
Reality Subduers

Cover is KORVAC in his youthful years in "Ground" - Next in line is SHLÕVTHY (I have problem with the eyes and scenery) or HÄRÄNN (Her hair doesn't go as it should, same with her clothes), BVERXKKA, BRIANNELL and SLAYÇĘR are not easy to create i keep trying though. https://pixai.art/artwork/1764374119044946874?utm_source=copy_android Check the work of - EasyFun - he made one of the future Covers. Search for - Saito Tesshu - innthe same plataform too, he create a picture that was literally the live image of Thyfall. IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A CERTAIN CHARACTER IN THE COVER, LEAVE A COMMENT. With the arrival to a New Existence, the journey to "Absolution" has just started, follow the distinct characters across their adventures and troubles on a reality they are not familiar with: Pick your favorite Character and support them: BVERXKKA Marshack "The Absolute Apex": Born to be the Epitome of his Species, The Hûrngöth, labeled the strongest and more powerful Entity on his previous Existence, search the weaklings and hybrids of his species to exterminate them, due to them being the responsibles of the Destruction of Hûlfhednär, his Homeworld, and a trillion of his peers (Real Trillion has eighteen Zeros!). SHLÕVTHY Zergirion "The Playboy" - The Best Mate of his Species the Königh, hates with madness the majority of other Königh that are less evolved, he is driven by vengeance, occulting this truth behind a smiling and playful facade. KORVAC Idris "The Athlete" - A young man from a different variation of the iterations of Humanity that belongs to another Existence, he is extremely pragmatic, which makes him doubt his own beliefs, as he doesn't feel any grievance for the brutal murder of his fiancee before being send to The New Existence. The Daily Chapter always is published at 15:00 every day. Additional Chapters with 2 and a Half Hours of difference. (Published the next day after the goals are achieved, two to three depending on if i have time). Steamy encouters (Probably) on weekly basis!. Additional Chapter every 10 Collections. Additional Chapter every 2.5K Views. Additional Chapter every 20 Power Stones. (If you want to know a bit more about some characters, you can read the Prequel SOMETIMES THE UNKNOWN IT'S BETTER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE) MATURE CONTENT - SMUT - R18 - BDMS - BONDAGE - ROLEPLAY - GORE (Depending on situation) - ACTION - HAREM - NTR (Technically) YURI (Depending on characters behavior and tendencies) - ADVENTURE - HARSH (For some) - DARK (As the story unfolds) - COMEDY (Occasionally) - ROMANCE (Driven by different mentalities, cultural disparities or traditions) MULTIPLE LEADS (No real MC, if you want one then is BVERXKKA) NO CHEATS (No one has something "Unique", everyone can reach "Absolution") NO PLOT ARMOR (If they look like they are going to die, think about it twice, what they can or can't do, the answers are already there)

Marshack · Fantasy
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52 Chs

<×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 22 : Fake Or Legit Part 1. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 3 : Fruitful But Questionable Practices.

<× > KORVAC <× >

Chapter 22 : Fake Or Legit Part 1.

Shlõvthy words seems a bit out of place for say the least, but somehow, that is enough to middle down the situation, provoking a chuckle followed by a smirk from Guardian Rhodes.

—I hope you keep this attitude after being inside the Pyramid… , I'll see you later Korvac.

Say Rhodes walking towards the Guards she commands, winking at me while blowing a kiss, moving her hips quite sensually.

An exaggerated display that is obviously for my eyes to feast on, something that infuriates Häränn even more, because she did something similar for me not long ago.

{Come on!, Cut me some slack!, Why is Rhodes interested in me?!, it felt unnatural, or maybe is just me being oxidated, Nah!, it is not like i had too many expiriences on that field, however, that movement speed and accuracy, WOW!, I couldn't react at all}

*—Thanks for the save Bverxkka.*

Whispering i said to the Egg, noticing that Shlõvthy doesn't take her sight out of Rhodes Ass.

{Why that behavior doesn't surprise me in the slightest?}

Rhetorically i think to Myself as i look into Shlõvthy glowing pink irises.

I can swear that for a moment, his circular pupils turn into two slits like a reptile would have its eyes.

A characteristic that is more engrain in my memory as horizontal transluscent eyelids lubricate fastly his eyeballs and force the pupils to return to their previous shape.

{Why am i getting impress by this?!, He literally transform entirely into a woman but being a reptilian Creature like in the conspiracy theories of those extremist in "Ground" is too much for me?!, I don't think so!, surely more weird stuff is going to occur, and i must loose this impressionable facet i currently have to deal better with my adaptation, Pragmatic, Do your think…}

{This is not working, i demand a change on this Disposition, Hey!, that is Pragmatic!, maybe it doesn't do wonders or simply work on his own volition}

Another glance at Shlõvthy face reveal a predatorial smile towards Rhodes that gives me strange vibes.

{Why is my body so tense?, like if i should be running far away from the person in front of me, Now that i recall, I did not saw how Shlõvthy or Bverxkka fight even once when we where in the tunnels of the steppe, still, What he said to Rhodes didn't sound like a delusional threat, Is he really that dangerous?}

—Shlõvthy, you still want to check the New Newcomers?.

Inquire Häränn with seriousness while Shlõvthy negates with his entire body as if he were a worm.

—I lost the appetite for fresh flesh, and i am a bit less impulsive than you Häränn, and i know exactly what we need in this situation, A brainstorm to deal with this!, What if we go to the Pyramid and splatter around some heads?.

—I am down for that.

{What?!, She is joking, Right?, Or maybe Häränn needs to blow some steam too, Not really my fault, but i am related to her discomfort}

{On the other hand, i don't think a brainstorm involves the pieces of anyone head's}

—You are not going to partake in this decision Thyfall?.

My innocent question is received by a stiff smile from the adorable Pink Hair Girl.

—There is no need to say more, i want to blast apart some brains too…


—That "Guardian" dishonor the Role she has trying to take a kiss from you, disgusting as Bverxkka pointed out!.

{Why did i talk?!, Pragmatic!, How you didn't realize something so obvious?!}


Confused asked Häränn, so i lift the sack signaling the Big Egg inside.

»—Oh!, he turned into an Egg… , Wow, Somehow saying that feels more normal than thinking on Shlõvthy being a woman…

—Is the dream of many…

Remark playfully Shlõvthy, receiving an "Are you serious" look from Häränn.

—More like delusion…

He grinns and send a flying kiss to her, she ignores it blowing air with her hand as her eyes rolls with exasperation.

{Shlõvthy demeanor is a turmoil of erratic emotions when Bverxkka is not around, technically around, Or maybe there is something i am not understanding here?}

With little to basically no talk between each other, we leave the the Town, crossing the Walls and walking over the hot sand of the dessert.

{I know the sand is made of pulverized hazel stone, but that doesn't help in the slightest under the assault of this heat}

It is the middle of the Day, but there is still no sign of a sun in the sky, i don't know how that is possible when the entirety of thebdessee is lighten up.

But sincerely, i hope that a star never ever appears, the heat is already exhausting without a sun constantly hitting us with its blinding and hot rays of light.

{The Structure finally is in front of us!, well, the distance is not really that far but the heat is unbearable}

The incredible construction is as massive as majestic, making me feel insignificant as the height probably surpass the kilometer or even a bit more.

The square base Pyramid is made of smooth hazel stone and divided in two primary sections.

The inferior part has two large ramps on each side, these reach up to a third of the Pyramid, where a large honey quartz emanates a dim glow.

Over the quartz are another 4 ramps on each side, heading almost to the tip of the top, which is made of honey quartz too.

The brightness of the top is more intense and sends a honey light beam to the sky, like if were advertising its own apparition.

{That is weird, Rhodes say that this places like the Pyramid in front must be destroyed, Why is basically screaming "I am here, blow me apart!"?!}

With a bit of apprehension I approach the Pyramid with my companions, we are not the only ones, several thousand are scattered along the ramps or arriving from multiple directions.

{There are other settlements nearby?, I remember that Rhodes said that the most close Village to our Town was like half a Day away of fast walk, She lie?, Or there is more to know about?, maybe the… , how was it?, the pet tamers?, traders?, *Sigh*, I was so upset with the Scammer Bartender that i didn't pay enough attention, very bad from your part Korvac}

The passage through the ramps is relatively fast, and it doesn't seem like anyone wants to go too far on any type of provocations, it is almost as if there is some kind of tacit agreement near these Structures, or at least that is what it looks like.

Standing in front of the division made of honey colored quartz, it is possible to see with clarity that its texture appears to be extremely malleable, allowing the entry to anyone who decides to go inside.

—This is my first time impregnating a Pyramid, you think the little Shlõvthies are going to be as funny as me?.

{I don't know what to say, he simply is completely insane!, Now i can't take out of my thoughts the idea of me being a spermatozoon ready to pierce an ovum}

—I have enough with one Shlõvthy, the sole idea of another one like you is disturbing, and more than that is an absolute nightmare!.

Consciously express Häränn, who winks at me as she close the distance a little.

{*Sigh*, I knew Häränn wasn't going insane, she simply was angered by the brazen approach of Rhodes}

Without impertinent comments from Shlõvthy, we cross the malleable quartz, the touch is almost inexistent, not different than a walk in the park, in a really sunny day.

The area inside is something i didn't expect, everything is made of the malleable quartz, and for everything i mean the floor and the ceiling of this massive room.

We see other people to walk around and be surrounded by a small square of light that appear in the floor when they are alone, changing the consistency of the floor to sink the person in question.

—This is weird, but looks interesting.

Said Thyfall walking a few steps away from us and getting suck by the floor.

{Oh!, No!, If i think on that, it means…}

—Suck me too babe!.

Scream Shlõvthy enthusiastically and exited, jumping to the other side with his pelvis ready to impact the floor, but as soon as that happens, he is swallowed into it.

{Completely Insane!, There is no doubt in that!}

—See you there Korvac.

Comment happily Häränn, stepping away and being devoured by the floor.

{Everyone moves randomly to enter the squares, but i think they are aligned}

Following my instincts i encounter an empty spot, but nothing happened.

{Am i wrong?!, of course no!, i am just extremely dumb!, i am carrying Bverxkka!, We are two not one}

With the obvious answer encountered, i move around and search two spots near each other, colocating the sack with Bverxkka in one, and Myself in the other, sinking in the malleable honey quartz as soon as i loose the sack.

Chapter for 40 Collections incoming!.

Any doubt you have feel free to ask.

Marshackcreators' thoughts