


Milyana groaned before finally sighing. A few seconds of silence ensued before she opened her mouth and replied.

"I love you, Kris but I love this situation of ours more. All of this, years of bond we forge, I don't want it to be lost. I love you but I love our friendship more, I hope you understand and continue to be friends with me." She chuckled, her hand gently caressing mine as she continued.

"I'm…sorry if you wanted more but this is more than enough for me." a strained smile appeared on her face as she spoke.


In the end even if I confronted her openly like this, she chose to run.



The room descended to silence once again as the only sound that can be heard was water dripping down the floor or the occasional movement in the water.

Which I broke with a sigh. "You know, it would be nicer if you didn't say that after we have sex for the first time."

My words made her giggle but the tension in her shoulders are clear as day.

Really, now that I hear it again, it really reminds me how stupid this sounds. I move my hand to pat her head while holding a sigh. Tension visibly left her body as she pushed her body deeper into mine.

Seeing her like this, made me wonder how much my words affected her to make her show how vulnerable she is right now.

I think she knows how stupid she sounded but I still don't understand how her mind came into that decision.

Maybe…she thinks that friendship is the only connection we have?

And if we become something more…she's afraid that the new relationship won't be as strong as the old one?

Is she insecure?

I honestly don't know. I have known her since we're kids and I know some parts of her better than herself but I can only assume. Assumption after assumption, it's better to consider a wide range of possibilities than focus on one.

Of course, there are exceptions but personally more is good for me.

There's a quote that always stuck to me. Nothing is true, everything is permitted. Each person has different thoughts and understanding but the way they act can be sort into two: being shackled by morality or not.

Human thoughts can change easily as the wind and be stubborn like a mountain.

One day you can be happily making out with your girlfriend and the next you can decide to kill orphans to relieve some stress.

In short, it doesn't make any sense.

She knows that I love her and I know that she loves me too but I don't know what is holding her from advancing our relationship!

I thought she would ease up at the thought if I give her some time and space for her to think things through.

But now that I think about it, it has been 2 freaking years!

How come I realized this just now?

This made me realize what is wrong with my approach. I have been too passive, yes, I thought by showing her how I love and care about her would be enough but it seems I was wrong.

It's time to take this matter into my own hands. With that in mind a plan immediately showed up in my brain.

Probe, improvise, and…uh, improvise!

"That's fine. We can take it as long as you want." I said while hugging her tighter with one hand.

"You're the weird one here, any guy would be happy if they have a beautiful childhood friend that let them fuck her without being committed into anything while also being given the green card to fuck other girls too."

"Don't say something you don't mean."

The frustration in her voice was too evident for me to notice. But the frustration is not being pointed to me…to herself maybe?

Milyana huffed as I chuckled before moving my mouth to her ear and whispered. "Do you want to know what I'm thinking right now?"



I answered while moving a hand to play her breast as the other gently rubbed her thigh which made her squirm in my lap.

Hmm, was I too forward? Should I really do this? I almost feel bad for confronting her like this but I want answers, real ones, not the lies she told me.

"I'm thinking how many raw sex we should have to get you pregnant"

"...don't you think I'm too young to be a mother?" Milyana paused for a moment before she answered. I can't help but grin inwardly at her answer.

"I'm not hearing a no?" my voice was deep when I asked her. And my finger is circling her areola while my hand is playing with her breast.

Milyana's breath hitched when my finger moved to pinch her nipple. She lowered her head while locking my other hand on her stomach.

"Are you flustered? That's rare."

I think something is rising and it's not the shield hero. I feel something inside me burning in excitement when looking at her flustered appearance.

"Damn It, Kris~."

Her hand weakened as my hand slowly made its way between her legs and started playing with her folds.

"So? How many?"

Muffled moans came as her answer as I used [Pleasure 1.0] to see the difference between the pleasure that I normally do from playing with her erogenous zones.

I can't help but lick my lips when I saw the amount of hickey I left on her neck and shoulders.

Not as many as she left me but enough, I move my lips to lick and suck her neck for a few moments before leaning close to her ear.


Milyana yelped in surprise, the moans she tried to hold became harder to hold as moans kept slipping away from her lips.

"Wha~ Whu~ ts~ dis~?"

Seeing this, I am honestly awed as the difference can clearly be seen.

And I just created this technique last night! Was the cultivation path from [Idle Taoist] more overpowered than I imagined?

I didn't even use any qi, just pure physical massage. Imagine if I use my qi, I wonder what would happen?

Should I test it on her?

Nah, maybe next time. She needs some rest after all the dicking I gave her last night.

"With how many times I came inside you,last night, I think you're already carrying one."

My fingers moved to flick her clit as soon as I finished my words and Milyana arched her back as she finally reached orgasm and moaned while facing the ceiling.


She moaned for a second or two before slumping back into my chest while breathing heavily.

Milyana managed to breathe normally after a few seconds and turned her head up to face me. Her eyes narrowing at me, suddenly I felt Kris junior being squeezed which made me let out a surprised gasp.

"As expected, your penis grew 3 centimeters longer."


"I wasn't sure earlier but I'm sure now that I see it with my own eyes. Your penis is already big and long, why did you use a drug to make it longer anyway?"


I narrowed my eyes at her as I immediately realized what she was trying to do.

"Stop trying to change the subject."

Milyana clicked her tongue at my words and lowered her head when she realized I caught what she's trying to do.

The feeling of Kris junior being squeezed by two thighs immediately disappeared as Kris junior slowly became soft due to the lack of challenge.

I inwardly sigh while promising to get Kris junior some thigh job.


She sighed and rested her head on my chest while bringing my arm to wrap around her waist and holding it there.

"...so in our second year of high school, I saw Selly kiss you on the lips."

That was surprising, I already told her about the kiss but I didn't know that she saw it, and telling it to me now years after we graduate…this girl.

There was a few seconds of silence before she continued. "I was outraged… and I was happy when you pushed her and said stuff before leaving her." She chuckled. "Then I saw something that awakened something inside me…the fetish I never knew I had."

Earlier she had my curiosity but now she has my attention, I move my hand to pat her head as I wait for her to continue.

"You see, I was not the only one that saw Selly kiss you. Ahmad Fadil our upperclassmen, I heard that he has a crush on Selly so when I saw him looked so heartbroken when he saw Selly kissing you…made me imagine."

Damn, just how many people saw me kiss her back then. And her crush saw me kiss her…man, almost felt bad for the guy. Almost. I silently thought as she continued.

Milyana began to blush as she spoke, "…You, thrusting your big and long penis deep inside her, the man was standing there playing with his penis before cumming when you thrust deep inside Selly and released your sperm inside her."


She begins to pant while rubbing her thigh together, "It makes me hot everytime I think about it."


Milyana turned to face me when she saw me not saying anything. Her eyes glaring at me, "Shit fetish, I know."

"Yeah–I mean, uh, yeah. Can't argue against that, it's a shit fetish." I said while looking her in the eyes.

"So basically…you're a cuck?"

Her face reddens as her glares intensified, "NO!"

I raised my hand in surrender while putting an 'I don't believe you' face.

She took a deep breath and calmed down but still glaring at me, "Just because I like it when you're fucking other girls doesn't mean that I'm a cuck!"

"Sure." I said with a flat tone which made her grit her teeth in annoyance.

"Let me be clear here, I don't like you fucking other girls." She raised a finger, "I like it when I saw the girl's crush/lover/husband that you're fucking with, aroused when you fuck their girl while knowing you are fucking their girl." She raised the finger on her other hand.

"It's two different things!" She said while looking me in the eyes."

How do I say this, sounds different but…

"Still a cuck?"

She was enraged at my words.

"Let me clear this up again. I'm aroused when you.give.other.people.the.green.hat! Got it?" She hit my chest lightly with each word before giving me a challenging look.

I looked her in the eye.

Honestly, I don't know how to feel about this. She's aroused when I'm fucking other people's lover?

…That's messed up.

Damnit, I don't know how to answer this one. Let's change the subject for now and I'l get back to her when I get the answer.

"So…your fetish, aside." I said with a cough. "What about the 'I love you but I wanna stay friends' thing. Is that a lie too?"

Milyana narrowed her eyes at me for a while and sighs as she decides to drop the subject. She sat down on my lap while still facing me.

"No, it wasn't a lie. I'm really happy with our current relationship right now and…I don't want to bother you with my weird fetish." I raised an eyebrow at her words.

"So you're fine carrying my child in your stomach without marrying me?"

"Yeah, sure." She sent a cheeky smile at me while making a peace sign with her fingers over her eye.

"You're crazy."

She responded with a hollow laugh at my words as the room descended to silence again.



"This is why I hate it when you question me…" Milyana muttered loud enough for me to hear as she backed away and rested her back on the other side of the tub which broke the silence.

Man, this is fucked up, this is crazy, why does things have to be complicated!

I sighed.

What am I thinking? Of course the world is always complicated, it will always find its way to fuck you over.

No, the world is simple. The complicated ones are the people. Humans are complicated, sometimes we make things harder for ourselves when there are easier ways.

That's right there's already a simple way to solve this. Milyana already took her step, and now it's my turn.

I sent a resigned smile to her at the thought. "I know you're glad that you have finally said what you wanted to say." I can see her eyes widened in surprise. "If you don't want to say something, you don't say it and I won't pursue it."

"I guess you're right."

We both laughed. I don't know why or what we are laughing at but we just laugh our ass off for a minute or two before stopping.

"If you want a happy monogamous relationship, I suggest finding another girl and if you want to, I'm always down for a quickie." A thin smile appeared on her face as she spoke.

"What about you? Will you find another guy?" I ask.

Her face turned complicated at my words for a moment as she sighed, "If I find another guy…I'm sure my urge won't stop me from locking his penis with a chastity belt while tying him up and letting him watch both of us having raw sex in the bed." She showed me a resigned smile "They're not you Kris, the thought of having sex with guys other than you makes me want to puke."

A hollow laugh came from her mouth as she realized what she said while lowering her head, "I guess I'm already broken."


I moved towards her and my hand moved to tilt her chin up and look me in the eye.

"You are mine."

I don't know if that's the right words I should be uttering right now but better continue rather than cutting it off awkwardly.

"You don't have to do this, I know you like being monogamous—." She looked a bit surprised with a hint of redness on her face.


"But my fetish—."


"I'm not a good girlfriend material—."

Seeing that she won't be shutting up anytime soon, I leaned and sealed her lips with my own. Just a simple kiss, I broke off the kiss before she could use her tongue and turned the simple kiss into something more.

"You love me, I love you. This is the way. Besides, what kind of love if I can't even accept your flaws?" I said, which earned me a smile from her lips.

"I'm sorry—."

I shut her mouth off again with a kiss. I narrowed my eyes when I separated our lips.

"What's the right word?"

Milyana smiled sweetly at me with a blush. "Thank you." And went to peck me on the lips. She looked me in the eye after pecking me on the lips as if she remembered something and awkwardly smiled as she spoke, "Still friends?"

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, for now." Then I gave her a cheeky grin. "Maybe you will change your mind after I give you a baby or two."

She smiled at that and told me to turn around so I could rest my head on her chest.

"I kind of regret giving you the raw sex permission."

"You talk as if you hated it." I grin as her hand starts to caress my head.

After all, if she doesn't want it raw then there is nothing I can do but to wear a condom.

Milyana knew it too as her lips curled up into a grin.

"Maybe you should wear protection next time."

"Fuck you."

"I love you too."


"...so about my fetish—"

I cut her off. This shit is too early to be solved.

"Later, I don't know about stealing other people's girls but I'll try as long as I have their consent."

My words made Milyana ponder, "Consent, huh." she muttered under her breath.

I left her to her thoughts to the random shit I spouted as I don't have more energy to spend.

So I made my head comfortable on her chest while enjoying the silence and hot bath that I didn't get to enjoy earlier.

After all, who is stupid enough to give their lover the consent to sleep with another man?

Shit, did I just raise a flag? Meh, anyway. Now that I think about it, all these talks made me more stressed than I thought I would be…


(Note: I want romance so sweet that I get diabetes then slap something weird in it to see how you guys would react.)

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