
Real Young Lady Pampered By Bigshots After Coming Home

Since a young age, Su Qing already knew she was adopted and that her adopted parents didn’t like her. Hence, she learned to be independent as a child and became quite aloof. Aside from being slightly warmer toward her grandmother who she had lived with, she was indifferent to everyone else. Fearful that Su Qing’s mental health might be affected after her grandmother’s death, the doctors helped Su Qing find her biological parents and threatened them into taking Su Qing back. However, once Su Qing returned to Su Manor, she was immediately cornered by her five older brothers, all warning her not to get too close to them! Su Qing, who held no expectations for the Su family, chose to ignore them. To everyone’s surprise, after a certain period of time, these five brothers seemed to have changed and kept hounding Su Qing. Big Brother: This luxury mansion is for you. Do you like it? Second Brother: I heard you like sports cars. I just acquired this company, so just tell them what kind of sports car you like and they’ll make it for you. Third Brother: There’s a hundred million yuan in this card. Just ask me for more if this isn’t enough. Fourth Brother, carrying his laptop: I have scandals on everyone. You can see them all! Popular hunk Fifth Brother: I’ll scold whoever bullies you with my main social media account! When a man, who was kicked under the bed the first time they met, appeared at Su Manor’s door, asking Su Qing to proceed with their marriage as promised, all five brothers flew into a rage. “Scram! She’s our sister!” The man said, “Excuse me, she’s my wife.”

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720 Chs

Eldest Brother Is Good-Looking

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Shopping with others could be a terrifying experience.

At this moment, Su Qing witnessed how true this statement was, especially when it came to shopping with her mother. Looking at the excited and happy Kong Yue, the words of rejection she was about to say got stuck in her throat.

"Qingqing, do you like this dress?" Kong Yue asked Su Qing, who was sitting on the couch in the shop.

Su Qing looked up at her mother and frowned slightly. "Is there a difference between this one and the one just now? I can't wear so many anyway. Let's just go home."

Kong Yue looked at her bitter expression and smiled lightly. "As a woman, there's never too much when it comes to clothes. With Mommy around today, you can buy as many outfits as you want."

Su Qing took the clothes from her and placed them aside. "I'm hungry. Why don't we go and eat first?" The smart girl had already learned how to divert her mother's attention.

Kong Yue looked at the time and said in surprise, "We've shopped for so long? I lost track of the time."

Looking at Su Qing, she smiled and said, "Your eldest brother has already sent someone over to tell us to meet him for lunch. I almost forgot about that. Let's go."

Su Qing nodded. As long as she could avoid trying on new clothes, she would do anything.

Su Xing's assistant knocked on his door and said respectfully, "President Su, your mother is already here."

Su Xing looked at the wall clock and closed the folder in his hands. "Got it. You guys should go and eat too."

His assistant looked at him gratefully. They had been busy all morning, and everyone was indeed tired.

The Su family's mall was the largest in the city. There were also many good restaurants inside, so Su Xing made a reservation at a famous restaurant there.

"Son, over here!" Kong Yue called softly when she saw Su Xing walk out of his office.

As Su Xing walked over, he buttoned his unbuttoned suit jacket. "Let's go. I've already reserved a table. We can just go over to the restaurant directly."

Su Xing had a tall and muscular build, and he looked mature and charming. Perhaps it was because he was the eldest son of the family, so he looked much more composed than Su Rui.

Kong Yue went forward and pulled his hand. "Come over here!"

She turned around to look at Su Qing with a gentle expression. "Qingqing, this is your elder brother, Su Xing."

Su Qing looked at him and greeted him with a nod.

Kong Yue was a little disappointed when she noticed that Su Qing still refused to address her family. She comforted herself silently, Don't be anxious. Su Qing had just returned to this family, so let's just give her more time to adapt to her many brothers.

Su Xing smiled slowly and broke the awkwardness first. "Do you like Western food?" He asked Su Qing gently, and slowly walked out of the office with the two women. Su Qing looked at his side profile and replied, "I'm fine with that."

After a delicious lunch, Kong Yue realized that Su Qing and Su Xing got along very well and naturally. It was as though she was the odd one out sitting between them. Even though she was worried that Su Qing wouldn't get along with her brothers, when she saw Su Xing hand her a cup of water naturally, she knew that her worries were unfounded.

"Do you still have anything on this afternoon? Why don't we go home together? The helper made a lot of delicious food today," Kong Yue said to Su Xing.

Su Xing took the handkerchief and wiped his mouth gently. "I still have to deal with some matters. I'll return home earlier tonight."

Kong Yue nodded and said to Su Qing with a smile, "Your eldest brother is the busiest person in our family. Every time we want to have a meal with him, we have to wait until he's free."

"Alright, I understand. I'll definitely go home and eat with Dad and you more often." Su Xing smiled with a warm and gentle expression. His mature charm made the young lady sitting at the side giggle.

The private room where they were eating was very quiet, so her voice was very obvious. Su Qing looked at her mother, then at her eldest brother's handsome face. She seemed to have understood something, and nodded slightly.

Su Xing looked at her expression amusedly. "Why are you nodding?"

"You're indeed good-looking. She has good taste," Su Qing said seriously, as though she had made a major discovery.

Su Xing didn't expect her to say that. He was stunned for a moment before chuckling softly. "Alright, I'll take it as a compliment."

Kong Yue was also amused by Su Qing's serious expression. "If you think he's handsome, you should meet your fifth brother. He's the one who's really good-looking!" The happy madam took out her phone and pointed at her wallpaper. "This is your fifth brother, Su Qian! He's a famous celebrity!"