
Realm of Shadows: The Enchanted Dungeon

In a peaceful corner of the kingdom's border, lives Sebastian, a dedicated botanist whose passion for plants is only matched by his lack of adventure skills. However, he has always found solace in crafting poisons to protect himself while collecting samples in the dangerous surroundings of the enchanted forest. His tranquil life takes an unexpected turn when a group of daring adventurers arrives with a strange request: they need a doctor to accompany them on a perilous expedition, as they lack a priest capable of healing their wounds. Despite his doubts and limitations, Sebastian accepts the proposition and ventures into the forest alongside the group of adventurers. After two days of arduous trekking, they discover a recently formed dungeon. Blinded by greed, they decide to explore it, and Sebastian is compelled to follow suit. Upon reaching the depths of the dungeon, they find a mysterious red orb radiating a hypnotic glow. Beside it, a malnourished and terrified little girl watches them, trembling in fear. Convinced that the girl is the dungeon's master, they mercilessly resolve to end her life. However, Sebastian staunchly opposes such cruelty. Disregarding his objections, the adventurers press on with their plan, unleashing a critical battle. In a desperate act, Sebastian employs his deadliest poison to confront his companions. After a bitter struggle, he emerges victorious and chooses to protect the girl as if she were his own daughter. Little does Sebastian know that his noble action will unleash a series of events that will lead to the emergence in the future of the "Empress of the Eternal Night." As the secrets of the girl and her connection to the dungeon unravel, Sebastian delves into a world of magic, power, and darkness, defying his own peaceful nature as he fights to protect those he loves and confronts the terrible challenges that lie ahead. Can Sebastian face his own intertwined destiny with the girl and the hidden power that resides deep within the dungeon? Discover the secrets of the "Empress of the Eternal Night" in this thrilling and captivating story of adventure, love, and sacrifice. Embark on this thrilling tale of romance and action, where Sebastian's world is forever changed. Though I am new to writing, I assure you that it will be an engaging journey. I have always admired strong female characters in stories, so there won't be any kind of betrayal or romantic relationships between women. This story will be a long one, so don't expect the protagonist to conquer worlds and move mountains in the first 100 chapters. I prefer a slower pace, but rest assured, there will be intense battles. This is a safe haven where the heroines are strong enough to fend for themselves, eliminating the need for kidnappings.

ShuraZero · Fantasy
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34 Chs

10. - The Dungeon's Child

After emerging victorious from the battle against the golems and skeletons, despite Roland, Markus, and Liam sustaining severe injuries, the group of adventurers decides to press on with their exploration of the dungeon. They continue along the straight path, their bodies aching and weary. However, they soon stumble upon a mysterious door. With curiosity piqued, they cautiously open it, expecting to encounter a formidable enemy. To their surprise, what awaits them is a radiant, alluring red orb, its colors shifting between blue and gold. And next to the orb stands a trembling, bewildered little girl.

"What's this? An orb... and a frightened child?" Roland squints as he takes in the sight before him.

The frail, undernourished girl, with disheveled green hair barely reaching her shoulders, presents herself as a pitiable figure. Her eyes reflect fear and confusion, while her dull iris hints at a deeper mystery.

Markus' concern deepens as he observes the girl's state. "Look at her... She's in such a state. What could she be doing in this dungeon?"

The girl's head is adorned with two small, deformed horns, vaguely resembling those of a dragon but worn and lacking luster. Her tattered rags barely cover her emaciated body, leaving her vulnerability exposed.

Liam, ever skeptical, chimes in. "I don't trust this. She's probably a trap or some sort of illusion."

A mix of fear, surprise, and confusion tugs at the girl's expression. Tears glisten in her eyes, reflecting the overwhelming anguish that consumes her. Her body trembles with each step, conveying her terror and anticipation of the worst.

Sebastian, being a botanist from the village, interjects with his sympathetic nature. "She seems lost and frightened. We should try to understand her situation before jumping to conclusions."

The adventurers engage in a discussion, realizing that their original purpose for the expedition was to investigate the increase in goblin activity near the village. Hiring Sebastian, a botanist from the village, was a substitute for a priest due to certain circumstances. The discovery of the dungeon was not part of their original plan to explore and engage in battles within its depths.

As the group deliberates, Sebastian's voice carries a mix of empathy and caution. "Remember why we started this journey. Our purpose was to investigate the goblin situation near the village, not to harm innocent beings. Let us not forget our original intent."

Roland, intrigued by the orb's enchanting glow, contemplates the potential rewards. "We've faced many challenges, but this... this could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The riches that await us..."

Sebastian, firmly rooted in his principles, expresses his concern. "We mustn't lose sight of our purpose. It's not worth sacrificing innocent lives for mere wealth."

Liam, driven by his thirst for power and treasures, adopts a mocking tone. "Innocent? You think there's anything innocent about a creature lurking in a dungeon like this?!"

The argument escalates, with each adventurer passionately voicing their perspectives. Amidst the heated discussion, Roland and Markus find themselves torn between loyalty to the group and their burgeoning friendship with Sebastian.

Markus, grappling with his conflicted emotions, admits, "Sebastian has a point... We've formed a bond during these battles. Can we really just discard that?"

The tension reaches its breaking point when Liam, fueled by greed, attempts to assassinate the girl without warning. In a swift motion, Sebastian intervenes, using his arrows and poison to confront Liam head-on.

Sebastian's anger fuels his actions. "You've crossed the line, Liam! I won't let you harm her."

Reluctantly, Roland and Markus join the fray, their blades clashing against Sebastian's arrows, each strike carrying the weight of their conflicting loyalties and emotions.

Swords clash, arrows whiz through the air, and the battlefield becomes a whirlwind of motion and chaos. The room reverberates with the clangor of weapons, the grunts of exertion, and the desperate cries of pain.

Markus, torn between his duty and friendship, shouts, "Sebastian, we can't let you stand in our way! We have to protect our interests!"

Sebastian, fighting with determination, counters, "Your interests shouldn't come at the expense of innocent lives! There's more to this world than wealth and power!"

Roland, caught in the middle, tries to reason with his friends. "Listen, we don't have to fight each other. There must be another way to resolve this."

But reason seems to be lost in the heat of battle. Each combatant fights with a mix of regret, anger, and desperation, the echoes of their previous camaraderie fading into distant memory.

Swords clashed, arrows whizzed through the air, and the battlefield became a chaotic whirlwind of motion and desperation. The room reverberated with the clangor of weapons, the grunts of exertion, and the desperate cries of pain.

Markus, Roland, and Liam fought valiantly, but their bodies were weary and ravaged by injuries sustained in their previous battles. Roland, the skilled combatant and leader of the group, swung his sword with dwindling strength, his movements sluggish and labored. Markus, the stalwart tank, could feel the weight of each blow, his muscles straining under the burden. Liam, the agile assassin, struggled to maintain his nimbleness, his steps faltering with exhaustion.

Sebastian, on the other hand, had wisely conserved his energy throughout their journey. Always positioned at the back of each battle, he had sustained minimal injuries and remained relatively untouched by fatigue. This advantage now gave him an edge in the confrontation, allowing him to hold his ground against his weakened comrades.

Amidst the battle, Sebastian's voice rang out, filled with a mix of exhaustion and determination. "I didn't want it to come to this... But I won't let you harm her!"

Roland, his face etched with weariness, parried Sebastian's arrows with his blade, his movements lacking their usual finesse. His eyes reflected both conflict and fatigue. "Sebastian, we can't let you stand in our way! We have to protect our interests!"

Sebastian, his voice laced with both sorrow and resolve, countered, "Your interests shouldn't come at the expense of innocent lives! There's more to this world than wealth and power!"

Their clash continued, but the weariness and injuries took their toll on the adventurers. Each swing of the sword and release of an arrow became an arduous effort, as their movements became slower and their strikes less impactful. Sebastian, driven by his determination and the advantage of his relatively unscathed state, managed to hold his ground against his worn-out companions.

As fatigue set in and their injuries intensified, each combatant fought with a mix of regret and desperation. The camaraderie they once shared now felt like a distant memory, overshadowed by the brutal reality of the battle.

Sebastian, realizing he needed to end the fight, reached for his most potent weapon—a vial containing a mysterious poison. The liquid inside shimmered with an iridescent glow, its properties known only to Sebastian. He had kept this poison as a last resort, reserved for the direst of circumstances.

With a determined gaze, Sebastian unleashed the poison, coating his arrows and infusing them with its deadly power. Each shot he took now carried the potential for fatal consequences.

"Enough!" Roland shouted, his voice strained. "Sebastian, we were once companions. Is this the path you choose?"

Sebastian's eyes filled with sadness as he prepared his final shot. "I never wanted it to end like this, Roland. But I can't let you continue down this destructive path."

Markus, his defenses weakening, gasped for breath. "Sebastian, we're not the villains here. We're just trying to survive."

Liam, his movements sluggish, added, "Sebastian, think about what you're doing. Is this the only way?"

Sebastian's grip on his bow tightened, his voice trembling. "I've tried reasoning with you, but you refuse to listen. I have no choice."

With a swift motion, Sebastian released the poisoned arrow. It flew through the air with lethal accuracy, finding its mark in Roland's shoulder. The fighter staggered, the venom coursing through his veins, his strength fading.

Markus, witnessing the scene, his voice filled with desperation, pleaded, "Sebastian, please, there must be another way!"

Sebastian's gaze shifted to Markus, his eyes filled with sorrow. "I wish there was, Markus. But sometimes sacrifices must be made to protect what's truly important."

Liam, his movements growing weaker, added, "Sebastian, you've changed. We didn't see this coming."

Sebastian's voice cracked with emotion. "I've learned that power and wealth mean nothing without compassion and integrity. It's a lesson I won't let you forget."

The battle took a sinister turn as the poison seeped into the wounds of Roland, Markus, and Liam. The effects were immediate and devastating, amplifying the pain and weariness they already felt. Roland's movements slowed further, his strength waning as the venom coursed through his veins. Markus, usually impervious to pain, now grimaced, his tank-like endurance faltering even more. Liam, known for his agility, found his movements even more sluggish and uncoordinated.

Sebastian's voice trembled with sorrow as he watched his friends succumb to the poison. "Forgive me..."

One by one, the adventurers fell, their bodies weakened and overwhelmed by the toxic venom, their exhaustion and injuries compounding the lethal effects. Sebastian's victory was bittersweet, for it came at the cost of the lives of his newfound companions.

As the dust settled and the room fell silent, Sebastian's heart was heavy with grief and remorse. He knelt beside each fallen adventurer, his tears mixing with the bloodstains on the floor. Their deaths weighed heavily upon him, a stark reminder of the consequences of their greed and the fragility of life.

Sebastian's victory was not one to celebrate. It was a solemn reminder of the preciousness of innocence and the high price paid for betraying one's principles. With a heavy heart, he vowed to honor the memory of his fallen comrades, carrying their sacrifice with him as a constant reminder of the cost of selfish desires.