
My life

I am Ritchel, 33yrs of age. Im from Philippines. I have 3 kids in different fathers. Korean the eldest 15yrs old, thailander the 4yrs old and lastly the youngest is 9mos old. Actually the thai and korean are same my boss.. But in different company. They are both maried, except the filipino. Anyways, at the very long years of staying with the thai and korean man, i am living i a life of full of worries. But they takes care of me than their wives. Yes i am a mistress of almost 20yrs. Happy but scared of what happens to me at the end i cought. But, in the end..., i choose to stay with my filipino man, he is single, younger than me, and he is so much different with my ex's.. And this is what my problem now because my filipino man husband now, cannot accept my parents because according to them he doesnt have money haha.. I dont think it is right that they just accept my partner just because of money.. Finally, now we separate in another house together with my kids, and make a small food business to make income for our daily needs. It is actually my happiest moment in life staying together with my own family. Living in a simple life.