
Episode 2


Alesandro's life had never been so magical or unnatural and even if they were simple things; know who he was, the place and what happened and happened. It was something out of his imagination so closed to the everyday and realistic. He had no goals in his new life or in the old, his dreams weren't a big deal and they were wasted, he couldn't blame his family for being so negative or as they called it "realistic" and yell at him a quantity that was lost from the count. .

A child without a set time, took a step towards a different future on the contrary, his expectations were the same as before, very low and so the universe could not disappoint him more.

Finding himself seated, Alesandro, he relaxed and contemplated the beautiful day a bit, while his friends played a soccer game with different sections. It was a sport that did not attract much attention to the boy, he was good at it for so many times that his father convinced him to join or write to one of those academies, having an impressive talent that his father wanted to take advantage of, I try to show that he Soccer was the best, something that inevitably failed, their paciones were very different.

Alesandro would not deny that his father had a good reason to make the sport take advantage of so easily, but he never saw it that way, he never felt like running after a ball and kicking it to score.

The heat of the sun was warm, his pale skin from not being so exposed to those rays, they were caressed by the ambient temperature wind, moving his hair and making him relax, he admired how the students did their daily things, the boy would not admit it, but had a little problem with fixing the life of another user.

He got into the perspective of each one and weighed what he would have done, in those circumstances. His loneliness was a great foundation for his great intrusion into the lives of others.

"Hey kid, why aren't you playing with your friends?" - Alesandro did not even move his head to know who it was who was asking about his stay on the great steps.

A girl with brown hair in two ponytails, a nice round face, good posture and someone tall for her age, with small freckles under her brown eyes. Being of a higher degree than Alesandro, the girl was called Emma by people who knew her.

"I don't feel like it." Being direct, Alesandro answered the girl's question.

The boy as such his personality, was not frank with what he had to say, he did not lack the courage to say something delicate, since he saw a great lack of respect not to express what you really think about it.

Repeatedly, they were constant for their socialization with people who did not like to hear what they did not want to hear, their reality. It was a talent that I previously mentioned was learned from your parents.

"Ok, my name is Emma, ​​you don't mind me sitting here" without bothering to listen to Alesandro's response, in the same way, he settled to one side, while opening some cookies.

—You know, I know your mother, she's a friend of mine and since I saw you alone, I wanted company, you don't feel lucky— something that never stopped impressing Alesandro, was how open to information the girl was, in the world, those kinds of things were very important and that she did not know, you do not talk too much, it was something unique for someone her age, being that she is currently in the fourth grade of primary school.

Alesandro deduced that it had something to do with education in the country.

Being that the country I lived in was not a big deal, when it came to education. If we go into more detail about the underdeveloped country, we will find thousands of frauds and stupidity of politicians, since in Alesandro's opinion, being a president or a politician in this country was only to steal money.

"I'm a lucky boy, what a joy - the sarcasm in the boy's words were so evident to the superior student and that caused a great impression and joy on Emma, ​​since apparently the boy was someone curious to her."

—Well, you should feel that way, not everyone could say that I sat next to him for pleasure - arrogant as Alesandro remembered him, he was not surprised by that information, it was well known that the girl for her age was very developed, making her one of the beautiful months at school.

- Do you want to? - Seeing the cookie that was put in front of him, Alesandro, with a small smile, shook his head.

- No, but thank you - being respectful, the child, still remained relaxed contemplating the weather. Observed by Emma, who did not expect the boy's refusal, since her mother told her that the boy liked cookies, it was to be expected that she had taken it.

"You don't like cookies?" Emma asked the black-haired boy.

—I like them, but now I'm full - being a logical explanation, Alesandro, he watched as his friend Anderson fired a great shot at a corner of the goal, scoring a goal for his team.

—You waste a good cookie, these are coconut, who doesn't like them, I would eat them until they burst - that statement was not a joke and the boy knew it.

"Coconut is a great flavor, but I wouldn't want to eat it so excessively," Alesandro explained.

"At least you admit that coconut is the best." With a big sigh from Emma, ​​everything seemed to be relaxing for both of them.

-Excuse me, I just said it's great taste, not that it was the best -

—In my opinion, lemon is a better flavor—

Alesandro's last words generated an uncomfortable silence in the place, the boy thought that this type of information should have been kept, obviously he was over on the subject and apparently he had made the girl angry, not that he was afraid of him, but he knew how spiteful the girl was and now he would be constantly tormented in exchange for saying that his favorite flavor was the best.

And that would be exhausting.

- Do you want to repeat what you said? -

Even with a gloomy look and her elongated smile, Emma looked at little Alesandro, who was still looking at nothing and only contemplating the place, that bothered her even more, because apparently she was being ignored. Something that was the opposite, since the black-haired boy had heard, but he did not feel like repeating something he had already said.

- Emma, ​​come on, Katherine is jealous of her boyfriend! - The voice of one of the girl's fourth-year friends and partner was heard. Slightly relieving Alesandro, since the girl was beginning to make him uncomfortable.

- I'm going! - Emma answered her friend.

"This will not stay like that, Ale" cutting the boy's name, Emma warned of his return for later, leaving Alesandro alone, the girl left with her friend.


It was the thought of the boy, who was still relaxing in his place, his palms touched the ground to support the middle part of his body, leaving his legs hanging and sitting, he raised his head a little to look at the sky, a blue beautiful with several cotton-like clouds floating in it.

Liking this moment, Alesandro, felt very melancholic because of the feeling of calm and tranquility, his mind was clear of any concern, a feeling that he had not felt for a long time and missed.

But the world seemed like it wouldn't stop bothering that boy.

—Look at how small he is, he even looks like a pericote— with short black hair, slightly tanned skin, large teeth and thin build, Javier, the one who bothered Alesandro for almost half of primary school, since when he had passed fourth grade of primary school I faced him and they fought, from then on, Alesandro, stopped being afraid of those he believed were strong and began to face his fear of pain.

Alesandro was smart and he was 11 years old, he didn't really mind the insults or nicknames of children, but he was a little worried about starting a little fight, unlike Alesandro, Javier was one of many friends, not very good, but in the end they were friends of the boy.

He did not bother to look at them, since his ear had detected four different voices counting Javier, it was a considerable amount against a non-physically experienced body, his mind and reflexes were at their optimal capacities at his true age, but it was not the same with her small body.

He had technique, not strength and it was a great weakness that Alesandro had at the moment.

-Look, he's also half a moron-

"Yes, it is very small."

—He needs to drink his milk—

Completely ignoring the children, Alesandro, still looked calmly at the sky, but this time not relaxing, planning measures for a possible confrontation or escape.

"Hey moron, are you deaf?" Again Javier tried to annoy that annoying dwarf.

Alesandro used his great vision to realize that students from different sections were watching or were curious about what was happening, more than 50 students who were watching from a non-compromising distance and that gave a great idea to the boy with long black hair.

"Hey, did you say something?" Imitating a short phrase from an anime he had seen, Alesandro smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of his head.

The strangeness of Alesandro was amusing for most, even Emma, ​​who was watching from afar, smiled to see how the strange boy's aptitude was. She was concerned when she saw how the boy was with a red face like the other brats, it seemed that she had to intervene.

- I said you are a dwarf, ugly and stink! - With a shout he got angry, Javier insulted Alesandro, who just stayed still listening, his impassive, bored and a little funny look, made the boy angry.

- anything else? - Not a single expression changed in Alesandro, who was still in the same position from the beginning.

Some senior students were curious about the attitude of the black-haired boy, who seemed mature enough to get down to the same level as his classmates. There was only a small number of students, who would pass by being insulted, since usually, if one insults the other also insults and then the fight would start.

"E ... you're a fool, dwarf and ugly" repeating the same insults, Javier had no choice but to show who was more powerful and went to him with a straight left punch.

Emma got upset and left her friends, seeing that they were going to hit the boy who although he was ignorant of the great taste of coconut, but he was a good guy, not one step more and he was surprised at what had happened after just a few steps.

Seeing the fist it went straight to his face, Alesandro, he did not raise his fists, since his arms at the moment did not have the strength of a child, so he thought it more convenient to use his legs, which were strong, because he had to carry his body daily, that was compared to a teenager.

Using his left leg, Alesandro, struck the wrist of the enemy fist, thus deflecting the fist to another place and with the use of his other leg, he struck with all his force the face of his opponent.

In an incredible move for a 5-year-old, the raven had deflected a punch and counterattacked his opponent with a kick straight to his face. It didn't take long for the boy Javier to be sent back and his sword to touch the ground, the blood began to flow from the boy's nose, tears fell from his eyes from the blow and, together, the two liquids smeared the ground.

- Why are you crying? It wasn't what you wanted—

Getting up from the ladder, Alesandro approached the boy who was still on the ground crying, for the first time he liked being the bad guy, if he was feared they wouldn't bother him again, because they would be warned. He didn't need to shout to declare that, his actions had said what was necessary and made the point, to others.

A single kick had been enough to declare, don't mess with him.

Turning his head slightly, he looked at Javier's companions, with a small smile, Alesandro shook everyone, especially those who received his gaze. And as a child seeing something at a dog with its sharp teeth and the indifferent gaze of its actions, they could not back down and get out of place.

It was not something mystical or supernatural, but the students were feeling a little pressure from that smile, they were sweating and their heart rate increased.

Thanks to his senses and his great experience in fights, Alesandro was able to dodge a stone that went directly to his head, turning his head, the black-haired boy noticed where that rock came from and to his liking, it was Javier, who collected more stones, being willing to throw them at him.

Anderson and Frank, noticing that their friend was in danger, ran to help, but stopped when they saw that someone was already about to finish that fight. And you could tell that the guy was in a bad mood, they just watched things happen.

"I would have preferred a stick." Giving his honest opinion, Alesandro saw a melee weapon more convenient than a long-distance one.

- Student, lower that rock to the ground, now! - One of the school instructors arrived in time to stop the two first-year students, forcefully took the child's hand with the stone in his hand and disarmed him, while he looked at the two with disapproval and anger.

The students I was looking at left the place to avoid getting into trouble. Emma, ​​seeing that the situation was under control, felt a relief for her friend, even so, she could not be a little afraid, of how the child was smiling, perhaps, her plan to take him coconut side should wait.

—You two, are going to accompany me to the principal's office, we will call their mother - taking the two children by their dolls, the instructor led Alesandro with Javier, leaving an audience very stunned by what they had just seen and more, when the bullying boy's friends came just to see their friend taken away.

The director was as he remembered, Alesandro, the first time he had defended himself in four years, was brought before him.

White hair with gray hair, average height for his age, wrinkles on his forehead and a well-groomed mustache, he wore a gray suit, a blue shirt and a tie to match the suit.

The office was what Alesandro did not remember much, being that he visited it twice and did not look much, even so he felt that he remembered it, sitting waiting for his mother or father, he was with the watchful eye of the director after Javier to screams and complaints will tell how things happened in their reality.

—Your turn boy - with a hard look, the director paid attention to the boy who seemed calm before the situation, something that he liked about the boy, instead of the other who shouted pure incoherencies.

—While enjoying the break, my partner started yelling at me, I didn't listen very well, that's why I don't know what words to say, then I clearly heard that he was insulting my height and then trying to hit me, obviously I failed, since I deflected his blow and then counterattack in Self defense, to continue, my partner took some rocks and threw one of them, then the instructor came to stop the conflict - explaining clearly, the director understood more what had happened and liked that his students developed their oratory.

- that's a lie!-

Even with that desperate cry, Javier did not have any attention from the director, who only looked at the serious boy, making him shut up. The room was silent for a while before an older woman emerged from the doors, whom Alesandro could deduce was Javier's mother.

—Good morning, director, I'm Javier's mother, I can know what happened to my son - standing next to her son, the woman looked at how her son had dried blood and a bruise on his nose, angry and indignant she looked at Alesandro, Who didn't even bother to look back at the lady, after all, understood how difficult it was to talk to an angry mother.

--What happened, Mrs. Sánchez, is that your son had been insulting the student Arce, and then tried to physically attack her partner - the director already had the evidence of the events, with the cameras that were installed. His questioning with the two boys was just to find out who to trust and speak the plain truth.

—It's impossible, my son wouldn't bother anyone, look at him he's hurt and that boy isn't, it's obvious that he was the one who attacked my son - with a face of few friends, Mrs. Sánchez, I question the obvious to her.

—It's not a lie, madam, your son wanted to hit his partner and he counterattacked in self-defense, that's not all, apparently his son was willing to throw rocks at him, everything is on video madam - with that last, Alesandro could see how he direct showed the video of their little conflict. And he smiled to see so many people around them. The idea was very simple, to show that he was not someone defenseless willing to be disturbed.

Mrs. Sánchez, to see how her son behaved, got angry with him. But she would wait to get home for the punishment she was going to impose.

Then Alesandro's mother appeared at the door, wearing casual clothes and was a little worried about her son's health. Once she saw her son, the woman went straight to him and stood to the side, stroking his tousled hair.

-Good morning director, I can know what happened -

Explaining how things happened and showing the videos, Alesandro's mother was impressed that her son had hit someone, since her son was peaceful when it came to fights. Still, she was glad that it had come out without a scratch.

Alesandro, had to hold back a sigh, because of how his mother treated him like a child, technically he was, but his mental age was very different.

Agreeing that it was only a children's fight, the director sentenced both of them to punishment, being that Javier was suspended for 1 week as the aggressor and Alesandro who defended himself, but still used violence, he was granted three days. To reflect on their actions. With his punishment said, each mother brought his children home.

Walking through the streets, Alesandro, just walked calmly with his mother to the address of their home, but they had stopped to have some ice cream, something that the black-haired man was grateful for because of the heat.

- How are you feeling, honey? - Alesandro stopped eating his ice cream, to look at his mother.

—Fresh — simple but sincere, Alesandro took another bite of his ice cream.

"You don't feel bad for hitting your partner."

On second thought, Alesandro, I meditate on that, how he felt when he stood and smiled, he felt generally good, he hadn't done anything wrong or so he thought, but after all he had never enjoyed winning a match between the two, because he was always a tie.

Winning was good enough to bring out a challenging smile and feel powerful.

Alesandro, looked at the clouds again and they seemed to be the only ones who understood how she felt, as she flowed through the current and did the same with the circumstances.

"Yes, I was too much, I didn't have to hit him so hard," Alesandro replied to his mother, who was speechless when hearing that her son only felt that he should hit with less force.

Mrs. Arce, looked at her son with disappointment, she never liked that violence was fought with more violence, so she made a great effort to instill in her son to be a pacifist, not to raise his fists, if not with the words would fix the problem, since words were much more effective for her.

But hearing that her son only said that he had to lower his strength, it was a kick to his pride as a mother and he got upset with his son for not being the way she wanted him to be.

The way home was in silence and that does not surprise Alesandro, his life was changing since the day he came, he would know that he would see repercussions; and if losing his mother's love was going to be a consequence, then it was worth it, since the boy, even if his mother hated him, would love her for being the person who gave him to the world.

Not all things can be completely saved, Alesandro knew that it was a matter of time before his mother tried to get rid of him, advancing that process would not change his plans for his new life.

Even time was a dangerous enemy and Alesandro knew it very well.

Feelings of self-contempt passed through the boy, as if they were waves that reminded him of how much he loved his mother and losing that affection would also be sad.

—Hey mom— without seeing his face, Alesandro just looked ahead, while mother was interested in what her son wanted to say, she looked at him and realized that he looked a little discouraged, as if he was to blame for something and I imagine That would be for the fight in the morning.

Alesandro's mother thought that her son would be willing to open up with her right now, something she considered quite a lot. But I don't expect to hear the next words.

-I love you-

The words that any mother would like to hear from her children, so beautiful and tender, was to know that her children declared that they loved her and loved her like their mother, but for some reason, Elemí Arce, felt more than words of farewell and a little pain ghost passed through her chest when she saw her son walking without looking at her.

They say that the maternal sense was like a sixth sense that every mother had, when they know that her son was in danger or doing something wrong, all this had awakened in Alesandro's mother, that feeling of concern was disturbing her soul and to stop That pulse of concern drew closer to her son and I enjoy having him now.

The orange of the sunset, the wind blowing mother and son, the leaves of the trees and the birds looking for their burrow, were a great visual spectacle for both of them, both holding hands and walking, losing themselves in the horizon.

"What a hectic break"

It was the thought of Alesandro, that with each step, he thought more about the day he had, each time, the memories in his head were more painful and having to endure repeating it again, it was very confusing for his mind, the wise boy also that it was a matter of time to finish crazy, by the grouping of memories.

Arriving home, Alesandro, went to his room to get his things ready for tomorrow, he had to continue training and have a body prepared for what was to come later, his mind also had to be expanded and start studying to have better grades than in his old life and preparing to enter a good university, it would be easy with the years that were missing by that time. Alesandro even thought of passing the year faster and he would have to find out more about that subject and with that he could finish school faster and be something that he is always passionate about, a dream that although it seemed very vague and out of the ordinary, he always saw that it was very entertaining and fun, being a teacher. So many ideas in his brain, thousands of plans and things to do in the morning, it all seemed to be more than a good dream.

A dream so real that Alesandro would never want to wake up and live in this life given.

another chapter and each time they seem longer to write them, since, I hope you enjoy it.

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