

(Yeah...somehow there are more space between the paragraph. Anyone know how to fix this?)

"We're here." I called out.

Bella and Misty immediately flew out of my bag the moment I opened it.

"Freedom~! Freedom~!" Bella shouted excitedly while flying around.

She came to me and extended her hands as she asked for my phone which I gave to her before she excitedly found a spot to watch anime.

What is this growing feeling in my chest? Am I proud?

"Hmm…" Misty was looking around with curiosity but I can see that she felt uneasy about something.

"Misty, are you okay?"

Misty was startled when I called her out.

"Oh, hero." She spoke, her fingers playing with each other as she seemed uncertain about something. It didn't take long though as she looked at me in the eyes and opened her mouth.

"The lake we passed earlier. Please don't fight the ones who reside within, the current you have no chance of winning against them." As she finished speaking, Misty closed her eyes as if I would get mad and hit her or something.

Huh, reside? Wait what, there's something there?

The sound of me swallowing my saliva could probably be heard by the two fairies as the memories of a certain legend appeared in my head.

The lake demon.

The heck, why did she even think I want to fight?

The White Lake or what the locals call The Demon Lake that's the name of the lake we passed earlier.

It was the lake I used to go to and swim alongside the neighborhood kids.

To think that there are really demons living inside the lake. Am I lucky to know that or not?

There was a story that circulated around the locals that there was a flesh eating demon residing in the white lake.

The story goes like this.

Long ago, a few stray demons stumbled upon this village and wanted to enslave the villagers. The villagers refused and tried to fight the demons but the demons were too strong.

They killed and ate the strong villagers, thus the rest of the villagers were enslaved by the demons.

The demons gave the villagers food and ordered the villagers to make more kids. When the time comes, the demons would pick several kids to be eaten and leave the rest to grow and make more babies.

The villagers lived their lives as the demon's slaves until the mighty Pong Banggai di Rante the god of earth came across the demon's malevolent acts, the god of earth was angry and fought the demons then sealed them to what we now know as the white lake.

The villagers were happy and thanked the god of his benevolence.

The end.

Hmmm, now that I know that the legend may or may not be true. It's more understandable now why people in our area keep Pong Banggai's statue in their home.

Wait, I think there was also a legend about the god of earth leaving his offspring in this village and that his blood may continue until now in some villagers.

If the legends are true, then did he…?

Yeah, that god of earth totally fucks the villagers out of his 'benevolence'.

I sighed as I walked toward her and patted her head.

"I'm not mad at you, Misty. Besides, I didn't come here to fight so you don't have to worry, okay?"

Misty had tears in her eyes as she looked at me. Hm? Why has her breathing become rough? Oh, shit. Those eyes…she's horny!

"Hah~…hero~." Misty slowly grew in size as she approached me, she grabbed both of my cheeks and kissed me on the lips.

Wait, did she just change size, you know what I don't care anymore.

I returned the kiss, letting my tongue dominate the inside of her mouth. My hand hold her head while the other roamed her plump buttocks

Not wanting to lose, Misty began to put more effort into the kiss and tried to gain control over me. With each passing moment our kiss grew more intense and passionate.

"Misty! Leaving me out is not fair!" Bella huffed as she watched me and Misty make out. Her panting became rougher the longer she watched us make out, her finger moved to play with her crotch.

After a full minute or two, neither of us were losing our momentum but it didn't take long until we were forced to break off the kiss.

I was breathing so hard that I began thinking for a second if it's possible to pass out from an overly intense kissing.

"Hhhh~...nnhnn~...hero, please!" A bridge of saliva formed when our mouths separated. I can feel her sweet breath on my face as she locked my hand between her thighs.

Her voice sounds like a heavenly melody, tempting my junior to come out and play. And come out he does, he raises to his peak strength and length. The only thing holding him out was the two layered fabric called 'underwear' and 'pants'.

"Me too~, hero~" Bella hugged and whispered from behind me. I can feel her soft mounds pressing on my head.

I gulped, as expected of a character from a hentai game. They're too alluring, damnit!

This is a bad idea, a stupid idea, only a fucking moron would do it. Even though we're far away in the forest, having sex in the forest is hot–a no brainer move.

But…sorry future me, that's a problem you'll have to worry about. I'm not paid enough to resist this shit. I need to clear my mind too so I hope you understand this, bro.

I went to my bag and put down the shulker box before taking out a minecraft bed from the box and putting it down in a suitable space.

This is my first time doing it with a fairy…in the forest, we didn't do it all the way in my room but I'm sure as hell we'll do it this time.

[More than 2000 words are omitted because this is a family friendly novel maybe next time brothers :D]




Post-nut clarity does make one's mind clearer, it made me wonder if there is a hidden buff for nutting.

I'm currently laying on the bed, Bella is laying on my right while Misty took the place on my chest. My sperm is flowing out from their pussy.

"Man…nutting 39 times in three hours. Game items are insane."

Really, I'm surprised I'm still alive right now. My nutting record when having sex was 9 times and that was with little rest in between. But 39, that's just insanity. I don't believe anyone can nut 39 times in three hours.

"And these two…hentai character's sexual libido and abilities are scary."

If I didn't have game items to help me I'm 100% sure both of them would squeeze me dry. To be honest, I still have some stamina left in me if they want to continue, heh.


Looking at the cloudy blue sky reminds me how absurd my life has been in the few hours that passed after I got…or rather knew of my power.

It also reminded me of a very serious question I had earlier.

What now?

Before getting or knowing of this power, I was planning on going to college, getting a bachelor degree, and finding a job to fund my capital before starting my own business.

I can't keep trading stocks on the internet as my job can I? Well, I can but I don't really think it's the best for me to only focus on it.

Now that I have superpower, do I really need a degree anymore?

Let's say now I can open a drink stall on the street like lemonade or milk tea. I can just search up a game, spend a little effort or pay to win until I have access to high tier ingredients.

Wait no, people can get suspicious. Especially friends and family.

But what about skill books? Then I don't have to take out things to get rich, I can just offer my skills without being afraid of people knowing I have powers. I think I can craft skill books in ECO if I remember it right.

When reading [The Heavenly Book of Intangible] it made me aware of particles of all 5 elements, how to connect with them more efficiently and stuff. I can't absorb them to start cultivating though, which I understand because the game description says it increases perception/efficiency and…largely because I don't know how to start cultivating.

If I try hard enough, maybe I can gather enough fire particles to create fire, wait, maybe that's what a wizard in this world would do?

Huh, maybe I should study about this further.

Anyways, I'm sure that cultivating will probably cause a big scene. That was the plan and the reason why I bother coming to this place which is far from town and away from people—.

I sighed and stopped my thought there. I was becoming off topic here.


The sky is looking as blue as always, the clouds are moving at their own pace and the birds are flying free in the sky…

"All right, I'll go to college."

Really, I'm so stupid. I already had my answer a long time ago, suddenly having powers isn't enough to change my mind.

I carefully moved Misty aside before slowly getting out of the bed.

"Time to continue my training montage."

I took out a new set of clothes and underwear from the box and wore it while putting back the old one. Also taking out [The Deployment Sect Mantra] at the same time.

This book will be my ticket to finally start cultivating. Though I doubt if I can do Qi cultivation because I don't have any spiritual roots, I'm sure I can do the physique cultivation just fine.

I found a good tree and sat there. I can rest my back on the tree while reading too so that's a plus for me.

Without further ado, I open the book and start to read it.

This time it was a different pattern yet appeared the same, I see…if the heavenly book shows me the way of the world then the mantra shows me the way of the body.

I can see my flesh, bones, nerve, acupoint, every single cell in my body. It showed me how to refine qi, which way should I move my qi, which way to avoid harming myself, where to store them and information of cultivation realms flooded my mind.

Huh, so I'll have to refine the elemental particles and not absorb it?

Before I could process the information the pattern began showing me something else, refining the mortal flesh, forming the soul, scattering the mind, sarira, bone refining, more stream of information flooded my mind.

I see, now everything is as clear as day. The mantra and heavenly book complement each other, one would be useless without the other, no, should I say without a clear cultivation manual, the heavenly book would be useless.

Unless I have the will to try and experiment, treading on thin ice with my life on the line, taking years before eventually creating my own cultivation path.

But with the mantra, from start to end, my cultivation path to godhood is already paved. I just have to walk on it, follow the road and enjoy the scenery before reaching the end?

I'm not really sure but it does seem like that.

What concerns me is that the cultivation method above the Nihility realm is not as detailed as the method before that. I can still try to breakthrough but my chance of failing is high.

Anyway, it seems the information imparting is already over. Now, lemme check those juicy body cultivation technique—

I was brought to an empty space before I could even peek further at the recent stream of information. But I know where I was as soon as I arrived, my inner world. I'm a hundred percent sure it was the books telling me this information.

Oh, come on!


Speaking of books, I can see two books floating in the air. I squint my eyes trying to see if I can read them.

[The Deployment Sect Mantra]

[The Heavenly Book of Intangible]

And a lump of qi that gathers, forming something that looks like a crystal. Weird, I didn't do that––I felt a pull and was snapped back to the real world before I could fully react.

"What the fuck—KUGH!"

There's more!!!

I felt a searing pain assault my whole body, the particles in the surrounding area were automatically sucked into my body and refined before being purified. I gritted my teeth while trying to utilize the breathing technique in the deployment sect mantra.

Trying my best to control or at least manipulate the unrefined particles pushing into my body a little according to the heavenly book so I can ease the pain a little.

Seconds? Minutes? Hours? I don't know, even a second felt like hours because of the pain.

When I felt my body stop absorbing the particles in the surroundings, I slumped back in exhaustion and breathed in to take in as much air as I could. Luckily I chose to sit under a tree, I can rest my back a little now.

If I don't think of using the breathing technique I would've probably passed out from the lack of air.

"How much time has passed?" I say when I catch the orange hue glowing in the sky.

Now that I'm longer panting like an exhausted horse, I noticed the quality of air I breathe in seems to increase.

"No…that's not it."

The answer to that question is already clear. I sighed and went to sit in a lotus position like it was the most natural thing to do before closing my eyes.

"As expected."

In my inner world, a light-like root floated in the air in five different directions with five different colors, in the middle of the root was a crystal. It's a spiritual root seed...hahaha, I see, because the mantra didn't sense any spiritual root for me to refine the qi…so, it made me one. How the fuck?

You know what? I won't even question it anymore, probably just some cultivation bullshit.

Or maybe because my power made it possible?

Anyway, along with the spiritual root there's also the Qi-gathering array and the information on how to improve it.

How convenient, for it to also create the array along with the spiritual root albeit a damaged one but with this I can start cultivating and step into the first realm of qi gathering.

Which will also increase my lifespan by a 100 or by 10 every minor realm.

"Upgrading the array will be troublesome." I sigh, if I don't have my power, upgrading the array past lv 10 would take months or even years.

The array can gather, make, and store purified qi for me to improve my spiritual root while at the same time I can also use the qi to Improve my cultivation.

Though it's better for me to use it after I improve my spiritual root to the limit of the gathering array before using it to improve my cultivation.

After checking things out for a while, I think it's time for me to start cultivating. I am currently following the cultivation path from immortal taoist, I wonder if it's possible for me to incorporate other cultivation paths with each other.

Though, I doubt it if I can even do it but it won't hurt to dream.

I sat down and pulled the surrounding particles into me before refining it according to the deployment sect mantra. It didn't even take a minute before I stepped into the first realm of qi gathering.

I continue cultivating for ten more minutes and break through into the second minor realm of qi gathering before deciding to stop.

"Well, that was easy. I know that qi gathering is the baby steps but damn, I feel like I can punch through a wall without harming my hand…as long as I have qi of course."

And that's just qi gathering, if I step into the foundation realm…

"That's for the future. It won't do me any good if I become powerful too quickly and reveal myself to the masses. For now, it will be best to focus on improving the array and spiritual root."

In the meantime, I can keep refining qi and store it when I need to break through. Finding games, borrowing a playstation, and making money…also studying to prepare for the test a month later.

Though I can easily break through to soul wandering if I eat the pills from the game that increase cultivation base and success rate…yeah, tribulation. I almost forgot about that, after I break through to Foundation I every minor realm I break through in the future will attract a lightning tribulation.

Yeah, I think it's best for me to stay in the lower cultivation realm in the meantime and improve my spiritual roots to at least flawless level.

Not that I can improve if I want to, refining qi is awfully slow not because of my poor spiritual root (that too) but the lack of element particles. It will be fine for qi gathering realm but for foundation and forth it will be a pain in the ass.

Luckily, I have my powers so it doesn't matter for me if refining and gathering it took a long time or not. Just a few pills from the game then becoming a god isn't that difficult.

"Hmm, I think that's it for now. Did I forget something?"

My hand stroked my chin as I saw the orange sky while thinking if I was missing something. I noticed that I can see a color outside the five colors that I saw in my room, a fading yellow particle–oh, it's gone.

My eyes unconsciously went to the direction of the bed I put down and had sex earlier.


The two fairy are still sleeping.

"How much of a heavy sleeper are you two?"

I winced as I looked at the two nut and sweat covered fairies.

"They need to clean themself."

This is why it's a bad idea to have sex in the forest. Curse you past me, hope you enjoyed it.

At the same time a smell that is similar to shit found its way to my nose.

It was me.

Black gooey stuff was stuck on my skin. I winced again. Now I have to clean myself and change my clothes again.


"Just my luck."

Next chapter