

What is Shifting

Shifting is the process of transferring your consciousness from your CR to your DR.

what is your DR

your DR is your desired reality. Your desired reality is basically the reality that you want to shift to. Your DR can be anything. It can be Hogwarts, My Hero Academia, Narnia, or it could just be a version of our CR with no problems or where you could be famous; it is basically whatever you want, there are no limits to it.

Is it real?

YES! shifting is real. You do it every single day without even realizing it. For example, let's say you are on a walk, and the path splits off into two directions, and you go left. There is a whole other reality that you went right, not left. Shifting realities to Hogwarts is the same thing, but you need more concentration and effort to make a shift that big.

Is it against my religion?

NO! Shifting has nothing to do with religion. The realities that you are shifting to exist already, and a version of you already exists there. You are not seeking help from the devil or selling your soul to it to shift.

When will I shift?

Many people say that you can't ever shift on your first try. well, that's wrong. Everybody is different. Some people might shift realities on the first try, and some might not. There is no specific time that it will work for you. You need to remain positive and keep believing in yourself. You got this!

If you have any more questions, comment on them here or message me and I will make a chapter or respond depending on the question. Remember, there are no 'Dumb' questions
