
Realizing The Truth: From an Assassin to Godhood

I believed in God and did everything I could to serve him as a member of his church. My only hobby was searching for Ruins; those were the places where God resided in the past… My only goal was getting closer to God, so I never cared for anything or anyone else and did everything only for the greater good. Until… One day, I stumbled on the said ruin along with a companion. There I found the legacy of a God and discovered that everything I was told was a complete lie. The power didn’t come without any consequences… as changes to my personality and beliefs started happening without me realizing them… Will I be able to protect my real self? Will the undercurrent of the world sweep me away? Will kindness from someone be able to anchor me? Or will I be the one who will change everything to suit my desires and conquer everything? Come on this journey with me to find out… - Hey! I hope you’ll enjoy this novel, and all suggestions and feedback are appreciated. Two chapters will be released every Tuesday and Friday. Enjoy!

Sanidhya_29 · Fantasy
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8 Chs


What is protection?

Is it just the act of saving someone?

Is it something always done with pure intentions?

What if the person harming you wants to protect you through his actions?

And what if your protector wants to harm or manipulate you?

What if doing the right thing harms many people?

And what if a thief is doing some good deeds too?

We are always too quick to judge and put a tag on people and situations; when everything is just Grey…


"Ugh… will I not find them in my lifetime?" I muttered, slightly helpless.

I stood on the tallest tree in the entire Ritzu forest, and there was only greenery everywhere I looked. In the far distance, I could see the shadow of some mountains. Maybe it was the Arol Mountain range, famous for being one of the prettiest deathbeds for explorers.

'Well, at least now I have a basic idea of where we're supposed to go.' I finally felt relieved at this thought.

Sometimes I wonder; why people put their lives on the line just for fame, money, or power. But then I realize I'm currently standing on top of a tree that is more than 50m tall, in a place that's only second to the deadly Arol ranges, looking at the sunset and thinking about whether or not I'll find any ruins in my lifetime; while being lost. So, I guess I'm not the right person to judge others…

'Well, I don't think that matters as everyone is a hypocrite, including me.' I chuckled slightly while thinking of these useless things.

"Heyy!! Have you finally gone crazy now?" I heard a shout from below.

'Did he hear me laugh and thought; I'd gone crazy? Well, I would have thought the same in his situation.' I just found it funny and kept thinking of more useless things.

'Hmm, maybe I've gone crazy from hunger. Lol'

"Hey, Steve!! Are you dead?" the voice came again.

"No, you idiot! Why are you hoping for me to die?" I shouted back at him, now a little bit angry.

I looked below and found a man in his late 20s, who could've been a really 'pretty' guy if not for the scar that ran from his eyebrow to his jawline; in a straight line and his pale face, which could be due to him eating some berries in the forest. Although I was jealous of him finding them and pissed off at him for not sharing them with me, now I feel relieved that I didn't have them.

"Then answer, dammit! Did you find which direction we're supposed to go now?" the guy below asked with some hope.

"Yes! I can see some mountains from here. They are probably part of the Arol range, and if we go in its opposite direction, we'll hopefully reach a village or some small town by tomorrow." I replied to him, still angry at his earlier comment.

'Although I'm neither an overreactor nor an overthinker by nature, maybe the hunger affected me more than I thought.' I got a little scared at my lack of self-control.

"What do you mean 'hopefully', dammit! We'll f*cking die at this rate!"

"Shut up, Robin! At least we have a lead now!" I roared at the scarred face guy.

Robin is a friend and colleague of mine who has shared the same passion as me since he was young; to find those mythical and mystical ruins from where people have acquired unimaginable power, wealth, and fame; throughout history. We met at the Impertious Royal Academy a few years ago and are fellow professors there. Since we started at the same time and were of the same age group, we got along well. Later, we discovered that even our passion was similar; although the end goal differed, we both wanted to find the ruins.

For the same reason, we left the academy together during a week-long break. This time we tried searching the Ritzu forest area; as it has yet to be explored that much because of its harsh environment; which could harm even the high rankers. Much less us, who are mid-ranking humans.

Although, I'm almost on the verge of breaking through and need only a few more weeks of meditation to collect and merge with the essence of the world.

'Ugh, cultivation is tough; but the rush of power that I feel every time after I merge with the essence; is intoxicating and addicting.' I thought as a smile crept up on my face.

I started cultivating at the age of 18, like everyone else. This is the age where you awaken your connection with the essence and start meditation to collect and merge it with your body, to nourish and evolve it. With the awakening, all the toxins accumulated in the body until that time are washed out by the essence and strengthen every part of it. It also awakens the person's capacity to cultivate different concepts. Everyone has a basic intuition about which field they should pursue after the awakening. But that doesn't mean they are restricted in choosing their future career.

Yes, 'career'. I mean, even if you excel at your concept; how will you earn the bread while also fulfilling the needs, wants, and desire of your loved ones and, obviously; you? It all takes money! Yes, you heard that right. Even if you master the concept of cutting, slicing, punching, healing, cooking, massage, or anyone of the infinite possibilities, how will you put the food on the table without any money? And earning money requires a job, business, wealthy parents, rich parents-in-law, or just some dumb luck in finding a cave filled with gold.

"Helloo? Mr Lostinthought, sir?" I heard a shout from Robin again, but it was a little helpless this time.

"Yes, Robin. I'm here, and let's get down from this tree fast. The sun will set completely in around 20-30 minutes, so we should hurry back to the cave we found earlier." I said and rushed down the tree after tightening my Armor, Shield, and other weapons to my body.

'It would be pretty lame if I'm running and my Shield or Armor fell off..'

"Steve! Wait for me, man!! How the hell can someone run so fast with such a huge shield on their back?" I heard Robin's flustered and distant voice, seeing me quickly get down from the tree.

It was to be expected, though, while I'm more focused on defense, 'block' being my intuitive concept. Robin is focused on the concept of 'search'. This is the reason we teamed up so many years ago; other than that, we both want different things from the ruins. And we've even set up a contract from a high-ranker; whose concept is 'bind'. Other than an Arch-human, no one can break her contract. However, it does cost a hefty penny.

Because of Robin, we could find the tallest tree out of all the thick & dense foliage of vegetation present in this forest. This is also why the surroundings are getting dimmer by the minute. So, we both rushed towards the cave that we found by coincidence.

'But we weren't that lucky to find gold in it. Lol.' I thought with a slight smile.


Around 20 mins later…..

"Huff.. huff…huf…." Robin and I were panting hard. But, while I was still on my feet, Robin was lying on the ground with his eyes closed.

"Hey man, you alive?... Visited heaven? How was it?" I joked a little to lighten up the mood.

"Yeah… huff… I'll make it somehow. And the gates of heaven were massive and pretty. But they didn't let me enter 'cause I'm too handsome."


"Steve.. cough… I won't die from exhausting my stamina and choking on my saliva, right? That too, not after a fight but; because I had a stupid race with you..." Robin said with a laugh.

"Hahaha, don't worry, bro. You'll survive this minor setback; we've been through worse. And remember, you're the one who started that race. Haha." I replied while remembering when I made him jump off a cliff or left him alone and went to take a piss. Hehe, those are some funny memories. I almost made him cry that time.

'Now that I think about it, we've been through many near-death experiences and have gotten closer with time. Let's hope everything remains the same, and I can enjoy my life leisurely. Wait… dammit… I just had to say that, didn't I?' I thought while letting out a self-deprecating laugh.

"Bro, I'm exhausted and hungry right now. We'll make it to the town tomorrow, right?" Robin asked while looking at me in doubt.

'Did his confidence in me waver because of my laugh? Lol, this guy is funny. Or maybe he's too tired to think.'

"Yes, my not-so-cute Roby, we'll make it out without many issues now. We'll be in some warm beds right about now by tomorrow. Now, I'll go and cover up the cave so that no one uninvited comes knocking." I told him with so much confidence that he slept with a peaceful smile on his lips.

I went outside to hide our tracks and covered the cave entrance. All this was under my expertise; Robin already did his part by finding this cave.

'I guess; it wasn't just luck that led us to this cave. Haha…'

After completing my duties, a thought came to mind as I took my place to guard the cave and looked at the man sleeping near me without a care.

'Yes, Roby, I don't know about you. But I'll make it out of here alive, and I'm willing to do anything to make it happen.'

"All for the greater good…" I muttered the last line under my breath and closed my eyes.

Hey, this is Sanidhya. This is my first work; so please feel free to comment and review as to what you feel about the story. Enjoy guys, cheers!

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