

This novel is consist of different stories. Some of the story might hit some of you, some might not-but what im trying to say is reality check it happened to most of the people.

It may be hard to admit or you are already admitted that some of the story is true becuase you experienced it or you already witnessed someone experienced it. Or maybe just maybe you can relate because you don't know it happened or it is happening to you.

I may not be a perfect writter, I dont have the skills, the perfect grammar or the proper way of saying things but I what I can promised you all is I put my heart and soul to it.

Reality check it takes guts to move the first step forward. Not everybody can do the first step to do what they want. Well we cannot judge those people, maybe because they are some things that they need to prioritize that's the reason why they are not taking a step forward. Honestly, I don't pity them rather I admire there courage to face the truth that not all dreams can come true.

Earth calling "you" we are not living in a fairytale. Fairytales always promise us that dreams do come true but truth be told not all people is experiencing it.

When we were children most of our dream is to be a proffesional doctor, law enforcer, lawyer, singer, actor, dancer or even the next rich kid who has every toy in the world- don't tell you don't want to be envied by your friends or has a complete collection of you favorite cartoon.

As time goes by we are reaching the stage were we are being develop not only by our parents but the enviroment around us. We tend to imitate the actions of other people doings. We imitate what is in, what is new.

Then, luckily some of us were able to know their goals in life but for some - I don't know maybe they just dont want to pressure theirselves or they are in the process of knowing what's their goals.

Then the rest is for them to write in their chapters of life.

What I am trying to relay is, this is the reality. Everyone has thier own story, that's why everyone is different and unique in their own ways.

This writing is maybe too dark for others but it is the truth. But always remember that you are beautiful in your way.

For my next chapter, I will not promise anything for you not to expect- expectation can turn into fruastration my dear. Hope you like my intro. Keep you posted!