you shine again like the brave warrior you are" he said with a playful look.

Aurora took his hand and stood up. Together, they walked towards the river, enjoying the freshness of the air and the soothing sound of running water. Sebastián found a safe spot and made sure the water wasn't too cold before helping Aurora get in.

Aurora laughed as the cold water touched her skin, and Sebastián helped her wash off the dirt and blood from her body. Sebastián took some soap and gently washed Aurora's toes, making sure to remove any traces of the battle.

When he reached her hair, he took the shampoo and massaged it gently into Aurora's scalp. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the relaxing sensation.

As the water rinsed off the shampoo from her hair, Aurora noticed a floating object beside her. It was a small toy duck that Sebastián had brought with him. She took it and started playing with it, splashing in the water as she laughed.

Sebastián, seeing her joy, joined in the fun and started tickling Aurora's feet, eliciting laughter and playful screams. They shared laughter and jokes, momentarily forgetting the worries and dangers they faced.

After a while, Sebastián finished rinsing Aurora's hair and helped her out of the water. They wrapped themselves in towels and returned to the spot where they had eaten. Sebastián spread a blanket on the ground, and they sat together, embracing each other to ward off the evening chill.

Aurora yawned and snuggled against Sebastián's chest. "I'm exhausted. Thank you for the bath and for taking care of me, Sebastián. You're amazing" she whispered, feeling warm and protected.

Sebastián enveloped her in his arms and kissed her forehead. "Rest, Aurora. While you sleep, I'll make sure to wash your clothes so they're ready for tomorrow. I'll also keep watch to make sure we're not taken by surprise" he said tenderly.

Aurora smiled sleepily and settled onto the blanket. With the gentle moonlight illuminating her face, she closed her eyes and let herself be carried away by tiredness. As she slept, Sebastián remained by her side, vigilant and dedicated to her safety, and began washing her clothes carefully, preparing for the next battle they would face together.