
Visitors of the Thousand Blossoms Peak

〈System Alert: Your favor with the «Thousand Blossoms Holy Maiden, Seina» has been maxed!〉

〈System Alert: You have become an Official Saint of the «Order of a Thousand Blossoms»!〉

〈System Alert: Your fame with the «Order of a Thousand Blossoms» is already maxed! Generating a new reward...〉

〈System Alert: A new reward has been generated!〉

〈System Alert: You have received x1 «Legendary Item Treasure Chest».〉

〈System Alert: You have received x1 «Branch of the Ancestral Thousand Blossoms Tree»!〉

〈System Alert: You have received x1 «Magic Formation Blueprint: Endless Sword Blossom Array»!〉

As Izroth received the stream of system alerts, not too far away from him, the aura around Seina had undergone a drastic transformation.

There was no longer a presence of coldness that lingered within and around her. Instead, it was replaced by a vibrant source of life.

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