
Real Kingdom Online: I’m an NPC in a Game?

After seeing a 'Chosen One' save her little village in person when she was young, Videl dreams of becoming a sword mage just like her. She makes it a point to join the 'Chosen Ones' Familia in order to potentially become friends with her. If the 'Chosen One' gives her crest to join her Familia, they would definitely become friends right? However, things don't go as planned as she ends up receiving a crest from some random little girl she saved on her way to Pendragon city to join the 'Chosen ones' Familia. And you can only have one crest at a time. Not only that, something crazy happens that may make it even harder for her to join her idol's Familia. Jenny Baker loves playing the deep dive VR game Real Kingdom Online and is basically the most popular player. So she leaves the more populated area of the game to play by herself. Setting up her Familia in a city called Pendragon City, she enjoys her time playing only with NPCs. However, doing so ends up causing something huge to happen in the real life world. Luna is a Goddess sent by the world of the gods to find out why no-one can leave the world of the gods as she is the only one that can.

AgedZebra · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Arriving At Tatsuya Mansion

Exhausted after having run a top speed, Videl had collapsed on the side of the road on her back trying to get her breathing back under control.

'I told you…' Luna whispered condescendingly while face palming.

"Shut it… I'm fine… we are just… resting for… a second." Videl responded through her panting breaths.

After resting for a quite a while, Videl finally got up and continued on her way to Pendragon City. In the end, it took them four hours to arrive at the city gates when it should have only taken two.

Approaching the city gates that had a line of people waiting to enter, Videl casually lined up along with everyone.

"Oh-ho!" A voice rang out to Videl's side, startling her. "So, you're the one looking to meet Tiana Tatsuya… hmmm."

Looking in the direction the voice came from, Videl saw a girl with black hair and cat ears slip out from behind the tree on the side of the path.

"Um… Yes, that's me… haha…" Videl was quite weirded out by the current situation. For starters, why was she behind the tree, and how did she know she was a meeting with Tiana?

'Videl, be careful. I'm getting a dangerous feeling form her.'

"So, you know my Tiana. Hehe, that's right. I am on my way to meet her." Videl quickly recovered and started showing off the fact that she was visiting her idol completely ignoring what Luna just said. "But how did you know?"

'My Tiana?' the cat girl thought. 'Oh, this just got more interesting.'

"So, you and the leader of the Tatsuya Familia are quite close I see." the cat girl responded before laughing. "hahhhh. I haven't had a good laugh in a while…"

Luna couldn't help face palming again as Videl was being an open book for this newcomer. Luckily, she seemed to be an ally so maybe it wasn't the end of the world.

"And? What is it to you?" Videl suddenly became defensive. "And what about my question?"

"Oh right… you did ask a question didn't you. Well, 'my' Familia's leader told me about you and from what I heard, I just had to come and invite you in myself. All I had to do was wait here at the gate and look for someone with a light blue crest. And voila, her you are. Oh! I should introduce myself. I am Miiya Tatsuya, the number one assassin in the Tatsuya Familia. Come, lets go." Miiya said with a devious smile.

"Would it be possible to be escorted by someone else…" Videl squeaked out yet still followed behind the cat girl.

'Be careful, we still haven't confirmed her origins' Luna warned Videl only to sigh in relief when they passed a sign that read: Tatsuya Mansion.

After arriving at Tatsuya Mansion, Miiya gave Videl a full tour, teasing Videl the whole way.

They passed by the training grounds that was full of Familia members practicing on training dummies and doing mock battles with one another. After that Videl was shown the cafeteria full of more Familia members that stopped eating to look at Videl curiously. Lastly, Miiya brought her to the guest rooms.

"You will be able to pick from any one of these rooms. After you drop off your bag, we can head to where Tiana is." Miiya said taking enjoyment in prolonging Videl's reunion with her leader.

"Um… could I possibly stay with Tiana in her room?" Videl ended up asking.

Luna couldn't help face palming once more. 'You are really going to give her more ammo to tease you with? After all the teasing she just did?' However, Videl only ignored Luna outburst.

"Oh, are we looking to have some fun tonight? Sure, we can ask her when we meet with her. Hehe." Miiya replied with a ridiculing tone.


Luna sighed wondering how Videl was unable to tell that she was just having her chain pulled…

"Ooh, I like your confidence. Well, why don't we go meet your 'special one' now. We wouldn't want to keep her waiting any longer. Hehehe." Miiya was completely enjoying this, evidenced by her tail that was swaying back and forth.

Videl just nodded enthusiastically and then they headed off to the meeting room.

Upon entering the meeting room, Videl looked around to see four others lounging around a table. Well, three lounging, one engrossed in his work. However, they all disappeared from her eyes when she saw Tiana standing at the window looking outside with a contemplative expression.

The way the light from the setting sun shining through the window enhanced Tiana's looks by making her golden blonde hair give off a slight glow made Videl's heart skip a beat. Miiya couldn't help chuckling inside her head seeing her reaction.

"And here we are, the meeting room. Let me introduce you to Jacoby, a workaholic…" Miiya continued to introduce everyone knowing full well that Videl was probably not even listening as she was frozen in place staring at their leader.

Tiana snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Miiya start introducing everyone. It seemed Videl and Luna had finally arrived. She turned around only to see Videl staring at her intently with her mouth open as if she was in awe of something. Raising her brow, she was slightly confused but decided to start the meeting after Miiya finished introducing everyone and took her own seat.

'Videl! Earth to Videl. They are waiting for you to take a seat so they can start the meeting! Videl!' It took Luna screaming into her head to snap Videl out it.

"Oh, uh hi, I'm here."

"Yes, now go ahead and take a seat so we can start." Tiana replied with a smile.

"So, I had a small chat with the Lord of Pendragon City while waiting for you to arrive and he agreed to let us start a Kingdom here. However, to do that it requires at least two Familias with a minimum of six members each." Tiana started.

"Wait, you're saying I need to get Familia members? I can do that? But doesn't that require having a Familia name?" Videls questions kept coming as she was overwhelmed by the implications of what Tiana had said.

"Yes, and to that, as well as answer your questions, I believe we need Luna." Tiana said in reply. "Please Luna, can you come out? I guarantee that you can trust everyone in this room."

At that, everyone besides Tiana and Videl were left dumbfounded when they watched balls of what looked like silver liquid start flying out of the crest on Videl's hand. It then slowly formed into one spot before turning into the form of a little girl with long messy silver hair wearing a simple gothic designed dress and a black veil.

'Ok, but do they trust me and Videl?'

As only Videl and Tiana could hear Luna being the only ones who had a connection to her, Tiana ended up having to relay everything she said to her Familia members.

Though, none batted an eye at what Tiana told them she said, instead one girl in particular surprised everyone.

"OOOOhh! Sooooo Cute! I love your outfit! Where did you get it?!?!" Leala couldn't help herself from jumping at Luna and pulling her into a big hug in an excited manner with a huge smile on her face as she rubbed her cheek against Lunas. "Can we keep her? Please? I'll take good care of her!"

"Uh…" Both Videl and Tiana had no idea how to respond.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

AgedZebracreators' thoughts