
There's no where to run

"It's the same dream" Maesu whispered to herself. I just want a normal sleep, but it's hard, she told herself while her eyes watched the clouds outside the window. She slowly moves her body to get up from the bed, she doesn't want her boss will be mad at her again. When the time is right, I want to tell my dream to my best friend - Maesu said to herself. She felt tired of having that kind of dream, what's next? she asked, but even she, didn't know the answer to her dream.

For some reason, she stopped at the roadside with a coconut tree, she felt, something or someone is calling her name. I think I need time to rest or I need more sleep - she said. She continues walking to reach the office until she saw a butterfly, it was beautiful - said Maesu. Another long day passed by, and now, here I am on my mattress, she felt dizzy and very sleepy. She woke up from someone calling her, who is that? asked Maesu while fixing herself from falling asleep. She rapidly looks at the door mirror to know who's calling but she wondered because there's no one. She decided to go back to her bed but before the back of her body landed on the bed, again, someone is calling her name from the back of her door. She rapidly went to her door mirror, but she felt nervous because no one is there. She feel the heaviness of her body to step backward from her door. A butter again, Maesu said, the same color as what she saw on her way to the office.

She slowly now moved her body from the door and set at the corner of her bed. What's happening? she asked until her phone rang... She quickly answered the phone without looking at who was calling. Yes, hello? Maesu asked, hey, Maesu, how are you? Maesu familiarized themself with the voice, it was Lenard, hello Lenard? why suddenly call me in the middle of the night? Maesu asked, what? Leonard asked, what middle of the night, it's 7:15 in the morning, my dear. Are you ok? Lenard asked with his voice full of confusion.