
real life experience (my story)

daily_life_of_me · Realistic
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section 1


I don't know much about when I was younger, but I do know one thing. my family was one of the most dysfunctional families. but they were my family.

the most earliest memories I could recall were of my father taking care of my and my sister. a rough father for sure, but a loving one all the same.

I remember one time when we had to chase after a bus because we missed the stop, or even the times when we walked on foot to reach our destination.

I remember this daycare I used to go to where we had a tiny plastic pool and a small playground for the kids.

I don't remember the name, and I don't really recall everything that happened, but I just know I had to transfer schools.

....(del Rey Elementary) (age 8)

I couldn't remember my teacher, but I do remember Mrs Kimberly if that was her proper name.

the nicest teacher there by far.

we used to have this points system with these small cubes and if you had 10 you got a chance to win a prize.

it was generic stuff, like pencils, toys, and other stuff.

first grade was pretty fun overall. I mean I was learning basic math and English language arts.

overall basic and casual stuff. nothing too interesting.

....(3rd grade)

now this is where things get interesting. I met a girl named Emily.

I suppose you could say she was my first crush, but she also taught me many things. mainly music.

she got me to listen to Michael Jackson and many of his songs.

fun times.

sometimes we participated in many summer school activities. gosh, I still cringe when they forced me to get on a stage and danced to the trendy song back then.

"Gangnam Style"

....(fourth grade)

now this is where shit gets interesting.

I was still a growing young man, and I had no idea what a crush was, so I did the only thing that came to mind.

I lightly bullied her. I mean I say lightly because it was. I just gently poked her, or something like that.

her name was Alexa Duran. and gods she was beautiful.

now here's something I should probably mention, my sister was a grade above me, and gods it was fun to mess with her.

at home, I was put to work in the yard, because my stepmom, would always get me in trouble.

my father did discipline me. multiple times a day, but you know what? I don't resent him because, at the end of the day, it turned me into the man I am today.

some of the punishments were getting a spanking, getting put in the corner with my hands up, or something similar.

you know if I could go back, I would have handled the Alexa situation differently. but hey, I was a boy who didn't know what a crush was.

...(5th grade)

by now I released I had a crush on Alexa, so I did what every normal boy would do. I tried to be by her any chance I could.

sometimes I succeeded, sometimes I failed.

I signed up for football in the fifth grade also, but honestly, our team sucked. I mean the defense was alright, but the QB just didn't know how to throw the ball.

I still hate you Jhonny. stupid person.

the couch of the football team sucked so much that my dad began being the couch. we still sucked though.

our first principal, Ms. Fitzgerald, was amazing. she didn't have anyone that disliked her that's how amazing she was.

however, the new principal, Mr. Munoz, was downright creepy. the dude played with the younger girls in basketball all the time.

it got so bad my dad was about to throw hands at him, and the crazy part is I knew he would too. because this year I happen to get into a fight with my neighbor's son.

in our fight, I slammed him into his dad's car breaking the window. but you know what? we became somewhat friends after that

....(age 10 grade six)

God, I was forced to transfer to my sister's school for middle school.

wams middle school.

oh boy, that's where a lot of shit went wrong in my life... but that's enough of chapter one of my life.


I'm writing this based on my life. everything I did write, did happen.