
Real World Evolution

The first of January 2020. The day that every living thing on the planet 'evolved'. This unexpected evolution triggered widespread panic and chaos on a global scale. The governments of the world scrambled to contain unrest and fear, as crime and discrimination spiralled out of control. Lockdowns, curfews and rationing followed as the world rushed to cope with this new change. Usually, such drastic measures would be reserved for a pandemic or a doomsday scenario, but this was far simpler than that. The cause was as trivial as a health bar appearing above the head of every living creature on Earth. A few years after this 'First Evolution,' a monumental shift is about to unfold. As the second evolution emerges, it heralds an extraordinary transformation that reverberates across the globe. Mysterious spires materialize from the heavens, spewing forth an array of creatures, dungeons, and even entire towns. What was once familiar territory now becomes an immense gaming realm, where every facet of existence merges into an epic game of unprecedented proportions. Brace yourself as this new reality takes hold, blurring the boundaries between the virtual and the tangible, forever altering the course of civilization. Cover is AI generated.

Airsmash · Games
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41 Chs

Chapter 34 - The Camp

Time seemed to slow down for Emilee as the ninja orc lunged towards Lacktar. Quickly moving to a firing position, she instinctively shot an ice bullet at the orc, hoping for the best. The projectile flew through the air, drawing the attention of everyone around, as it represented Lacktar's only hope of survival. To the astonishment of onlookers, the ice bullet struck the orc's wrist, causing the orc to drop its knife, which consequently crumbled into ash before it could find its mark.

Instead of a deadly blow, Lacktar received a powerful slap that sent him hurtling across the road, bouncing off the pavement before coming to a motionless stop. The orc ninja, momentarily disoriented, attempted to press on and finish off Lacktar. Without hesitation, Emilee fired another shot, this time aiming for the orc's head, causing it to stagger and bleed profusely. Seeing an opportunity in the orc's stagger, Mari swiftly drew her bow and released an arrow that put an end to the orc's threat.

Emilee swiftly raced over to check Lacktar's health, quickly dropping to her knees and checking his pulse. Her relief was palpable as Lacktar, though unconscious, remained alive and had not turned to ash. Before Emilee could tend to Lacktar further, Elena swiftly scooped him up and started power walking towards their destination - Lacktar's mother. Emilee and Mari followed closely, alert for any potential ambush, whilst Trev quickly looted the dead orc ninja before swiftly catching up.

As they rounded a corner, the orc camp came into view. It appeared to have been established in a park, where the orcs had used the trees to construct makeshift walls and gates. Tents made from scavenged bedding dotted the area, and at the centre of the camp was a rest stop. Whether the location was chosen deliberately or coincidentally around the rest stop, remained unclear. In front of the gate stood two guards, also light green orcs, who grew increasingly restless as the group approached.

"Halt, humans not enter," one of the guards sternly declared.

"We have Lacktar, he lost his mother. He has been hurt, if you can do something, please do," Emilee implored, her voice tinged with concern.

"We take him," the other guard declared, taking Lacktar from Elena's grasp and rushing inside the camp.

"Can we see his mother? I would like to explain what happened," Emilee asked, her heartache evident.

"No human allowed without queen permission," the remaining guard replied sternly.

"Can you ask her to come to the gate?" Emilee requested, trying to reason with the guards.

"You wait, I go when brother returns," the guard responded, his demeanour unwavering.

As minutes passed, the first guard returned to defend the gate, while the other went to relay the situation to the queen. Eventually, he came back with an update.

"One human sees the queen, rest wait," he said.

Without prompting, Trev went to go alone, but the guard stopped him.

"No. Tall woman go, rest wait," he said, pointing at Emilee.

"Are you sure you want to go alone, Emilee?" asked Trev.

"I will be fine. I believe they mean no harm; they are just protecting their people," smiled Emilee.

Emilee went with the guard, following him to the centre of the camp and into a large tent that looked to be made of a bunch of sheets. Inside the tent were two guards, a large female orc who was likely the queen, Lacktar lying on a bed in the centre, and an orc in a robe crouching over Lacktar. A white light emanated from the hands of the crouching orc, shining onto Lacktar. Lacktar looked as if he was stirring, and as his eyes opened, the robed orc stopped the light and stood up.

"Is that healing magic?" Emilee inquired, fascinated by the spectacle.

The orcs ignored her question, their attention still focused on Lacktar.

"Lacktar, were the humans helping you or did they hurt you?" asked the queen, pointing at Emilee.

Emilee hovered her finger close to activating her darkstep ability just in case something went wrong; she would have one chance to escape.

Lacktar rolled over and squinted at Emilee before smiling.

"They were escorting me home and we got attacked. She saved me; the mean orc was going to stab me, but she shot the knife out of his hand." replied Lacktar, quite drowsy still.

"Alright little one, sleep now," suggested the queen, satisfied with Lacktar's words.

"It seems you saved my son. Thank you. Please tell me what happened," smiled the queen.

The queen exuded strength, adorned with a ceremonial headdress made of evolution metal and wood. She was wearing a long black robe highlighted in a light green pattern, possibly the orc's clan symbol. She held a large, gnarled wooden staff with a blue ball atop it, which sparkled and occasionally emitted white sparks. She looked quite powerful, a true clan leader. So, if she was the queen, that meant Lacktar was the prince. Emilee couldn't help but wonder how the queen had lost her son and left him unattended in such a perilous situation.

"How did Lacktar get left alone?" Emilee asked, first worried about the child's safety.

"He likes to run away; I didn't notice he was gone until you brought him back," the queen confessed.

"Oh, is that so, he told us you left him there," Emilee replied, somewhat taken aback.

"No, most certainly not. I appreciate you caring for his safety above all else," the queen said, bowing respectfully. "I am Queen Tallack. What is your name?"

"I'm Emilee, it's nice to meet you," she replied, returning the greeting with a respectful nod.

"Nice to meet you too. Please tell me how this injury was inflicted upon my son?" Queen Tallack asked, her expression shifting to concern for Lacktar.

"We were attacked by a hidden dark green orc with big teeth. It jumped from the shadows with a knife while we were walking towards the camp," Emilee recounted, her voice steady.

"Damn them! Do you have proof of vanquishing this foe? If so, I will reward you handsomely," the queen proclaimed.

"My friend outside does," Emilee responded.

"Go get them," the queen instructed the guard, who swiftly departed for the gate.

"While we wait, could I interest you in a special task?" Asked Tallack.

"Certainly, what can I do to help?" replied Emilee.

Taking a deep breath, she prepared to listen to the queen's proposal.

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