
Realm of Shadows: The Enchanted Dungeon

In a peaceful corner of the kingdom's border, lives Sebastian, a dedicated botanist whose passion for plants is only matched by his lack of adventure skills. However, he has always found solace in crafting poisons to protect himself while collecting samples in the dangerous surroundings of the enchanted forest. His tranquil life takes an unexpected turn when a group of daring adventurers arrives with a strange request: they need a doctor to accompany them on a perilous expedition, as they lack a priest capable of healing their wounds. Despite his doubts and limitations, Sebastian accepts the proposition and ventures into the forest alongside the group of adventurers. After two days of arduous trekking, they discover a recently formed dungeon. Blinded by greed, they decide to explore it, and Sebastian is compelled to follow suit. Upon reaching the depths of the dungeon, they find a mysterious red orb radiating a hypnotic glow. Beside it, a malnourished and terrified little girl watches them, trembling in fear. Convinced that the girl is the dungeon's master, they mercilessly resolve to end her life. However, Sebastian staunchly opposes such cruelty. Disregarding his objections, the adventurers press on with their plan, unleashing a critical battle. In a desperate act, Sebastian employs his deadliest poison to confront his companions. After a bitter struggle, he emerges victorious and chooses to protect the girl as if she were his own daughter. Little does Sebastian know that his noble action will unleash a series of events that will lead to the emergence in the future of the "Empress of the Eternal Night." As the secrets of the girl and her connection to the dungeon unravel, Sebastian delves into a world of magic, power, and darkness, defying his own peaceful nature as he fights to protect those he loves and confronts the terrible challenges that lie ahead. Can Sebastian face his own intertwined destiny with the girl and the hidden power that resides deep within the dungeon? Discover the secrets of the "Empress of the Eternal Night" in this thrilling and captivating story of adventure, love, and sacrifice. Embark on this thrilling tale of romance and action, where Sebastian's world is forever changed. Though I am new to writing, I assure you that it will be an engaging journey. I have always admired strong female characters in stories, so there won't be any kind of betrayal or romantic relationships between women. This story will be a long one, so don't expect the protagonist to conquer worlds and move mountains in the first 100 chapters. I prefer a slower pace, but rest assured, there will be intense battles. This is a safe haven where the heroines are strong enough to fend for themselves, eliminating the need for kidnappings.

ShuraZero · Fantasy
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34 Chs

19.- The Battle

Sebastián and Aurora walked through the dense forest, scanning their surroundings for any signs of movement. Aurora tightly held Roland's sword in her hands, feeling its weight and the responsibility it carried. Despite her fear of monsters lurking among the trees, she was determined to prove herself and protect Sebastián.

On the other hand, Sebastián had a quiver full of arrows on his back and a small bag of paralyzing poison by his side. He had used his knowledge of toxins to create a mixture that would weaken the goblins they would be facing. His intention was to paralyze the creatures long enough for Aurora to deliver the final blow.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Sebastián took a small stone out of his pocket, his evaluation stone. He gently infused it with mana as he aimed it at the goblins, activating its power. The stone emitted a soft glow, revealing the goblins' statistics:

[Species: Monster

Class: Goblin

Subclass: None

Level: 2

Health: 150

Mana: 50

AGL (Agility): 15

VIT (Vitality): 10

INT (Intelligence): 5

STA (Stamina): 15

STR (Strength): 10

DEF (Defense): 5

Status: Healthy]

"I'm ready, Sebastián," said Aurora, her voice filled with determination but tinged with nervousness. "I'll do my best, but please be there to protect me if I fail."

Sebastián smiled warmly. "I trust you, Aurora. Just remember to stay focused and trust your instincts. We're in this together."

Suddenly, a rustling sound came from the nearby bushes. Sebastián and Aurora tensed up, preparing for the imminent encounter. The goblins emerged, their grotesque figures illuminated by the rays of sun filtering through the leaves.

Sebastián quickly nocked an arrow and took aim. With a skillful motion, he released the arrow, and it whistled through the air, finding its target in the shoulder of a goblin. The creature let out a sharp cry, staggering back in pain.

Aurora, gripping the sword tightly, took a deep breath to calm herself. With a mix of determination and fear, she lunged towards the nearest goblin. Her movements were somewhat clumsy, her inexperience evident, but her spirit burned intensely.

"Ha!" she exclaimed as she swung the sword, the blade connecting with the goblin's arm. The creature howled in agony, but it wasn't enough to bring it down. Aurora quickly stepped back, creating some distance between them.

Sebastián swiftly drew another arrow from his quiver, dipped it into the small vial of paralyzing venom, and carefully aimed at the goblin wounded by Aurora. With a precise shot, the arrow struck the creature's leg, and within moments, the poison took effect. The goblin's movements slowed down, and it fell to the ground, temporarily immobilized.

"Now, Aurora!" Sebastián called out, urging her to finish the job.

Gathering her courage, Aurora lunged forward and delivered a decisive blow to the paralyzed goblin, swiftly ending its life. A mix of relief and triumph washed over her as she stood over the fallen creature.

But their battle was far from over. More goblins emerged from the shadows, drawn by the commotion. Sebastián and Aurora continued their coordinated assault, Sebastián using his arrows and paralyzing poison to weaken the goblins, while Aurora delivered the final deadly blows.

The forest resounded with the clash of weapons, the grunts of effort, and the cries of defeated goblins. Sebastián and Aurora fought side by side, their movements becoming more

synchronized with each passing moment. Aurora's initial clumsiness began to fade as she gained confidence and experience in battle.

Hours passed, and the forest floor became littered with the defeated bodies of goblins. Sebastián and Aurora found themselves in the midst of the scene, their bodies covered in sweat and dirt, but their spirits lifted by the triumph.

"We did it, Sebastián!" exclaimed Aurora, a wide smile on her face. "We fought together and won!"

Sebastián's face radiated pride. "Yes, Aurora, we make a formidable team. Your strength and bravery continue to amaze me."

Sebastián couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. In this strange and dangerous world, he had found purpose and a companion. The wounds of his past were slowly healing, replaced by the bond he had formed with Aurora.