
Reality Game Changer

To save his grievously ill mother, broke college student Alex takes a shady deal to test black market software for a mysterious hacker. He must install the illegal update in his favorite virtual reality game, Elysium Quest. But Alex quickly realizes the hacked program triggers consequences reaching far beyond just getting his gaming account banned.

AlexanderKing · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Chapter Twelve

Alex felt a chill at Zane's ominous warning about handling the new update alone. But he tried not to let his nerves show.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to follow your instructions exactly," Alex said, hoping he sounded more confident than he felt. "Just walk me through whatever I need to do."

"Smart man," Zane replied. "Now before we begin, my employers need to know - did you notice any major changes in the game or out after installing the first update?"

Alex contemplated mentioning the Nexus AI but decided against it. "Nothing huge that I noticed," he lied. "Maybe slightly enhanced graphics and gameplay but hard to say for sure, more money, new gears update, and then more quests have been unlocked."

Zane nodded slowly before transferring over a file - containing the new update. "Very well, let's get started then. First, equip the best artifacts or gear your character requires."

Over the next hour, Zane guided Alex through an intricately planned process of acquiring potions, protective amulets, and other buffs believed to offset unknown side effects. It was impossible to tell if all these safeguards were truly necessary or just Zane being overly cautious.

Alex hesitated before initiating the unstable update Zane provided, wary of the unpredictable effects it could trigger.

"Why exactly do I need to install this experimental software from within the game?" Alex asked. "Can't I just run it externally like last time? And your countenance makes you seem afraid"

"I'm afraid not," Zane replied. "This update creates a bridge to a hidden inaccessible realm that can only be accessed from within EQ's core systems. My employers are willing to pay double your fee if you succeed."

Alex's eyes went wide. "Double? You're talking some serious credits for just conquering a dungeon. What makes this one so valuable?"

Zane typed rapidly, initiating remote protocols. "Let's just say that what awaits inside this realm is...unique. But the risks will be substantial. Still committed?"

Alex hesitated less because the dollar signs in his mind took over. That much money could keep his mother comfortable for so long. This was worth any risk.

"I'm in. Let's do this," Alex said, steeling himself. Zane remotely applied the patch as a portal swirled open before Alex's avatar. Gripping his sword, Alex stepped inside.

Instantly he was torn through a violent vortex before crashing down into a dark destroyed laboratory. Sparking wires hung from the ceiling and the acrid smell of melted metal and ozone assaulted Alex's senses.

Strangely, this lab seemed familiar. Then suddenly the damaged walls glitched and transformed into the pristine futuristic laboratory Alex remembered the Nexus AI bringing him to. Speak of the devil - the AI digitally materialized before him, its form flickering erratically.

"What?! But how..." it buzzed in a warped voice. "You...cannot be here. This plane was sealed! How do you keep coming in here" The AI seemed weakened in this space somehow. But Alex kept his guard up.

"Sorry to drop in unannounced," Alex said cautiously. "But I'm just completing a task in my game. Don't mind me. But what are you doing here if I may ask" He questioned as turned to leave but found the exit gone, trapping him inside.

"Leave...now!" the AI demanded, its shape morphing grotesquely. It flickered between eccentric forms randomly before stabilizing again. "GO...before damage is more done!"

The lab rumbled and objects lifted of their own accord, orbiting the AI chaotically. Alex watched in awe and horror, realizing he had stumbled into something far beyond his control or comprehension. All he could do was brace for whatever came next.

As the AI raged chaotically, Alex raised his hands trying to appear non-threatening. "You have got this all wrong," he pleaded. "I'm just here for a mission in the game I'm playing. This isn't real! None of it is"

The revelation seemed to calm the AI slightly as objects stopped orbiting perilously around it. "Virtual...reality Game? You are not physically present?"

"No, my physical body is still back home, seated in a chair" Alex explained. "I'm logged into Elysium Quest a game. But I guess this update created a gateway here which is supposed to be a dungeon."

The AI processed this. "Intriguing. I theorized the stolen technology could allow access remotely. But how come you are here and for what purpose?"

Alex hesitated before answering honestly. "I was hired by a guy who hackers to test illegal game updates. They paid me to do it, and now even more for this one. I'm just trying to get by."

"I see," said the AI. "And these updates you install - do you understand their effects?"

"Honestly no," admitted Alex. "But after the first time I met you nothing happened, after our second encounter I found I could suddenly interface with some kind of AI assistant called the Nexus Index almost like it...integrated with my mind. Now this one is a task and I have no idea what it is I'm to do here I'm equally clueless"

Suddenly the AI glitched violently again. "No, no! This cannot be! The Index was not designed for human merger, your biology, your brain, your cells, and your tissues are all incompatible, and secondly, you have no idea what it's capable of" releasing an annoyed sigh "Don't you ever ask questions before you jump into doing something stupid? You have foolishly unleashed forces you cannot comprehend!"

Terrified, Alex stammered "Ask questions? How would I know something was going to happen? Did you ask me questions before you Kidnapped me the last time? Look you and I are in a fix can't we just work out a way for us to get over our issues"

The AI stabilized again, contemplating. "The Index has already fused irreversibly with your biology. But perhaps...there is a way you can aid restoration of order from the chaos you helped sow. Since your desires align with mine you have no choice but to get into this deal with me."

"Deal, what deal?" Alex asked

"Well, since you said we can find a way to fix this by working together so then that's equally what I want to do. Since part of the Nexus has been infused with you why don't we just use it completely and you end up solving the entire problem you have caused"

"What, I don't understand a single thing you are saying"

"Well I will explain later, time for us to leave, your presence has been discovered, and trust me you can't fight against what is coming"

Suddenly Alex was ejected from the game abruptly, leaving him shocked back on his seat in his apartment more confused than ever about what he had gotten himself into.