
Realistic Tower of God: The Martial Way

A man had given his all to walk on the treacherous martial way. He was once great, however, just like everything else in the world, he had reached the end of the rope and disappeared without being able to reach further on the the path. However, fate has something else in store for him. Suddenly waking up in the mysterious and grand tower, all of his fiber being will tested. Will he survive in this dangerous and unforgiving place with many ancient monsters reigning on the top? Will he manage to survive and find the next path of the martial way and fulfill his ambition? Only time will tell.

Heavenly_Raven · Anime & Comics
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206 Chs

Chapter 143- Exploration

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As the ground burst out, many gray-colored figures crawled out of it and as they spread their shinsu senses, they could finally figure their identity out.

They were rats with a gigantic size of one meter long each. They had long gray fur that coated their entire body. On each of their limbs, five sharp and threatening claws were jutting out of their fingers to tear apart their prey and dig in the ground.

As they opened their mouths when they squeaked, rows of sharp and sturdy teeth that could tear the hard rocks were displayed. Their eyes glinted in red fluorescent light in the darkness, making the creatures appear even more devilish.

As they crawled out of the ground, they quickly raised their snouts to smell the various odor that permeated in the air. They smelled the inorganic scent of rocks, minerals, dirt, gravel, and… something organic, something that felt like the flesh…

The smell of humans!

Recognizing this, the rats quickly locked on the source of the scent and rapidly rushed toward it, intending to have a taste of this tantalizing smell.

Sensing this, Adori, Xin, and Liu Guanyi reacted fast as they launched their attacks toward the swarming cluster of rats, dicing, cutting, and smashing them into pieces.

Every of their attack precisely struck them and cull their lives like a scythe cutting the grass.

However, their attacks seemed to be ineffective as instead of becoming weaker, the swarm of rats snowballed even bigger. They kept marching forward, trampling on their fellow rats' bodies and flesh as they become frenzied by the thick smell of blood.

Sounds of shrill squeaks resounding one after another as they continued to send their attacks to keep the swarming rats at bay. Beautiful white streaks of sword slash, sharp thrusts of needles, and raging blue waves of shinsu.

However, their numbers seemed to be endless as their lines keep getting thicker and closer to them despite their powerful attacks and encircled them with their numbers.

Liu Guanyi clicked his tongue. "Your highness, it seems the earthquake stimulated these rats and draw them out in the open, especially to this area. We need to get out of here as fast as possible before more of them are attracted!"

"You are right, although we can easily keep this up, killing these rats won't give us any benefit other than just wasting our time." Adori nodded calmly as she swung her sword.

"Let's just separate here as per our previous plan. You will take care of him while I'll go with Xin." Said Adori as she held her sword with both of her hands and then slashed it vertically.

Arie Sword Style: The Deadly Leaf of Aconitum!

A blinding white and exquisite sword slash cut through the ranks of the rats as it suddenly widened up and branched like the root of a tree when it struck them, covering and swallowing many of them in thousands of small leaf-like picturesque of white particles.

When the white leaves touched their bodies, they suddenly shinned as they became incredibly sharp, piercing and cutting all of them into pieces.

Liu Guanyi grabbed Theo by his collar as he flowed both shinsu and lifeforce into his body and legs, covering them in a fluid-like light blue layer with a hint of red spots.

Pushing his feet against the ground, Liu Guanyi dashed powerfully as he crashed into the massive swarm of rats, using his momentum to crush and open a way out of the encirclement.

Martial Art & Shinsu Control Style: Raging Bull Charge!

Liu Guanyi continued to rush forward as he forced his way out of the encirclement. No matter how many times the rats throw themselves against Liu Guanyi to stop his escape, they were finding themselves extremely unsuccessful.

Every time a rat tried to slow him down and touched his body, it would be immediately crushed into meat paste. Their sharp and long claws, ferocious teeth, and tough skin, everything was useless no matter how many and how hard they tried to hurt as they didn't even manage to scratch his skin.

Compared to him, their claws and teeth were just like papers against titanium.

No matter how sharp the papers were, they would be utterly useless.

Like an unstoppable force, Liu Guanyi easily forced his way out of the rats' encirclement carrying the baggage on his shoulder while Adori and Xin also managed to quickly escape from it as well.

Continue to run on the ruins of the tunnel, Liu Guanyi quickly swerved toward the north, a more likely direction that would lead to a different route according to the mapping data he had seen from Theo and what they had collected so far.

Controlling his heart, Liu Guanyi willed it to pump the lifeforce to all of his sensing organs, driving what was already beyond incredible organs even more amazing.

With his enhanced eyesight and senses running on full power, Liu Guanyi could see, smell, and feel every nook and cranny from his surroundings to more than a few miles outward. He could even reach far further if his hearing was also included.

Because of this, there were so many inputs of information of each detail that flooded his brain that put a massive strain on his mind. This was very bad as it could even potentially injure and paralyze the brain due to the sheer amount of information intake and process at the same time, at least if this happened to a regular person.

Because for Liu Guanyi, something like this could be easily solved!

His heart pumped strongly as he sent a little yet, continuous amount of lifeforce that merged to every single of his brain cells, enriching and rejuvenating them, making what was previously slow and burdened brain easily worked and processed the influx of information way faster.

Martial Technique: Ancient's Wisdom!

Liu Guanyi's mind suddenly became much clearer as if the clog that had been troubling for years in his mind had been cleared instantly, making him able to think and organize all of his thoughts into a beautiful and smooth stream.