
Reality Subduers

Cover is SHLÕVTHY in one of the many planets in development he visit in the distant past - Next in line is HÄRÄNN (Her hair doesn't go as it should, same with her clothes) or WILDKYR'ZON, she has appeared before in the cover, BVERXKKA, BRIANNELL and SLAYÇĘR are not easy to create i keep trying though. https://pixai.art/artwork/1764374119044946874?utm_source=copy_android Check the work of - EasyFun - he made one of the future Covers. Search for - Saito Tesshu - in the same plataform too, he create a picture that was literally the live image of Thyfall. IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A CERTAIN CHARACTER IN THE COVER, LEAVE A COMMENT. With the arrival to a New Existence, the journey to "Absolution" has just started, follow the distinct characters across their adventures and troubles on a reality they are not familiar with: Pick your favorite Character and support them: BVERXKKA Marshack "The Absolute Apex": Born to be the Epitome of his Species, The Hûrngöth, labeled the strongest and more powerful Entity on his previous Existence, search the weaklings and hybrids of his species to exterminate them, due to them being the responsibles of the Destruction of Hûlfhednär, his Homeworld, and a trillion of his peers (Real Trillion has eighteen Zeros!). SHLÕVTHY Zergirion "The Playboy" - The Best Mate of his Species the Königh, hates with madness the majority of other Königh that are less evolved, he is driven by vengeance, occulting this truth behind a smiling and playful facade. KORVAC Idris "The Athlete" - A young man from a different variation of the iterations of Humanity that belongs to another Existence, he is extremely pragmatic, which makes him doubt his own beliefs, as he doesn't feel any grievance for the brutal murder of his fiancee before being send to The New Existence. The Daily Chapter always is published at 15:00 every day. Additional Chapters with 2 and a Half Hours of difference. (Published the next day after the goals are achieved, two to three depending on if i have time). Steamy encouters (Probably) on weekly basis!. Additional Chapter every 10 Collections. Additional Chapter every 2.5K Views. Additional Chapter every 20 Power Stones. (If you want to know a bit more about some characters, you can read the Prequel SOMETIMES THE UNKNOWN IT'S BETTER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE) MATURE CONTENT - SMUT - R18 - BDMS - BONDAGE - ROLEPLAY - GORE (Depending on situation) - ACTION - HAREM - NTR (Technically) YURI (Depending on characters behavior and tendencies) - ADVENTURE - HARSH (For some) - DARK (As the story unfolds) - COMEDY (Occasionally) - ROMANCE (Driven by different mentalities, cultural disparities or traditions) MULTIPLE LEADS (No real MC, if you want one then is BVERXKKA) NO CHEATS (No one has something "Unique", everyone can reach "Absolution") NO PLOT ARMOR (If they look like they are going to die, think about it twice, what they can or can't do, the answers are already there)

Marshack · Fantasy
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55 Chs

<×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 24 : Fake Or Legit Part 3. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 3 : Fruitful But Questionable Practices.

<× > KORVAC <× >

Chapter 24 : Fake Or Legit Part 3.

The rambling of my ideas cease when i witness a completely unusual change unfolding in front of me.

The farmer's corpse quickly decomposes, but i truly mean it, turning in a couple of seconds into a pile of dust that integrates evenly with the earth of the ground.

Disappearing with this unforseen process all traces of the act committed by me just a few moments ago.

{The clothes dissaper too, but the stone hammer is still in my hand, I didn't notice this fact when i was being hit with it, and now, Is devoid of blood, bone or brain matter of the farmer, It is because remains in my possession?, Or because it is part of this "Simulation"?}

§ Korvac §

Quality 0 ★ Category -20

Level 0

Integrity • 168/280

Capacity • 195/220

Score: 3.4

§ Corvallis - Sandlea §

{I can't believe it, two hits and i almost lost half of all my "Integrity", When Bverxkka said that anyone could use Kinetic Energy, I didn't thought once it was literally everyone!}

The sound of someone walking through the grass alerts my senses, the response is immediate, turning quickly over my own axis, sighting a beautiful blue skin young woman that enters and subdues my vision.

She is a Goddess, an her absolute gorgeousness is undeniable.

It doesn't look like she mind me observing her with such interest, as she maintain eye contact with evident gentleness.

This extremely stunning lady has metallic Vanta Black hair tied in a long braid that reaches her waist, where the tips of her hair are revealed, a second colour that doesn't looks false or synthetic, on the opposite, resembles a metallic red ruby ​that gives the impression of being emanating red light.

The exoticness is not only present there, as her immaculated face posess astonishing eyes with three different colours in her glowing irises, as a Hanoi tower observed from above.

White Nacar around the vanta black pupils, then a lighter tone of blue, similar to ice in the poles, and lastly a gold so intense that embodies royalty.

{How is even possible for her to achieve this incredibly beauty?!, is inhuman!, It has to be!, i cannot think on anyone more attractive than her right now, and i saw a lot of beautiful women as girlfriends of my Teammates in the Lacrosse Team}

§ Slayçęr §

Quality -5 ★ Category -15

Level 0

Integrity • 1,020/1,020

Capacity • 910/910

Score: 11.2

§ Vannetthia - Loyra'Leph - Nar'Cy-A§

{How does she own those "Stats"?!, Is she dangerous, i mean, She is, Score 11.2, that translate to at least three people… , Invaders, in the same span of time since i arrive here}

Thinking about what i could do in this situation, i understand something obvious of her "Stats".

I have been checking the Interfaces of other people, and not counting her, i only know two Individuals with Quality below Zero, Shlõvthy and Bverxkka.

{They know each other?, Or came from the same origin?, should i run, but with the state of my leg, walking fast is already a nuisance}

—Are you going to "Clean" and "Establish" this Village as a Settlement?.

The inquiry of Slayçęr takes me by surprise, but it is more due to her sensual voice than the content of the question.

—That is the plan.

My response is jovial, i don't want to sound condescending or make the implie that i would cede this place, even if i don't really know what or why we should do the Quests.

Her expression remains unaltered, truly a sight to behold, i could look at her for eternity, a thought that force me to recall my fiancee.

{I cannot remember her face?!, everything that appears in my mind is the blurry moment in which her head is splatter by the Invaders that send me here, it feels like ages, but only a Day and Hours of my calendar had transcurr since then}

—I like this location…

{Oh!, Do i have any chance to defeat her?!}

»—Can i take half the inhabitants?, better yet, one side of the road, you are already on the left part, i am taking the right.

{Is not precisely a petition, But do i have any say here?}


I observe how she walks towards a Cabin but before entering she turns momentarily.

—I am Slayçęr…


We don't exchange more gestures or say another word between each other.

As she enters the cabin, i something pretty similar, advancing to the property that belonged to the farmer.

Inside there is a table and two wooden chairs, the finish is rustic, as well as a kind of small cupboard, a kind of stove that is lit in one corner of the room, a bed is in front and a woman sleeps over with tranquility, oblivious of my presence.

§ Villager (Pregnant) §

Level 0

Integrity • 70/70

Capacity • 60/60

§ Invader §

{Wait… , What?!}

I look down at her belly, trying to focus on the idea that there is a little creature developing inside these female.

§ Villager (Newborn) §

Level 0

Integrity • 50/50

Capacity • 50/50

§ Invader §

{It works!}

I scream inside of my mind, contemplating if what i am about to do is appropriate or not.

{Because is one thing to kill in order to defend yourself, and another completely different to murder two lives in cold blood simply because they are likely to attack you as soon as they can… , I am just preventing certain harm to my person…, WOW!, Pragmatic surely is quite useful for finding acceptable excuses to not having moral or ethical self conflicts}

Swallowing my saliva in a quiet gulp, i harden my resolve, tightening my grip on the handle of the hammer, ready to bring it against my defenseless victims.

{They are Invaders!}

I say to myself mentally as i raise the hammer, a translucent aqua green coating of Kinetic Energy visibly envelops the tool.

Taking a moment to Myself, i inhale, because after exhaling, i attack, and i am doing it without remorse or mercy, delivering two fast and precise blows with the hammer.

The first goes to the woman's forehead, literally exploding her head with the impact, splashing around a paste of hedious odor.

{Why is this stench so disgusting?!}

*§ Score: 6 §*

The second blow lands above her pelvis, to ensure the death of her offspring.

{They are Invaders!}

I repeat mentally to myself once again as i pull out the hammer of the woman's corpse.

*§ Score: 8 §*

{Maybe Pragmatic isn't that effective, Or maybe i am the one who still hopes this is just a nightmare, waking up with my fiancee between my arms}

Just as with the farmer, the Woman's body decompose ultra fast, disappearing into a pile of dust that is integrated with the wood planks of the floor, which cleans the interior of the cabin of dirt, vices and bad odors.

{Why they stink so much?!, i know death smells bad, but the stench is before they decompose, no after}

Understanding that my predicament is not going to have an answer in te short term, i simply walk to the door, leaving the cabin and going to the next one to repeat my work.

The sooner i get used to this kind of activities, the better, so then i can focus on acquiring answers, Urlgrend, Shlõvthy and Bverxkka are good options, maybe Slayçęr is willing to teach me too}

I methodically eliminate those who reside in this side of the Village, one cabin at a time withoutb any opposition at any time, they remain asleep unable to act and protect themselves, but there is something i notice, a pattern that is repeating every single time i enter into a cabin.

{I don't know what to think about these Invaders, Who in their right mind leaves the doors of their homes unlocked?!, Could it be that closing and locking the door is not a common sense practice?}

I am honestly astonished by such absurdity, however, i take advantage of it and the naivety of the Invaders, finishing the checking thus the elimination of the invaders that were inside of the 47 edifications on my side of the road.

—You were too slow Korvac!.

Comment Slayçęr with a tint of annoyance.

—I check throughout for anyone who could hide in the non habitable buildings, like the wood workshop.

She raises an eyebrow, slightly surprised by my reasoning, or that was my misunderstanding.

—That doesn't diminish or compensate your slowness.

—Why are you salty?!, "My side My rules".

—I am… , "Salty", because we can't stablish a settlement until we kill the previous owner.

—Sounds obvious, So?…

{I don't know, but i can learn}

—Some cabins were alone on my side.

—Mine too…

—I found an excavation site near, the entrance is on my side, but goes to your side, i was waiting for you so we go together and divide the Score.

{Oh!, That is why!, So she is an honest young Lady, it is not surprising with her demeanor, because if she is as quick as her attitude suggests, she could have taken advantage, but she didn't, how cute}

—Then i am not going to make you wait more and lets move on!…

I am short in time, so just one Chapter today and probably tomorrow too, The additional Chapters i publish them across the next week, hope your understanding, leave a comment and remember more Collections, Views and Power Stones are equal to more Chapters.

Marshackcreators' thoughts