

"You're gonna be late at this rate", I heard a familiar voice from the depths of my sleep. I shoved that voice from my head and continued sleeping, but I really couldn't immerse myself in sleeping when I heard a geeky statement.

"Honey did you hear me? I made a rhyme. I can be cool too", the voice continued.

'Seriously? Mom why are you so weird? ', I thought in my head. My Mom always thinks she's still in her prime and can be 'cool ' as always.

I got up, clearly annoyed that I had to get up from my wonderful dream.

Walking towards the door, still clearly tired, I turned the knob to open and was greeted by:


"Huh?", I muttered, surprised.

'So it's my birthday today. Heh, I also made a rhyme ', I thought as I silently chuckled.

"Happy birthday Sweetie", I heard my parents saying, jolting me out of my thoughts.

"Thank you, Mom and Dad", I replied them wearing a smile. They pulled me in for a hug.

This is my 17th birthday. I was surprised 'cause I didn't really keep track. The whole aspect of birthdays just doesn't seem to make me excited... But I guess the gifts are okay, right?

'Hehe. Look at me wondering about gifts ', I giggled inwardly.

"You really like drifting into your thoughts, huh?", I heard my Dad say.

"Hehe, I guess I do", I replied.

"You wanna cut the cake?", my Mom asked.

"Sure, why not".

My Parents huddle around me as I get ready to cut the cake.

"Wait", my Dad spoke.

"We gotta take a picture. I almost forgot", he said scratching his head before leaving to get the camera and the stand.

'Sheesh. We do this all the time dammit ', I sighed in anticipation to get this over with. As if the universe took pity...

'Uh?... why would the universe take pity? ', I thought to myself, pleased that my Dad had come back and in tow was the camera.

"Hope I didn't take too long? The attic looks like a zoo", my Dad said when he finally set the camera stand down while setting it up.

"Then why didn't you guys just put everything in order?", I replied wondering why he couldn't just clean it. Or at least add some decorations to make it look presentable. The attic did look like a zoo...

'Now there's something I can agree on ', I thought in satisfaction.

"Ummm... too much work", Dad replied shamelessly.

"Right", my Mom said in a sarcastic tone.

"Anyways, let's cut the cake", her dad said, trying to change the subject.

'Smart, Dad ', I applauded him silently.

My Dad quickly set the camera and rushed to my side.

"Everyone say cheese!"

"CHEESE !", we all yelled as the camera made a clicking sound.

I smile, reveling in the moment. Taking in the feeling of this enjoyment, I cut the cake and hug my parents.

"Thank you, Mom and Dad."

"You're welcome sweetie", they let go of me, then my Mom asks, "How about ice cream and cake for breakfast?".

"You had me at ice cream", I giggled and then my dad says with a grin, "You had me at cake for breakfast."

"Dad, why are you grinning? Sometimes, I think you need help", I said cheekily.

"Hey-", but he couldn't finish that statement when my Mom joined in, "She's right you really need help."

Holding my undying laughter, I looked at my Dad's priceless face. God, it was so funny and me and my mum burst out laughing.

Strangely, my Dad laughed with us.

'How am I sure he's not gonna take revenge... sigh.. we had it coming... I guess. Hopefully, he'll forget ', I continued laughing thinking that it wouldn't last long till my dad sought for revenge. His pranks are so annoying.


After the whole laughing spree, we all had breakfast... So breathtakingly delicious.

Then, suddenly remembering I got a test, I grimaced.

Seeing my look, my Dad asked, "What's wrong, Rose?"

"I've got a test and I'm almost late."

"Don't worry, I'll have u there lickety-split", he said in a childish tone.

'Who says that anymore? ', I sigh surprised at my dad's sorry attempt of using slang. If that's even a slang.

"Alright, let's go. We don't got all day after all."

We all got in the car after I dressed up and I got there just in time...

"Bye", I waved to my parents as they drove off.

Well, I got to class a second late... Could've been worse though. Did I mention my Dad's name is Michael...

My Mom's Sharon...

Anyways I got in just in time and sat down feeling nervous.

But not for long as I sight my friend Patricia at the front...

She looked back at me, waved and smiled.

Patricia and I have been friends for a long time... We've had a good friendship... We're even best friends. Thinking about everything I studied at home, I stopped and wondered where the teacher was. As if answering my thoughts, I got a text from Patricia.

[Patricia: The teacher is gonna be late today. ]

[Me: That's nice. At least I'm not technically late.]

[Patricia: Btw happy birthday, Rose.]

[Me: Thanks... Had ice cream and cake for breakfast.]

[Patricia: Nice... I bet it was delish right?]

[Me: Tots. Wanna revise with me? Math is today right? Hate it.]

[Patricia: Come on! Math isn't so hard.]

I smile helplessly, thinking the world was so unfair... she was so good at the other subjects but Math was her hardest. Her archnemesis even. About to wallow deeply into despair about how she hated Math so badly, she was interrupted by her phone vibrating.

[Patricia: Are u still there? Why'd u space out?]

[Me: Sorry. Just thinking about what you said. ]

[Me: Math is so hard, I don't even wanna think about all my...]

[Patricia: All your what? C's?]

[Me: Yh those. Can u practice with me?]

[Patricia: No prob. Come over to my seat.]

[Me: Alright.]

I put my phone in my pocket, bracing myself for the studying of my dreaded subject.. Math.

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