


Sitting on the staircase that was not his property, which would eventually end with just being left to contemplate only the area or the view ahead. Turning just one more inanimate object of the bunch, his mind blank and his gaze lost, it was only an indication that he was disconnected from this world.

Normally people escaped from reality, with alcohol, sex, entertainment and among many other things that human beings could invent over time. With the wind blowing his hair, caressing his cheek and cooling his body, he was able to reach that level of cloudiness.

Sadness, love, happiness, none of those emotions really bothered him, he didn't feel sad because he didn't have to be. He had a father, a mother, a happiness that few appreciate and that many desire. His life was normal, being that he had already finished his high school with 16 years of age.

Love, it was something he had experienced, that he liked as he disliked. Feeling loved by that special person, playing with her and loving each other was a delight, but letting her go and forgetting about her on top of it was disgusting for everyone.

There was no need to check it again, we already felt it and she reluctantly liked it, she didn't want any more experiences of that kind.

He was also happy, there were difficult moments, emotional moments, happy, fun, but the reality was one, that he had all the happiness surrounding him and he was not happy, he should be happy, be happy with the life that touched him, he was already beautiful in Millions of ways, he had it all, he lacked nothing.

He was also happy, there were difficult moments, emotional moments, happy, funny, but the reality was one, that he had all the happiness surrounding him and he was not happy, he should be happy, be happy with the life that touched him, he was already beautiful in Millions of ways, he had it all, he lacked nothing.

In good health, physical and mental, Anyway, everything was perfect and he did not appreciate it as he should.

With long black hair reaching the end of the neck and with a lock covering almost taking away its visibility, eyes of a shiny brown color. , slim but muscular composure, small for his age, approaching five feet six or less. He wore slightly tight black pants, a long-sleeved polo shirt in the same color, and an open green plaid shirt, along with red, white, and black sneakers. The young Alesandro, who was visiting his grandmother for a few days, was looking at the lights of the cars, houses, shops and among many other things. It was night and he didn't want to do anything else let himself go.

The last few days had been something scandalous for him, his father and mother telling him to study such a thing or they would put him in a military boarding school. He was good at computers and equipment such as computers, laptops and cell phones, with the right steps he could even hack the navigation source of his entire neighborhood, he was talented in those areas, but I never considered it something important, he did not see it as something that he would like to do all his life.

That is why he refused to apply to a university to study something he did not like, he himself did not know he liked it, he was not the smartest or brightest guy, he never applied as one of the best, always looking ordinary as they were. , according to Alesandro:

"he was no better than anyone and no one is better than him"

Following his own word, it restrained him from having some good friends, he could count his friendships with the palm of his hand. He was never the popular or sociable one in his old school, only a small group of people could consider him a great guy.

Going back with your problems; the demands of his father were increasing, threats and among other things, that is why he left home for a while, away from everything, to think things over, but the place in question was not the best in that requirement, it is more It made him remember some mistakes he had made throughout his life, being that in some days he regretted it between hours.

And there came his deep reflection on Alesandro; not having anyone to express or talk about it with.

I look at the empty plagued streets, in times of pandemic, there was nothing else to hide from the virus in question. The dictates of the president of the country, forced to fulfill a quarantine, being that not everything was perfect, the assaults to markets began, because there were no economic resources to help families with few funds.

There were people who still did not believe that the virus in question killed, as ignorant as they were in their country, they believed that just by eating extravagant foods they could not be affected by the symptoms of the virus. For some reason Alesandro smiled when he thought of all those stupid people.

Even so, there were people on the other side of the coin who were aware of the pandemic and not having enough money to cover their own or family expenses, they took to the streets to work, give alms and etc.

That is why there were not fewer people in the streets, one or another police or military patrolling the streets, stopping all contamination that humanity could do.

Alesandro was someone simple, but he cared about people who did not have what he did, he was no one to help all people and that made him feel terrible, he could only forget the subject and continue.

Over time the young Alesandro picked up a bad habit, the cigar, taking out one of his pockets and incidentally a small lighter, lighting the tip of that cigar, took the first breath, feeling his hot lungs and his frustrations moving away, he let out a large amount of smoke from his lips.

Watching how the smoke dispersed through the air, he continued smoking. Hoping your worries will calm down for a while.

When I finish smoking, I set the remaining part of the cigarette aside, clearly noting that it is out first. Standing from that place, I take a last look at that view, the lights were beautiful, for him there was nothing like it. Without stopping to waste time, on his way back home and once he was there, Alesandro turned off the lights and threw himself into bed, not caring about sleeping with his clothes on.


"Thank you grandmother." Thanking you for breakfast, Alesandro kissed his grandmother's cheek; A coffee with some buttered toast, nothing special for some, but for the black-haired boy it was. Not knowing when was the last time his mother had prepared one for him. Not that he was lazy, he used his hands to prepare his breakfast for over 5 years. I only believed that in this way someone demonstrated their importance to another person.

—You're welcome darling, it's good to see you these days, I like you to visit me— a woman of about 60 or 70 years of age, with her white hair with gray hair, her face a little wrinkled, tender eyes and a smile that always It made him look like someone you could trust. Her face always showed to be calm, being that she was a little energetic for her age, she enjoyed playing cell phone games.

"Whenever you want, grandmother," Alesandro replied, taking a sip of her coffee, she liked its bitter taste, she liked coffee prepared with time, not instant, they were not the same, according to the boy.

That boy's grandmother smiled to see him sitting next to her, her grandson was not the most talkative, but he showed people that he cared about you. That you are not a nuisance, her daughters and sons were not frequent visitors, Alesandro her favorite grandson, was the only one who visited her regularly. Something that she liked, usually she just sat on her sofa to watch her boring novel, alone at home, since her husband had already died in several years.

She enjoyed teaching her grandson how to cook, when they played bingo with her friends or when she accompanied her to work to help her.

- Are Alison and Brenda coming to play today? - Eating her toast, the black-haired grandson asked about her grandmother's friends, since they were people who for some reason were very good at playing cards and nice.

-I doubt it, I think Brenda is going to visit her daughter and Alison said she would be busy today, but we can have fun with some games that I have in the pantry- Grandma remembered the words of her two friends and told her grandson .

-Sounds good-


A game of cards later and one or two conversations from their days, they had advanced the whole day distracting themselves and laughing at the odd anecdote from their daily or personal lives. Alesandro would have loved to have a mother like his grandmother, so understanding and kind, he did not understand and disliked that his aunts and uncles did not visit him much, excusing himself with work, his children's school among other more vague excuses.

They had it now and they did not take advantage of it, like the young man himself, so hypocritical that he was, since he did not appreciate the day in which he lived.

The black-haired man had sisters, whom he wanted and loved with all his heart, but the feeling was not returned, since they avoided or despised him, in a cutting way that he really did not care, since he will still love them.

The only problem with all that is that I never form a bond with any of them and that was really a bitter taste for Alesandro.

Not long ago he gave up trying to force something that will never be possible and without hesitation he continued to love them, not caring that they did not.

His father and mother were not the most excellent figures, on the contrary, their life was discussion after discussion, and their only male child did not understand how they could see each other in the morning. Their mouths are pistols and their words were like bullets going through each one, their apologies seemed to be more incúrrete each day.

He was the first to see and hear the curses that were thrown at them, with 8 years of age he had got used to it. It was a walk in a shooting range, if it was a war and everyone was fighting to defend their respective nations and he would just walk in the middle and sit next to him, having his breakfast and seeing the result of the great battle.

Alesandro thought perhaps those discussions and being frequently at those battles, he obtained his reserved aspect.

—I will come visit you, next week, grandmother— with backpack in hand, Alesandro said goodbye to his grandmother, standing at the entrance of his grandmother's door.

—That sounds good, don't go and argue with your parents again, you know how proud they are and take care - the young man's grandmother spoke in a worried tone, she had raised her daughter and knew her very well how proud she was, how he also didn't like to lose an argument.

"Take care of yourself" was the last thing Alesandro said to his grandmother, closing the door through which he came out. He focused on checking if there were buses nearby and getting home quickly.

Alesandro had a small and rare habit, commonly on buses, he always tried to be as close to the windows, to be able to see through them. Once he was there, sitting quiet, he only cared about seeing and everything.

People, cars, buildings, signs, clothes and everything he could memorize, he wore a small game to a superhuman limit, trying as hard as possible to remember and contemplate an object or person in question, while the bus was still running, giving him little time to visualize and memorize. According to the black-haired boy, it was a very good challenge.

The only problem of all is that it only lasted 15 or 20 seconds, after that a horrible pain in the head was coming, along with the burning in his vision from the drying of his eyes from having it wide open, even so, the boy believed that he was improving something, which in a certain part was right. In his last practices, he had improved at visualization.

It was not a type of power from any comic, manga or story, they counted it more as an ability that with passing time was improving, slowly, but improving anyway.

Alesandro never really cared to perform these exercises in his daily life, he did not see it necessary, since he did not believe in absurd things like super powers, he was aware that he was only imaginative, that everything was coming out of the brain of some random type, that only could appreciate in; books, pictures, movies, and millions of shapes, but never in real life.

When his eyes blazed, the young man hurried up the hill, being watched by some of the people who sat near him. Not caring too much, thinking he was some kind of crazy or strange boy.

Calming down a bit, he opened his eyes again to see his surroundings better, adjusting himself better; With one leg on his thigh and his left arm elbow resting on the higher thigh, his hand helping to rest his chin, he closed his eyelids again and allowed himself to take a nap.

His poverty developed that his senses were attentive to a specific moment, at his stop, years traveling by vehicles that were not his property, helped his coordination with space-time, something that Alesandro knew that many people had and used it unconsciously, He improved that small benefit and with a better development, I take advantage of that blessing to its best potential; In his old school he used it a lot, being that he also had this ability while he slept in his bed, waking up at the hours that he was convenient, the sky was dark when he only woke up, since it was 4 in the morning, one When he was very comfortable, he could exercise and bathe early, prepare his breakfast and walk to school which was a few blocks from his house.

Arriving at school, it was still early and he went to the classroom with the teacher of this, his teachers had to come half an hour before the students, the normal entrance for any student was from 7:30 to 8:10, being that you They put a delay if you entered outside those hours.

Being in the classroom assigned to each student, according to their performance and behavior; A, B and C, were the three classrooms for each student, established by the order of grade that would be until the fifth year.

Alesandro had noticed and improved his perception in the suspended time, in the third year, since then he slept a few short minutes and woke up as if nothing, in a sense the average human sleeps at night, recovering his energy and resting from any physical movement, the young man had the character of sleeping and recovering those energies when he pleased without any side effect, such as sleepwalking for example.

Waking up from his little delay, Alesandro got up from his seat to walk towards the exit of the bus, opening the doors, got out of the bus and walking towards his home, in the middle of the road he had a detail.

He hadn't paid for the ticket.

Being so thinking about his family, Alesandro, forgot to pay his ticket, for his good luck, he was not the only one who had forgotten the money, since the conductor did not realize that part either.

Alesandro was also exact with his money and he very much agreed with himself that he only had a little money, which was only enough for the passage, so a mistake like that was in good taste for the young man, who was willing to savor something sweet, his recommendation some gum.

Approaching a nearby store, the black-haired man bought his precious sweets and returned to his walk home.

It didn't take long for him to arrive, knocking on the door, I hope someone comes out to open the door for him. Which happened quickly and the one who opened the door was his mother.

—Alesandro, next time come earlier, there are things to do and your room is messy, clean it and then wash the bathrooms— a woman of a mature age, red hair from dyes and a simple figure, with a face with few wrinkles but angry. It was Alesandro's mother, who complained that her son was so disorderly, having an older age, he was still too immature to fulfill his duties.

"Whatever you say, mother" accelerating towards my room, I noticed that my sisters were with their mobile devices like my father, they liked more to be distracted with videos on different social networks. It would be a hypocritone for Alesandro who totally disliked those devices. Usually he also watched one or another video, the point was that they exaggerated a bit with it, there was no moment when they took off their phones.

Arriving in my room, I noticed that everything was upside down, as if a hurricane had been present in it; papers, clothes and the odd pencil. As it was easy to clutter your room, it was also easy to tidy it up. It didn't take long for him to put the pencils on a desk full of them, sorting out the good sheets with the unsuccessful ones and finally putting all the dirty clothes in the washing machine, and the job was done.

His afternoon consisted of cleaning all the bathrooms in the home, Alesandro ended up taking a bath to remove all sweat and dirt that he would have acquired.

Exhausted, he lay down on his bed to rest, the black-haired man looked at his ceiling as every time he did before sleeping. I meditate on things a bit, I didn't know what to do, I didn't have dreams, I had nothing.

Enjoying closing his eyes, he let his body and mind rest, with everything and in the end he just fell asleep.

He woke up at the knock on his door.

—What are you doing asleep so early, that's why you can't sleep well at night - there was some truth in his mother's words and Alesandro knew it very well, even so he didn't want to have a problem and just got up, a resentful case it was that they woke him up with a glass of water on his face, not wanting that experience again, he opened the door.

"Well, I won't do it anymore." Alesandro wondered if it was a good idea not to have studied as it should, perhaps he would have great opportunities like his sister had, if he gave everything against his studies. He thought momentarily if his life had been a product of his boredom, he usually escaped from the flat and normal world, boring, to a fantasy world that he read on the internet or in a book.

Attractive for the idea of ​​reincarnating in another world, he only uses his mind to create that landscape or reality, distracting himself from the world around him, he analyzes the bases of the world where he would have preferred to be born.

Even sitting in the living room, pretending that he was watching those game shows, absurd in his opinion, he thought of a better world than the one he lived in.

For a moment he closed his eyes, blinked a few times, only to fall asleep and his last sight was of his family laughing at that show.

An indeterminate time, he opened his eyelids and his eyes were amazed to see, his grandmother's house, but the strange thing is that he was observing it a little bigger than usual, when he tried to walk towards the place, he felt that his hand was being held , on the other that it was bigger and smoother.

Turning her face a little and looking up, she was surprised to see her mother, younger than usual, she was not like before, since in the past her hair was short.

Precisely the same haircut that he had when he was a child, he was not completely a fool, putting the pieces together and a great feeling of nostalgia, made his brain think crazy, looking at one of his hands, he realized that they were those of a child, precisely, fixed his gaze where his body reflected.

Alesandro had the surprise of his life; black hair up to his neck, bored look, the size of a 4 or 5 year old child, he saw with great shock, his younger self, with his left hand, the one that was loose, he touched his face and the same act was imitated by the reflection.

- Come on, darling, today you will meet your grandmother - Alesandro when listening to his mother, he remembered this day a little, the day he met his grandmother.

- Interesting - a comment that came from the mouth of Alesandro, now 4 years old again, his wish was incorrectly fulfilled, not making him reincarnate another world, new doors of possibilities were opened for the black-haired man, who could improve or worsen the future that it was already written.

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