
A Nice Conversation 2

When they took one last step, they reached a door at the end of the hall, then King stepped forward to open it so Valeria could enter first and seeing inside she couldn't believe it.

Apparently they were outside the house as if it were a modified greenhouse, there were several animals, a very charismatic monkey, a zebra eating some bushes accompanied by two llamas and in a place away from them there was a cute family of rabbits in a large corral. .

Valeria was delighted with everything she saw. The fact that she found animals like these in this mansion seemed incredible to her but at the same time it made her wonder why she would have them here. he obviously couldn't help asking.

- king, this is very incredible but why? -

- well Mmmm, there was a zoo that I liked to visit, but I discovered that they were doing a complete remodel and some animals would have to be transferred to other zoos, so I offered to take care of some and well here they are -

Valeria couldn't believe he would do such a thing, it made her wonder why she was so worried about coming here, after all, he wasn't a bad person.

- You have a good heart -

Hearing those words, King couldn't help but blush a little.

- uh Well, I don't know -

- I'm serious, They have a name? - He asked while stroking the zebra-

- heh. Name? Ah! Name!!! s-if I present them to you -

He had gotten a bit lost in his words, when he closed the door he continued.

- Well the zebra that you are stroking is called Susan, the monkey there is Pablo, the two llamas are Lufy and Luci and the family of rabbits ... - he points with his finger - they have several names, the father is called Mark, the mother Mart, and the two brothers are mord and lupe-

- Yes, that's a great variety of names -

- Hears! I didn't put it on them, additionally they don't respond to them anyway -

- Yes, I get it, I'm just kidding ha ha -

They were both having fun chatting sitting in the pen along with the rabbits.

- And tell me king, why did you want to do that contest? -

- Advertising, I suppose, was what I came up with-

He said it fluently, it seemed that he was already calmer, possibly while they were petting the rabbits he felt good.

- Arnold -

- huh? -

What was that? Valeria was puzzled that she had heard a name.

- Arnold! -

Again, he turned to King to ask who was saying that name, but then he realized that behind him was a


- A cockatoo-

Because of Valeria King's impression, he couldn't help but laugh a little, it seemed tender to see her face.

- heh, this is Arnold -

- Arnorld Arnorld - said the cockatoo-

- How adorable, does he also belong to the zoo? -

- well no, only Arnold and the rabbits are mine -

He responded to put Arnold in the middle of both

- If you want you can talk to him, he repeats things-

- Oh really ?, alright let me try -

Valeria was excited, she loved birds of this type, she just didn't know how she would react, she leaned towards the cockatoo and very calmly said.

- hello Arnold -


He didn't say anything, Valeria tried again.

- O-OK I'll try something else, hi Arnold my name is Valeria, how are you?


Nor did he say anything then valeria sees king and apparently he did not know what was happening either

- Well, you sure seemed like a strange person to him heh heh - said the albino -

- if it can be-

But at the last moment the parrot began to move up and down saying something that Valeria did not expect to hear.

- Sexy Girl, Sexy Girl, Arrr-

- Ah! -

- !!!! -

Valeria was blushing with shame

- * oh my god * - he thought-

- I-I swear I don't know where I get those words from-

king wanted to give a quick excuse he was flushed very flushed but he was surprised to hear her

- HA-HA! Damn, not even my old parrot said that stuff HA! -

King was stunned when he heard her say that but did not give it importance since it seemed cute

- !!! .... ah, sorry, my words .... - interrupts her -

- Don't worry, I found it funny, I'm glad I saw you like this here

- What are you talking about?

- Well I'm not going to lie to you seriously I thought it bothered you to be here -

Well, King had noticed, Valeria felt a little bad for her behavior

- * at first yes but now no * - she thought to herself-

I really wanted to say those words but completely different ones came out

- Oh really? Sorry to make you feel uncomfortable-

- huh? you didn't make me feel uncomfortable at all, just a little nervous -

- is that I always get nervous when I go to strangers' houses -

- but I'm no longer a stranger, am I? -

- !!! -

When he said those words, King seemed to have a seductive smile, which was worth answering, but the parrot interrupted.

- Silly if it is, but maybe strange no, arrr -

- oh, this bird knows new words

King looked at him with a murderous smile as he said those quiet words.

- Arrrrrr -

- You better him to his cage -

Angry he takes the bird but this instead persists in staying

- Come on Hagg, don't bite me-

- no no no no no -

The situation was entertaining but valeria understood that the parrot would not make it so easy for king

- Well king, I don't think the parrot wants to leave, what if you leave it out a little more -

- I don't know, sometimes it can be a little ... ahggg -

at that time the parrot had pinched it with its paw

- Tremendous in conduct - I finish saying -

He said without further ado as he kissed the hand where the pinch resurfaced, but the parrot would not stay behind to answer

- Pay attention to him, listen to him -

- Ha ha ha -

- Oh you !!! come here !! -

And that is how their first awkward meeting turned into a beautiful friendship that would soon blossom and maybe, just maybe, all their ties are intertwined.













A few minutes later.

- arrr arrrr -

- heh heh who is a cute bird? you yes -

- I hate this cockatoo

He said defeated sitting with his arms crossed while Arnold the cockatoo was perched on his head.


Well here chapter 10 I hope you are liking how the story goes

See you in the next chapter