
Reality became a video game?!

*Insert synopsis here, unless you forget which probably you will. How do I know? I am you!*

S_only_S · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Food Problems


(Less than a minute ago) A new skill has been acquired!]

Did it just... did I just... did another point...

Don't panic, let's just check what skill it is first.

[Skill: Analyze

Rank: Normal (Active)

Level: 1 Proficiency: 0%


When you analyze, relevant information will gather in your mind. Slight chance of regaining relevant knowledge you've forgotten about.]

Huh... this isn't that bad at least I know what it does. According to the site it's the most common skill, I haven't read that much about it so I should probably go back on the site to get more information...


But damnnnn I'm hungry, research can wait, let's eat. Back into the kitchen we go!

Let's seeeeeeee.... fruits and vegetables... *closes the fridge*

Yep, it's empty. Hmmmm... let's search for some actual food.

5 minutes later...

Fuck, all I have to eat are vegetables and fruits... and I can't go outside with a wounded leg when there are goblins there... I know, let's make use of my new skill and analyze the situation...

[Skill: Analyze

Proficiency: 0%]

A minute later...

[Skill: Analyze

Proficiency: 1%]

3 minutes later...

[Skill: Analyze

Proficiency: 4%]

Alright, I give up. There's nothing I can do besides starving.




"Alright, I get it. You want me to eat!" - I said while punching myself in the stomach.

A new bruise appeared for no reason, why does this keep happening to me?

Anyways let's try making something edible, but how do I do something like that with these? I've got an idea - the [Analyze] skill can analyze objects. Let's analyze those vegetables and fruits, and see what I come up with!

A few minutes later...

I set some vegetables that looked edible on the table and this is what I got!

[Object: Potato

It can be baked, boiled or fried. Note: Requires peeling.]

Potato gets 10/1000 edibility points. For reference, a bag of chips is at 1000/1000.

[Object: Tomato

It can be sliced and put on sandwiches. Note: Only edible with salt on top.]

Tomato gets 0/1000 edibility points since I've got no bread.

[Object: Cucumber

Can be sliced and put on sandwiches]

Same as tomato, no points for you.

And that's it! What? I'm a picky eater, ok? I only eat food I see on commercials!

The only thing I can think of doing right now is horrible. I'm gonna.... I... I'm gonna eat a raw cucumber for now while boiling the potatoes!

Don't look at me like that! I need to eat something urgently and I'll have to wait for the potatoes! It's only logical that I eat something and I seriously don't like tomatoes without salt! I do have salt but without bread it'd be a waste...

And that's how I spent the past 15 minutes...

Now with a bowl of boiled potatoes I've decided to continue the research...

An hour later... alright apparently I've already been using the skill as it's intended. I couldn't find any solid information on it, besides the fact that the "slight chance of regaining relevant knowledge you've forgotten about" in this skill is really slight like about 0.01% unless it's leveled up. And how do you level up a skill? Well you're gonna have to hunt yourself a monster and get some EXP. From what I understand EXP can be either spent on leveling up yourself or your skills but we'll get to that when I actually go outside, which isn't likely to happen soon with my leg still injured.

Did I seriously spend an hour just to find that out? Well... yes? All the other information was either too vague to be useful or I had already figured it out by using the skill.

For the third skill I still have no idea what to do. According to the site, it's best to get one combat related skill by fighting a goblin but with my current situation I'd probably die. Not because my thigh is injured, it's because according to the sites measurements, a guy who only sat at his PC playing games for a few years is weaker than a goblin.

What should I do now? Let's focus on preparing for the outside world.

Let's start by analyzing all my current skills and useful objects in the house, I'll get back to you once I'm done.

[Skill: Analyze

Proficiency: 35%]

4 hours, 3 bananas and 1 mental breakdown later, I got hungry so I ate some bananas ok?!

[Skill: Analyze

Proficiency: 100%]

Alright, what I came up with is in order to be ready for the outside world, what I need are muscles. Don't you dare think I came up with that after little thought, I actually used the internet and found out that muscles grow by regenerating after being broken or something like that, so that's why I figured the [Regeneration] skill will make working out faster! I'm a genius, aren't I? But that's not all. I've actually found some dumbbells in my parents' bedroom. It should be decent for training the muscles in my arms, and after my leg heals I can do squats and curl ups. You'll see what a guy who used to grind free to play MMORPGs can do!