
Reality Subduers

Cover is KORVAC in his youthful years in "Ground" - Next in line is SHLÕVTHY (I have problem with the eyes and scenery) or HÄRÄNN (Her hair doesn't go as it should, same with her clothes), BVERXKKA, BRIANNELL and SLAYÇĘR are not easy to create i keep trying though. https://pixai.art/artwork/1764374119044946874?utm_source=copy_android Check the work of - EasyFun - he made one of the future Covers. Search for - Saito Tesshu - innthe same plataform too, he create a picture that was literally the live image of Thyfall. IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A CERTAIN CHARACTER IN THE COVER, LEAVE A COMMENT. With the arrival to a New Existence, the journey to "Absolution" has just started, follow the distinct characters across their adventures and troubles on a reality they are not familiar with: Pick your favorite Character and support them: BVERXKKA Marshack "The Absolute Apex": Born to be the Epitome of his Species, The Hûrngöth, labeled the strongest and more powerful Entity on his previous Existence, search the weaklings and hybrids of his species to exterminate them, due to them being the responsibles of the Destruction of Hûlfhednär, his Homeworld, and a trillion of his peers (Real Trillion has eighteen Zeros!). SHLÕVTHY Zergirion "The Playboy" - The Best Mate of his Species the Königh, hates with madness the majority of other Königh that are less evolved, he is driven by vengeance, occulting this truth behind a smiling and playful facade. KORVAC Idris "The Athlete" - A young man from a different variation of the iterations of Humanity that belongs to another Existence, he is extremely pragmatic, which makes him doubt his own beliefs, as he doesn't feel any grievance for the brutal murder of his fiancee before being send to The New Existence. The Daily Chapter always is published at 15:00 every day. Additional Chapters with 2 and a Half Hours of difference. (Published the next day after the goals are achieved, two to three depending on if i have time). Steamy encouters (Probably) on weekly basis!. Additional Chapter every 10 Collections. Additional Chapter every 2.5K Views. Additional Chapter every 20 Power Stones. (If you want to know a bit more about some characters, you can read the Prequel SOMETIMES THE UNKNOWN IT'S BETTER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE) MATURE CONTENT - SMUT - R18 - BDMS - BONDAGE - ROLEPLAY - GORE (Depending on situation) - ACTION - HAREM - NTR (Technically) YURI (Depending on characters behavior and tendencies) - ADVENTURE - HARSH (For some) - DARK (As the story unfolds) - COMEDY (Occasionally) - ROMANCE (Driven by different mentalities, cultural disparities or traditions) MULTIPLE LEADS (No real MC, if you want one then is BVERXKKA) NO CHEATS (No one has something "Unique", everyone can reach "Absolution") NO PLOT ARMOR (If they look like they are going to die, think about it twice, what they can or can't do, the answers are already there)

Marshack · Fantasy
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52 Chs

<×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 31 : Entertaining Spectacle Part 2. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 3 : Fruitful But Questionable Practices.

<× > KORVAC <× >

Chapter 31 : Entertaining Spectacle Part 2.

Once the 15 participants that we are inside of the Monolith settle in our respective places, all of us sink simultaneously, falling into the malleable honey floor.

The inside of this location it is similar to the one in the Pyramid, dark, tranquil and no discomfort from thermal variations like heat or cold.

But contrary to that Structure, here, a message is displayed in front of me, this notification is in a blue osmium interface with shiny golden letters, and as soon as it appears, the calm leaves me .

{This feels different, too different in comparison to the Pyramid}

The uncertainty suddenly spikes up, attempting to capture my sanity with brazen dizziness, once again the sensation is felt, but my resiliency hold strong.

{This sensation again, i am sure the Pyramid provoke something similar, however, is different, i don't know why, and i don't like this}

Calming down Myself a little bit, i finally decide to look at the strange Interface.


Demonstrate your skills and abilities while you are impaired, whether in general form, partial appearance, or specific limitations.

§ Courtesy As Your First Participation §

{What is this about?!, I do not understand!}

Just as if my actions were monitored, the message disappears, almost as if it were only available until i became aware of the content.

{Disturbing, I don't want to sound ir look like a paranoid, But i truly don't want to know that i am being watched at all times}

{It is one thing to have the cameras on you in an interview, award ceremony, sport match or even a party, but is another completely different thing to be available to others at all times, Is this so?!, I hope tat my thoughts are wrong!}

A new Interface materialize itself in front of me again, tired of such tendency i don't want to look at it, but the first thing i read baffles me

§ Coopernoid §

Level 0 | 0/100D

(Permanent Level 1 | 0/5,000)

Integrity • 50/50

Capacity • 0/50

Role - Undefined

§ Corvallis - Sandlea §

{WHAT!, All my progress is gone?!, NO FUCKIN WAY!, Calm down Korvac!, Do not get unfocused here, There is no way this doesn't have an acceptable explanation, simply remember the notification, Impeded, this means limitations, MY LEVEL AND ROLE!, i can probably get them back as soon as i leave this place… , Thanks for your assistance Pragmatic Disposition, my life would be hell without you…}

After recovering half of my senses i keep reading the new interfaces that unfolds in front of me.

{*Hghh*, Not again, this is like "Terms and conditions of the service", just shorter and with dire consequences, if you call "Dying" in a Simulation a consequence}


1 ★ Kinetic : Every physical attack against you has its damage reduced in 1 Integrity and provides 2 Capacity.

1 ★ Punch : Your Fists deals 1 Integrity as additional base damage and ignite your spirit providing Capacity equal to the double of the total damage dealt.

§ ~ ~ ~ §

{Wait a minute… , This PERKS are the Tasks, well, some of them, this means they can't be taken away?, If so, Should i focus more on them?}





§ ~ ~ ~ §

{What is the point of showing me this?!, Mocking me?!, Because is not working, I can't get offended if i don't know or understand the insult}

§ Encompass Own Ability §


REAP THE SOW - The first time an opponent is below 80% of their Integrity, you deal triple the damage of your next attack, cool down per opponent 10 turns, It doesn't cost Capacity, but it doesn't provide Capacity either.

INTEGRITY DRAIN - Your next attack has an additional cost of 35 Capacity but doubles the damage and heal you "5 +50%" of the total damage dealt as Integrity.

Fatal Hits heal you "6 + 100%" of the total damage dealt as Integrity and provides 10% as Capacity too.

Critical Hits heal you "7 +200%" of the total damage dealt as Integrity and provides 25% as Capacity too.

If healing exceeds Integrity storage becomes Capacity with half efficiency.

ENFORCE REINFORCE - Your attacks give you a Psychic protection equal to 1 Integrity, Fatal Hits give you a Psychic protection equal to +2 Integrity plus duplicates the total Psychic protection gained in the strike, Critical Hits give you a Psychic protection equal to +3 Integrity plus triplicates the total Psychic protection gained in the strike.

Fatal Hits gives an additional Psychic strike that deals the same basic damage with the possibility of being Fatal or Critical, duplicating the Psychic protection obtained in the turn if the impact is a Fatal Hit, or triplicating the Psychic protection obtained in the turn if the impact is a Critical hit.

Fatal Psychic Hits make double the damage dealt by the previous Physical Fatal or Critical Hits.

Critical Psychic Hits make triplets the damage dealt by the previous Physical Fatal or Critical Hits.

Attacks doesn't have an additional Capacity cost but Psychic attacks doesn't provide Capacity and gaining Capacity is reduced in half if you don't have a Psychic protection available.


PRESS THE PREY - Your third attack over the same opponent deals additional damage equal to 10% of your overall Capacity as Integrity and makes them receive additional damage from anyone equal to 1 Integrity and can stack infinitely from the same or different sources.

The additional damage is gathered as Capacity, if Capacity reaches the maximum possible the Entity can storage in its body, the next Third attack consume 80% of Capacity and deals half of it as added damage to the usual third strike.


COUNTER WAVE - You get affected only by half of the damage received over Three Turns, in the Four Turn you emit a Psychic wave that deals damage to all opponents equal to half the damage you received or double the damage and strike a single target, No Capacity cost, No cool down, forced into a cycle.

§ Pick One §

{Wow!, this looks like an RPG, my fiancee was good in this type of games… , I didn't thought i was so involved with her, *Sigh*, Focus Korvac, someone only really dies if no one else can remember them}

Even with my short stay in this "Existence", "Layer", or whatever is called this Universe, i think it has become customary by now that i attempt to analyze the pros and cons of these Abilities.

{Starting with the obvious one, Reap the Sow, not my style, sounds like a finisher, but if i use it earlier i am going to look like a threat, and get focused, so… Next One!}

{Integrity Drain, i like the odds, healing is always good, and it sounds more broken than Enforce Reinforce, it would be my best shot as Press The Prey, but lacks the reliability of the former and the most latter doesn't provide any sustain}

{My fiancee always complain about how unfair it was this "Mechanic" in game, and even when Counter wave sounds amazing, i don't want to risk it, i already reduce damage, that means less damage dealt right?, or they stack and i receive even less damage and deal objectively speaking more, Mmm, decisions, decisions, Bverxkka said reliability is the most important, and my fiancee remark the necessity in sustain, the election is obvious right?}

Choosing [Integrity Drain] the other options dissaper and another Interface shows up.

{I genuinely hope this is the last Interface i have to see… , For a few hours at least}

§ Quests §

• Existence •

Purge - Eliminate as many Invaders as you can, compensation in order of the Personal Performance.

• Batch •

Survive - At least one of the integrants reaches Withstand.

Kill Participants - 0/75 - At least each Integrant must contribute with 5 Kills or the others compensate on their behalf.

This Quest can self improve after accomplish it with enhance parameters.

• Team •

Together - The 5 designated Integrants reach Withstand.

• Personal •

Die or Withstand - Die or Withstand.

Hard working - Reach at least Level 5.

Fulfill your Role - Reach 5 ★ and with that Level 1.

§ Obnoxious Turn Base Combat §

{What is all of this?!, You don't even need so many requirements to graduate from an University, well, maybe i am exaggerating the comparison a lot but these Quests mostly depend on those in the Batch or Team, not me, and it is not necessary to emphasize how much i like to lean on others, sarcasticly think to himself the Lacrosse Player that literally won a final match by having four teammates as baggage for not to flatly say they sell themselves as common whores!, a really difficult year was that one…}

Trying not to give greater importance to my past life experiences, not too patiently i await for the moment to lose consciousness, fall asleep, go into ecstasy or whatever the hell is called what i am about to do.

{Maybe the shock of losing my progress strike me hard, there is no need to use bad words Korvac, even if they are just that, WORDS!}

I am feeling it, is about to happen, well, let me see with what i have to deal now.

Additional Chapter for reaching 12.5K Views coming in short!.

Marshackcreators' thoughts