
Reality Awoken

Humanity had one chance, conquer or be conquered, they chose to conquer. Although weak humanity made the decision to conquer with a little help from the gods and little bit of good luck. Now in front of humanity stands one final challenge, the gods themselves. The gods have started to fear that humanities powers have become a rival to their own...

Strife_The_God · Urban
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The Awakening

In the dawn of the new millennium, humanity, along with countless other races, was thrust into an unprecedented revelation—the existence of multiple universes, each harboring its own secrets and dominions. The Kaeldorian Universe became known as a realm of diversity, where humans and various other species coexisted. Across another dimension lay the Pertaros Universe, home to the Typhonus race, beings of formidable technology and strength. And then there was the Pantheon, a universe from which gods emerged, wielding dominion over the entirety of creation.

The Typhonus, reigning supreme in Pertaros, were beings of awe, their physiology mirroring that of humans, yet their skin boasted the durability of Imperium. Their hues varied from the palest ivories to the deepest ebonies, and among them, a rare breed adorned with celestial wings.

In the Kaeldorian Universe, humans were predestined to reign, but their frailty necessitated divine intervention. Thus, the gods bestowed upon each human a gift unprecedented—superpowers, marking a new era of human ascendancy.

Three millennia hence,

"Professor, must we dredge through the genesis of our abilities again? The origins of our powers are no mystery to us; their purpose has been fulfilled with the conquest of our universe," inquired Roman, his long ebony locks framing a visage marked by a rebellious stubble.

"Until your grasp of Galactic History Year 3 is no longer found wanting, Mr. Roman," retorted the professor, his tone unyielding.

Laughter erupted across the classroom, echoing Roman's public chastisement.

"You'd escape such ridicule if only your dedication to studies matched your wit, Roman," Lilliana chimed in, her coppery red hair cascading into a ponytail, her skin a striking ivory.

"Cease your mockery, Lilliana. Not all of us are geniuses born into the luxury of nobility," Roman shot back, his pride wounded.

"On the contrary, Roman. Our intellect is precisely what unites us here. Your complacency post-admission is your downfall," Lilliana countered, her words sharp as knives.

"Silence, both of you, or I will make you." interjected Cyrus, his golden locks and stunning features cutting through the tension.

"Do it then, pretty boy," Roman taunted, only to be met with an overwhelming force, as if ensnared by the gravity of a black hole.

"Cyrus, Roman, to the headmaster's office, at once!" the professor commanded amidst the chaos.

"Pfft, never imagined you'd actually do it." Lilliana's laughter pierced the air, "Deserved, if you ask me."

Cyrus's gaze towards Lilliana carried a silent plea of misunderstood affection as he escorted Roman to their inevitable scolding.

"Don't dare look at me with such sorrow, Cyrus. It was only a joke." Lilliana's voice echoed in his mind.

"Your jests never cease to amuse, Lilliana. See you later then." Cyrus replied telepathically, their shared history a tapestry of both tenderness and tumult.

It was no secret that Cyrus and Lilliana, united in matrimony since their planet's high school graduation, now shared a life on Cyrus's private world. Yet, Cyrus's straightforward nature was well-known, his words always laced with truth.

A chuckle escaped Lilliana as she received Cyrus's message.

"Again, Cyrus?" inquired the headmaster, a hint of resignation in his voice as Cyrus entered.

"Why assume my presence here signals mischief?" Cyrus feigned innocence.

"History suggests otherwise, particularly when it concerns near-fatal antics." the headmaster pointed out, his wisdom echoing the walls of his office.

A moment of silence passed, Cyrus acknowledging the truth in the headmaster's words.

"Oh... Roman, never mind. You're free to go, Cyrus."

Cyrus rose, his departure halted by the headmaster's caution, "Remember, excellence in academics does not absolve one of consequence."

"Understood." Cyrus affirmed, stepping out into the corridors, the weight of responsibility settling in.

Lilliana awaited him, her inquiry laced with curiosity, "How did you manage to escape trouble this time?"

"Roman's reputation preceded him, it seems." Cyrus revealed, the implications of their dynamic unfolding with each step towards their combat class.

Their journey was shrouded in contemplation until Lilliana broached the evening's plans, "Cecilia and Darius proposed a double date tonight. Shall we?"

The thought of a double date with Cyrus and Lilliana's dear friends, brightened the path ahead.

"Indeed. A friendly spar with Darius would be nice." Cyrus mused, his spirit invigorated.

Lilliana's response was swift, a resounding slap echoing their surroundings, "This night is for fun, not fighting. The last time the two of you sparred, you destroyed an entire planet. Must your thoughts always drift to battle?"

Cyrus, rubbing his cheek, offered a tender confession, "Truthfully, thoughts of you occupy my mind far more than any confrontation."

"No sweet words will spare you tonight, dear." Lilliana declared, her resolve firm as they entered the realm of their next challenge.

This chapter is choppy and short, I apologize for that. I’m still trying to get my bearings when it comes to a good story. In the future I will try to make the chapters longer and more interesting.

-Thanks for reading.

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