
How Did You Meet Me (Part 2)

I felt a hand behind me; It was Felix

- Hey, it was an accident, it can happen to anyone-

His words consoled me

- Don't cry, you know better than anyone that you look more beautiful when you laugh than when you cry -

Those words calmed me down a bit, then I saw that Monica came out upset

- Don't worry, everything will be fine, okay? -

Felix followed her and I was alone again, after a while the supervisor called me; after changing clothes, I didn't know what to expect

Valeria was interrupted by a message; it was rare that they arrived at that time

- Valeria, what happened? -

Asked Felix, she took her phone and laid it on her chest

- Well apparently it's a message, heh how strange, Felix do you think you can keep telling olivia? -

- ME ?, mmm good let me see what I can do -

- oh come on keep counting I want to know the end -

- I-it's fine but I'm not as good at counting as Valeria -

the ballerina hairstyle nodded happy and went elsewhere to see the message

Well Olivia, after an hour Valeria left the office, I was waiting for her in front of the door with Monica; Because as you will see, before the supervisor called her, I was talking to Monica to see if we could both persuade him not to fire her.

of course it was not so easy to convince her

- Come on Monica, you know she needs the job -

- I don't know, felix, he's not easy to convince -

The frustration came to both

- She is also to blame for not seeing for ... - was interrupted by felix -

- you distracted her when she went to take the order -

- but..-

- It's your father Monica, he will listen to you -


After a tough conversation I managed to convince her, and we went straight to him, she explained what was necessary to see if we could achieve something, we just had to wait

Olivia interrupted for a moment

- Wait, so all this time the supervisor was actually Monica's dad? -

Felix nodded while drinking water

- WOW, that ... explains a lot of things -


At the end of the day, leaving the office I asked him how it was, he just jumped towards me crying

- thank you thank you thank you -

Apparently our effort had worked

- Well, don't give me all the credit - I explain happily - Monica also helped -

- Monica? -

Felix pointed at her, she was leaning on a frame looking away

- If it hadn't been for her, you would have been fired -

Valeria looked at Monica with a sincere smile and hugs her

- Thank you Monica -

- hey n-no - trying to resist the hug fails in the attempt - Agh ok only one -

Then she separates in shame, and walks out

- W-well, whatever, stop with the hugs, we have a mess to clean -

- Yes -

- hummp -

In the end, everything changed for the better, Monica's father communicated more often with her, and this made her mood improve, she no longer yelled at us like she used to and everything ended well

- I couldn't have told it better -

Valeria said giving him a compliment

- Good that you came back, valy-


- Yes, and that's where my nickname comes from -

- I see, what a horrible day -

- do not even say it -

The relog alarm sounded that meant break time was over

Monica was entering the room

- Guys, are you still here? the break is over, go to work -

Valeria wraps her arm around Monica's shoulder

- Calm down, we were on our way -

separates from her while she was looking at her cell phone

- Anyway, just don't delay -

- Well you heard it - Felix added while yawning - See you at the exit -

- Hey felix after leaving here, Do you want to go with me to see Nicole? -

Valeria suggested while putting her book away

- Of course val, see you -

- OK Bye -

- they look so cute together -

olivia added after felix left

- Seriously ?, mmm heh, well it's felix, it's impossible not to love him -

- But you are not worried that he keeps some secret behind that angel appearance that he has? -

Olivia was very conspiratorial with those things Valeria looked at her incredulously and put her hand on her shoulder

- You read a lot of horror comics, Olivia, but is Felix, what bad things could he do? -

- Well I think you're right, forget it we have to work -

- that's the spirit I'm looking for from you, LET'S GO -

taking her by the wrist they left the break room







but of course, who could have something wrong if he is an angel

Well, they say that appearances ... DECEIVE






a new message has arrived, felix








By the time Valeria was about to finish the story, her phone had rung; It was a message, but it was strange that they came to her when she was at her job, unless Valentina wrote for an emergency or that she could not pick her up, Valeria was thoughtful, remembering the albino man at that moment, but she shook her head to erase the image in her mind, then she asked her friend Felix to finish counting the rest while she went elsewhere

Being away from her friends, pressing the phone, did not dare to open the message, because just imagining that it could be the albino man, it left her frozen, since she would not know what to say to him because of her nerves

- Come on Valeria, you can, it's just a message-

with courage she opened the message, she was anxious


= Valentina KOI =

Hello TKOI, I wanted to tell you if you would like a pizza for dinner today, I am lazy to make dinner

say yes>: 3


- it was just valentina -

Valeria felt stupid, she couldn't believe it, why would she think it would be him? Why was she disappointed? Did she expect a different answer? , who knows

- * how ridiculous I am * - I thought sadly -

The brown eyed one rubbed her head and then answered


ok 6w6


He leaned against the wall looking at nothing, then he saw the time on his cell phone and realized that the break time would soon end, he exhaled heavily and put his phone in his pocket










After a tiring day at work, and everyone was ready to leave the premises, Felix and Valeria would take a different route to visit Nicol at his flower shop.

Outside the premises, everyone went home and Olivia would take a ride with Monica as usual.

-Good guys see you tomorrow - Monica said seriously -

-huy look ~, a little more and you infect me with your joy, seriously- valeria answers sarcastically -

Felix and Olivia chuckled

Monica looked at everyone disgusted, Valeria was only playing with her, but she did not do it to disrespect her friend and much less to annoy her, just that well, she likes to play like that with people with a serious and somewhat grumpy character.

-Well Val, every time you get more annoying -

She added while getting in the car followed by olivia

- I am only with the people that I like! -

Valeria answered with a loud voice so that Monica would listen and she answered

- childish!! -

And with all the grumpy spirit in the world he started the car and left the place not before olivia stuck her head out of the window

-good bye guys!! see you tomorrow -

- OLIVIA TAKES HER HEAD OUT OF WINDOW!! - Monica yelled taking Olivia's head and putting it back

- auch !!! -

Felix and Valeria looked at each other and then laughed on the way, while they walked they talked about trivial things until they reached a pretty fine flower shop, they played three times but nobody came out

- How strange, Nicol did not come today either - said Valeria, disgusted -

- Yes, but surely she must be very busy with her flower arrangements, after all we are in season hehe -

Felix looked for a positive point so that Valeria did not feel bad

Valeria addressed him somewhat embarrassed

-It must be for that reason, I'm sorry I brought you here, you wouldn't have wasted your time on the walk-

-Are you kidding?!, I need a walk you must from time to time, you know so that my athlete legs do not get tired - he mocked himself -

Valeria thought what she said was cute

- Besides, I'm worth it - he added - if I'm with you I never waste my time -

Valeria blushed a little bit Felix used to be very adorable, but sometimes she felt that he treated her like she was his girlfriend

- Oh felix, stop, you always make me blush - he took both hands and put them on his cheeks - but hey, let's go back, it's late -

and in one movement Valeria takes Felix's arm and they both walk back

Valeria suggested they talk about how they spent the weekend.

- Well, I spent it ... resting - Felix said nervously - and you? -

- uh, well you know, normal -

Valeria regretted having suggested that, she couldn't tell him what happened to Felix, because no matter how nice he was, he would surely receive a sermon and multiple scolding from the blonde, he didn't want him to worry so it wasn't a good time to tell him yet.

- val? -

Since the dancer did not respond, Felix shook her a little

- Earth calling Valeria -

- Oh? I'm sorry, I was thinking about something, don't mind it - embarrassed -

-Hmm? well, okay, don't be so clueless - he ruffled the ballerina's hair - it's worrying -

she added mockingly, this made her pout, then her phone rang, it was Valentina and she was going to pick her up.

- oh aha, felix, valentina is coming to pick me up, do you want us to take you home? -

He suggested taking him home, but Felix got a little nervous and shook his head.

- oh no, no need-

- seriously, I insist, I don't like that you leave alone after work -

Felix understood Valeria's concern, but her answer was still no, when she arrived at the meeting point, Valentina was already in the premises.

- Hi, Felix !!!! - Valentina greeting from the car -

- Hello Valentina - Felix replied-

After greeting each other, Valeria put her things in the car and turned to Felix

- Well, I guess I can't insist more, take care -

- you tell me all the time, you know I will -

- You better -

they said goodbye, and already in the distance

Valeria settled into the car, giving a tired sigh.

- and good ? , How was your day? - Valentina asked with a smile on her face-












GOOD, heh heh

Who would say that English would be very difficult for me, how I use a translator I do not know exactly if I did it well so sorry if there are spelling errors